To Students and Parents:
The Crandall STARS Student Handbook contains information that students and parents are likely to need during your student’s enrollment in the STARS Program. Throughout the handbook, the term “the student’s parent” is used to refer to the parent, legal guardian, or other person who has agreed to assume school-related responsibility for a student.
Students and parents should also become familiar with the Crandall ISD Student Handbook & Code of Conduct book that is located on the Crandall website Parentson the home page. ThisCrandall STARS Handbookserves as a supplement to the Crandall ISD Student Handbook & Code of Conduct book.
What STARS is…
-STARS is program operated through Crandall COMPASS Academy to assist “at risk” students in recovering their credits and maintaining their momentum toward graduation.
-STARS is a separate high school in the Crandall Independent School District.
-STARS is a program which has its own graduation date, time, and ceremony.
What STARS is not…
-STARS is not an “early graduation” program, though some students are able to achieve such, by completing their credits at an accelerated pace. CHS students who do not meet the STARS criteria, but who are seeking early graduation should speak with their counselors about other options.
-STARS is notan affiliate or extension of Crandall High School.
-STARS is not a temporary placement. Students who begin the program may not opt out after enrollment and may only be transferred back to CHS upon administrative suggestion and approval.
Entry Requirements: Students will be recommended for STARS by their home campus in accordance with the program guidelines.
-Student should fall into one or more of the following categories:
- Student has been retained and is at risk of “aging out”
- Student is credit deficient
- Student is considering dropping out of high school or has already dropped out
- Student truancy may cause credit denial (*student must understand that (s)he MUST attend in order to receive credit at Compass)
-AND Student is able to independently complete coursework assignments and self-regulate his pace to a satisfactory degree.
-AND Student shows the ability to be successful with an online curriculum.
-AND Student has completed 2 years of high school.
- OR
- Student has a physical condition limiting his/her academic progress (pregnancy,severe illness, etc)
- Student has never attended high school but will turn 19 prior to graduation
- Student has been court ordered to enroll in an alternative high school program
** Student may or may not have completed all End of Course Exams
- Students enrolled at Crandall High School should speak with their counselor to discuss if the STARS program is the best option. Once agreed upon, the student should complete the STARS application and review the handbook with a parent or guardian. The application will only be considered if both the application and handbook are signed by the student and parent or guardian.
- The CHS Counselors will gather adequate documentation for possible transfer to Crandall COMPASS Academy’s STARS program and bring such documentation to the initial STARS Committee meeting.
- At the first committee (comprised of CHS Counselors, administrators, and the COMPASS Academy Principal) counselors present informationregarding students who have applied. The committee also discusses student discipline, attendance, motivation, prior academic issues, special needs, etc. Counselors make recommendations to CHS and COMPASS principals.
- CHS and COMPASS principal then meet with the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources to make a final determination. Counselors are provided the list of accepted students, and counselors contact students. COMPASS Academy staff contacts parents to set up an enrollment conference.
- Students who fail to meet the expectations and requirements at STARS will be placed on an Active Intervention Plan. Parents are contacted as the plan progresses. The final step of the plan is a recommendation for withdrawal or transfer.
School Day
The STARS program will be open to COMPASS Academy school students from 7:40 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., with an option to attend the morning time slot from 8:00 – 11:20 and/or the afternoon time slot from 12:20 – 3:50. Half days are reserved for students who have either caught up in their coursework or can provide documentation of medical or financial need for such schedule.
Breakfast is served from 7:40 – 8:00 for those wishing to eat breakfast and 11:20 – 11:50 for those who wish to eat A lunch or 12:00 – 12:20 for those eating B lunch. Students may choose to bring or buy their lunches and may eat in our cafeteria. All day students will eat during A lunch.
In order to receive credit in a class, students must be in attendance at least 90% of the days each semester. Students who are in attendance for fewer than the required days shall not begiven credit for the class unless the attendance committee finds that the absence(s) are the result of extenuating circumstances. Please note that with the Grad-Point Program, students can also work while they are at home.
Steps to follow when student will be absent or tardy
- The student’s parent must CALL THE SCHOOL each day that your child is absent. Parents must inform the office of your absence thirty minutes prior to the beginning of your class time. If you call and we do not answer, please leave a voice mail with details of what is taking place with your student that day.
- The parent must write an excuse giving the student’s name, date, day/s of absence, reason for absence, and his/her signature. This may be verified by phone.
- Upon returning,present your written excuse signed by the parent to the office before going to any class.
- Absences for doctor/dental appointments or court proceedings must be verified by an appointment card, citation notice, or written documentation. Every effort should be made to schedule doctor/dental appointments and court proceedings outside the class time.
- Students are expected to complete their required modules within three days of their absence.
Tardies: Three tardies will equal one absence and will be counted toward truancy. Tardies will also be heavily considered as a detriment for continued STARS placement. Excessive tardies will result in the reevaluation of the student’s time slot privilege. The student may be moved to the alternative time slot or be assigned an “all day” placement. Students are required to make up the time for which they are tardy, minute for minute.
Dress Code
Students at Crandall COMPASS Academy are required to follow all CISD Dress Code policies at all times.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Students placed in the STARS program will be allowed to attend extra-curricular activities at the other campuses. Students are required to maintain dignity and respect at such events.
Currently, in order for a student to participate in the Junior/Senior prom, the student must be enrolled as a junior or senior and must meet the credit requirements to be classified as a junior or senior at the beginning of the Spring Semester.
In order for a student to participate in senior pictures for the annual and/or order graduation announcements, the student must be enrolled as a senior and must meet the credit requirements to be classified as a senior.
Graduating seniors will be permitted to participate in the Project Graduation activities (provided all necessary dues are paid), and Baccalaureate.
Due to schedule differences and the number of students atCHS, all STARS students should refrain from being at the CHS campus without Compass principal approval.
Academic Achievement/Grading
A student’s six weeks grades will consist of 50%Grad Point lessons / offline assignments, and 50% exams.
All students will be required to sign a contract upon entering the STARS program requiring each student to complete2 modules per day for half day students and 4 per day for full day students. Students may need to work from home in order to stay on schedule. What is not completed at school is required to be completed at home by Friday of the school week. Failure to comply could result inan altered time slot or withdrawal from COMPASS.
Textbooks are furnished to students without charge. Textbooks will be checked out within the classroom only, unless it’s necessary w/ teacher & principal approval.
- 1ream of Copy Paper
- 3 boxes of Kleenex
- 3 packages of pens (containing 10 or more pens each)
Cell phones and/or Telecommunication Devices
Cell phones may be kept in the student possession as long as the device is not visible or in use during the school day (unless prompted by the teacher). Students who earned their modules from the week prior will be allowed to have their cell phones out, as long as they are getting their work done. Students who have not earned this privilege or for whom the device is causing a distraction, will be asked once to put it away. Subsequent violations of this privilege or failure to comply with requests will result in the phone being taken up and a charge of $15.
A secondary bus run exists that coincides with the STARS’ class schedule,and studentsare allowed to ride the bus to and from school. The parent will need to contact the Transportation Officeat 972-427-6000 Ext 5860to find out the morning and afternoon pick-up times and locations.
Effective Fall 2016, STARS students at COMPASS Academy will participate in the COMPASS Academy Graduation Ceremony. COMPASS will produce its own Senior Banquet, Senior Brunch, and Senior Photo. Any invitation from CHS to participate in any additional activities will be communicated to students and will be considered a privilege.