October 30, 2017
Lessons covered Week of Oct. 23, 2017
Language Arts
“Climbing Blindly” Keeping Quilt “Field Day Flash Mob” “Flash Mob” John Muir
Genre: Biography, non-fiction, Narrative
Comprehension skills: Inference, Author’s purpose, cite from text to support answers, Reading for Information
Writing–Narrative: A small moment, supporting ideas/details, Figurative of speech: similes, metaphor, hyperbole. Writing to explain in Math
Topic 5 Multiplication Facts
5-5 Multiplying multiples of 10 5-6 2 Step Problems
Topic 5 Test
Topic 6 Multiplication Fact: Use Known Facts
6-1 Distributive Property of multiplication
Social Studies/Science
How do People Use the Resources in their Region
-Collaboration Days,Wed, Nov. 1, 29. School dismisses at 2 p.m.
Conference Scheduleis posted on the classroom window. Please come and sign up for a time at your earliest convenience. Report Cards will be given at the conference.
-Dublin Unified School District Choir will sing at the Dublin Tree Lighting Ceremony, Thurs., Nov. 30, 7 p.m. Sign up if you have not. Rehearsals begin Mon. Nov. 6. See me if you have any questions.
-Halloween Parade, Tues.Oct. 31, 8:30 am.
-Halloween Party, Tues. Oct. 31, After parade. All parents attending must be cleared. See Office if you are not.
Thanksgiving break , Nov. 21-24
~ is a great reading comprehension website. It models after the AR tests. This will be a good check to see if your child is ready to take the AR test on the book they are reading. After you register, click kids zone, click quizomatic, type in book title, take the test, print and turn in the test to me.(These tests will not replace the AR tests)
~ a greatwebsite for addition, subtraction, and multiplication timed test. By the end of third grade, students must master their multiplication 1 to 12. Start practicing.
October 30, 2017
Lessons covered Week of Oct. 23, 2017
Language Arts
“Climbing Blindly” Keeping Quilt “Field Day Flash Mob” “Flash Mob” John Muir
Genre: Biography, non-fiction, Narrative
Comprehension skills: Inference, Author’s purpose, cite from text to support answers, Reading for Information
Writing–Narrative: A small moment, supporting ideas/details, Figurative of speech: similes, metaphor, hyperbole. Writing to explain in Math
Topic 5 Multiplication Facts
5-5 Multiplying multiples of 10 5-6 2 Step Problems
Topic 5 Test
Topic 6 Multiplication Fact: Use Known Facts
6-1 Distributive Property of multiplication
Social Studies/Science
How do People Use the Resources in their Region
-Collaboration Days,Wed, Nov. 1, 29. School dismisses at 2 p.m.
Conference Schedule is posted on the classroom window. Please come and sign up for a time at your earliest convenience. Report Cards will be given at the conference.
-Dublin Unified School District Choir will sing at the Dublin Tree Lighting Ceremony, Thurs., Nov. 30, 7 p.m. Sign up if you have not. Rehearsals begin Mon. Nov. 6. See me if you have any questions.
-Halloween Parade, Tues.Oct. 31, 8:30 am.
-Halloween Party, Tues. Oct. 31, After parade. All parents attending must be cleared. See Office if you are not.
Thanksgiving break , Nov. 21-24
~ is a great reading comprehension website. It models after the AR tests. This will be a good check to see if your child is ready to take the AR test on the book they are reading. After you register, click kids zone, click quizomatic, type in book title, take the test, print and turn in the test to me.(These tests will not replace the AR tests)
~ a greatwebsite for addition, subtraction, and multiplication timed test. By the end of third grade, students must master their multiplication 1 to 12. Start practicing.