Women’s Volleyball – Division II

Volleyball Sports Committee

Purpose: To develop policy recommendations, serve as Regional Tournament Committee, oversee selection of the All-Region and All-American athletes, and to interpret and administer the tournament and Guidelines and Sport Code.

A.  An appointed athletic director will serve as volleyball facilitator.

2010-2011 Region XVI Volleyball Sport Committee

Johnna Kinney –Regional Sport Facilitator, Flo Valley Community College

Rob Kaleikau –Longview Community College

Marla Kannady Foreman –Cottey College

Brad Bruns-East Central College

B.  Regular Season Competition: Each Region 16 school must play each other during the regular season for seeding purposes. Region 16 teams will also play NEO (District 2) during the regular season. A pre-seeding tournament will be held the fourth Saturday in September for the East teams to play the West teams. Matches between teams on the same side of the state will scheduled for a different date. A blind draw will be done at the region coaches meeting for the site. Site location for each year will be on the opposite side of the state from Region/District playoffs.

C.  Section for the Coach of the Year: Coach of the Year will be the head coach of the winner of Region 16.

D.  Selection of Region competition site: Selection for region competition site will be done by a blind draw at regional meeting. Should teams drop out, change division or are unable to host region tournament, the rotation will be moved forward. Teams must participate in previous and current NJCAA competition to be eligible to host region championships.

E.  Awards Policy

1.  First place regional plaques will be awarded.

2.  Players will receive first and second place medals.

3.  All-Region plaques will be awarded to ten players.

4.  A Coach-of-the-Year plaque will be awarded.

F.  All-Region Selections:

1.  Ten players will be named to the first team. Additional players receiving votes will be named to second team.

2.  Coaches may nominate any number of players from their team (see Appendix).

3.  Nomination must be submitted to the Region Director to be placed on the ballot and considered for award.

4.  Ten players will be selected by vote of the coaches. Total votes will determine selection of the team.

5.  Coaches may not vote for their own players. Ballots must be signed before being turned into Region Director.

6.  Ballots will be turned in immediately after your last match on the first day.

7.  Ballots will only be valid if signed and ten players have been selected.

G.  All –American Nomination:

Criteria for Selection:

1.  Strength of team at region level.

2.  Strength of player at the region level as determined by:

a.  Individual Statistics

b.  All –Region team voting

c.  Individual Honors

3.  Volleyball Sport Committee Vote

Guidelines for Selection:

1.  Nominees must meet all requirements stipulated on All –American forms.

2.  Nominations by coaches must meet region deadlines.

3.  It is the responsibility of each region to ensure the quality of the nominees.

Formula for Selection:

1.  Teams finish in region (counts twice)

2.  Committee Vote

3.  All –Region Vote

4.  Statistics

Each nominee will be assigned a point value according to their rank and category (e.g. three nominees –nominee gets three points, second nominee gets two points, etc.). Total points will be tabulated to give order of nominees to be submitted to the NJCAA Volleyball Committee.

H.  Code Conduct: The region will abide by the Code of Conduct as stated in the NJCAA Handbook and Casebook.

I.  Regional Tournament

1.  Seeding

a.  Season results (Appendix 3) will be submitted (faxed) to the Volleyball Sport Committee to be received by noon on the last Monday in October.

b.  The Tournament Committee will seed the tournament and adopt the correct playing schedule (Appendix 1) on or by the following Wednesday.

2.  Seeding Guidelines: (Consider Application of the following):

a.  Head to head results during the pre-seeding tournament or regular season play

b.  If teams are tied on head-to-head competition, the last match results will be used

3.  Officials:

a.  NAGWS approved officials will be used. Are officials are to be secured by host with approval of the Region Director (prior to hiring officials, suggestions should be secured from the region coaches). Officials working in the Region Tournament shall not be affiliated with any participant in the tournament.

4.  Type of Play:

a.  Teams will be seeded in bracket play. Seeding will be done by the Tournament Committee. Information regarding seeding will be reported to participating teams by Tuesday prior to the tournament.

b.  All play will be single elimination, three out of five game matches.

c.  Official NAGWS rules will be used.

d.  The 12 subs with libero rule will apply.

J.  Tournament Rules and Procedures:

1.  Crowd Control: The responsibility for crowd control rest with the director of the tournament.

2.  Rules: NAGWS rules will be used with the exception of the following:

a.  The official ball must be Tachikara SV5w 18 panel Black/Gold/White volleyball.

b.  One visible scoreboard shall be used for each court.

3.  Warm –ups will be conducted as follows: Each team will have at least 5 minutes of shared court ball-handling time followed by 4 minutes of visiting team court, 4 minutes of home team court, 5 minutes of visiting team court and 5 minutes of home team court (page 85 NAGWS rulebook).

4.  Site Rotation System:

Regionals/Districts Pre-Seeding

a.  2013 Cottey College East Central

b.  2014 St. Louis CC TBA

c.  2015 East Central TBA

d.  2016 Wentworth TBA

e.  2017 Cottey College TBA

f.  2018 MCC-Longview TBA

Should teams drop out or change divisions the rotation will be moved forward and the hosting order will remain the same. Teams must participate in previous and current NJCAA competition to be eligible to host Regional Championship.

5.  Admission: Information regarding cost of admission should be submitted to participating schools prior to the tournament. Admission cost of $5.00 per adult and $3.00 per student per day is suggested.

6.  Tournament Schedule:

a.  A brief tournament coaches meeting will be conducted prior to the tournament. Meeting time will be set up by the tournament director. Date selection will be as it is set up according the NJCAA.

7.  Pre-Tournament Practice: Schools wishing to practice prior to the tournament will need to contact the tournament host for availability.

8.  Responsibility of the host school:

a.  Teams must have participated in previous Regional Championship Tournament and be currently participating in NJCAA competition prior to hosting the tournament. Should a team drop out, the new site will be based on the decision made by Regional Director.

b.  Prepare a program according to guidelines.

c.  Provide for and cover cost of coaches hospitality room and concession stand.

d.  Organize pr-tournament coaches meeting.

e.  Hire officials and support staff.

f.  Distribute list of potential officials and assign officials with approval of Region Director.

g.  Send out housing and restaurant information.

h.  Pay tournament cost and bill participating schools.

i.  Submit financial statement to Regional Director.

j.  Communicate with Regional Director regarding any questions.

9.  Tournament Expenses:

a.  Cost of awards will be paid by region

b.  Fees for officials (referees and umpires) will be pro-rated among the region schools according to matches played. Any expenses for mileage and housing for officials will be covered by host schools.

c.  Table officials, ticket takers, line-judges, security, housekeeping, and hospitality room is absorbed by the host school.

d.  Host schools pay all tournament costs and assesses each school accordingly.

10. Programs:

a.  The host school is responsible for providing a program.

b.  The program should include the following information:

1.  Team Roster

2.  Pertinent information regarding tournament only

3.  Advertisement is permitted.

11. Tournament Results and Final Report:

a.  Results of the tournament will be distributed by the host school

b.  A financial report will be submitted to Regional Director no late than two weeks following the tournament. It will include the following:

1.  Cost of officials

2.  Cost of table officials

3.  Any additional costs

4.  Amount of gate receipts

To: Member Colleges, NJCAA Volleyball

From: NJCAA Volleyball Committee Chairpersons

Date: September 1, 2003


Procedures for Selection of the NJCAA All-American Volleyball Team

1. Each member college in good standing of the NJCAA Women’s Division which fields a women’s volleyball team shall receive and All-American nomination ballot (on the back of this form).

2. All above institutions are eligible to nominate players and must submit that ballot to be received by their Regional Director by: Division I –November 1, 2003; Division II –October 25, 2003; Division III –October 25, 2003.

3. It is the responsibility of the Regional Director, in conjunction with regional volleyball coaches, to screen submitted nominations for regional consensus and rank order. Nominations that fail to originate through the Regional director will not be accepted.

4. The Regional Director must submit nominations to be received by the Chairperson of the Volleyball Committee. It is suggested that each region submit no more than five (5) selections. It is the ultimate responsibility of each region to guarantee quality of selection prior to submission to the National Committee, and to determine the rank order of nominations.

5. The criteria for nomination (as depicted on nomination ballot) shall rely heavily on the player with high quality, well-rounded skill techniques. Nominations shall not be based on the individual with high quality in one skill, or the player highly specialized as a technique player, but lacking other quality skills.

6. Criteria for final selection shall be based on: strength of nomination on a regional basis; strength of team and region in national play; quality rather than geographical distribution; individual statistics.

Region ______




1)  Two 3x5 head & shoulders pictures

2)  A copy of seasonal team scores and opponents.

Player’s Full Name ______

Hometown and State ______

College ______

Division I ______Division II ______Division III ______

City and State ______

Height ______Position ______Freshman Sophomore

Team Record: overall (win/loss) ______JC (win/loss) ______

Individual Statistics:

Total games (not matches) played ______

Attacking Blocking Defense

Total Kills ______Total Blocks ______Total Digs ______

Total Errors ______Solo Blocks ______Digs/Game ______

Kills/Game ______Blocks/Game ______

Hitting Efficiency ______

Setting Serving Offense

(Setters only)

Total Assists ______Aces ______5-1 ______

Total Sets ______A/G ______6-2 ______

Assist Percentage ______

Include any information that would strengthen nomination:

a)  any volleyball honors

b)  significant contribution to team or region

c)  discussion of skill, ability

Coach’s Name (Pleas Print) Coach’s Signature

Regional Director’s Signature Regional Dir. Rank of Nominee Date


Received by your Regional Director: Division I –Nov. 1, 2003; Division II –Oct. 25, 2003; Division III –Oct. 25, 2003



Please indicate: Volleyball- Division I ______II______School ______


Coach’s Signature

Submit by the deadline dates indicated:

Ruby Curry

Division 1 –

Division II-