18052016 WCPP Minutes
MINUTES of meeting held in Parkfield Cricket Club on 18th May 2016
In attendance : J. Benfield (JB); M. Studley (MS), Chair; D.Ledder (DL); C. Harrison (CH); Rev. Fr. L. Ostaszewski (Rev. Fr. LO); G. Sanson (GS); S. Moonan (SM); I. Evans (IE); A. Corbett (AC) and Karl Mercer (KM).
MS in the Chair
The following items were considered
Agenda Item / Description / Actions1. Apologies / P. Sinclair (PS); C. Davies (CD); Cllr. B. Mooney (Cllr. BM); Cllr A. Jones (Cllr. AJ); Cllr. C. Jones (Cllr. CJ); Carole Thomas (CT); Sarah Jones (SJ) and J. Merrall (JM).
2. Minutes of meeting held on 16th March 2016 / The minutes were accepted and signed as a correct record of the previous meeting. / Information
3. Matters arising (Items not on the agenda) / MS advised that we were hoping to speak to VE face to face to express our concerns. It was agreed that MS should write to VE to invite her to a meeting with the officers. SM advised that he had not been able to attend the meetings listed under Item 7. GS reported that there had been speakers on trees and wading birds on the Dee at the Wirral Friends Forum. / Information
4. 125th Anniversary Celebration Update / DL advised that at least 40 volunteers were needed each day. It was hoped to have pairs of volunteers at each entrance, working two hours on and two hours off. One suggestion had been to approach the principal of Wirral Met College about using students. AC suggested contacting ATC and Army Cadets, who could use the experience towards D of E. DL to contact VCA Wirral about volunteer certification.
SM advised that there would be a publicity drive in the precinct on 11th and 12th June outside Heron, to include a last minute recruitment drive for volunteers.
AC reported that a request had been put in for police horses and dogs to attend. Both Police and anti-social behaviour unit would have stands. / Information
CH to contact Marketing Manager at Wirral Metropolitan College.
DL to contact other organisations
5. Reports
Trustees / As per AGM.
As per AGM.
Volunteers / A volunteer joiner was helping to replace the rotten wood in the walled garden’s trellises. / Information
Police / AC reported that they had been working on a project involving burglaries; the park seemed to be used as a cut-through. There had been plain-clothes officers and increased patrols. Motor bikes had been less of a problem in the park, the surrounding roads had been leafleted. / Information
Everyone’s Cafe / KM reported working more with Darren to try and arrange small events in the walled garden. Standards were continuously being improved in the kitchen, including the installation of a new extractor fan. Income was being invested in improvements e.g. double glazed doors and replacement of steel doors with roller shutters. KM reported that the café was registered as being dog friendly.
GS mentioned being hit quite hard by a ball in the walled garden. KM noted that a no ball games notice was needed in the walled garden. KM reported a donation of new toys including a Wendy house, a slide and small bikes.
Cycling / No representative was present.
Bowling / IE reported that the greens were good at the moment and the paths were safe. The gutters needed cleaning. / Action
KM to put gutter clearing on voluntary work list
Cricket Club / No representative was present.
Allotments / SM reported that the community area was looking bedraggled. New people were now coming onto the community plot and were revamping it. The container had been broken into, using bolt cutters, but nothing had been taken.
Fishing / No representative was present.
Wildlife / GS reported goslings and baby moorhens on the lake. The possibility of putting up signs in the lake advising people not to feed bread to ducks was discussed. KM advised that the café was selling approx. 97 bags of duck food per week. / MS to research cost of putting signs in the lake and the walled garden,
to include list of safe food for ducks
Dog Walkers / GS advised that most dogs were well behaved.
Any other business / Fr L O suggested inviting the TA to the anniversary event. KM was creating a new website for the park, which should be up and running by July. The website would have a new name, currently being decided. / KM to contact TA
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20th July.