Expression of Interest / Prequalification Questionnaire

WRPS Inside Tank Farm Construction Work


Small Business Subcontractors who are interested in receiving a Request for Proposal (RFP) should complete the EOI/Prequalification Questionnaire (referred to hereafter as “EOI”.) The information provided by the Subcontractor will be used by Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC (WRPS) to determine the capabilities of the Small Business community and identify Subcontractors that will receive an RFP for the Insidethe Tank Farm Construction Work. Any information transmitted by the Subcontractor may be used to verify the Subcontractor’s capabilities and qualifications to perform the work. Subcontractors mustsubmit their response to the EOI using a Microsoft Word or pdf file via e-mail to o later than Monday June 11, 2018. Receipt of responses will be acknowledged by e-mail. Subcontractors need to identify their planned organization structure within Section “F, Organizational Structure & Staff Qualification,”of the questionnaire. The RFPsolicitation is planned to be reserved for Small Businesses Concerns participation.

Name of Participating Firm(s):
Point(s) of Contact:
Telephone Number(s):
E-mail Address(s):


WRPS is planning to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) in the last quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 for High Hazard insidethe Tank Farm Construction Services that include furnishing the materials, equipment, and labor necessary to perform construction activities governed by the Davis Bacon Act of 1931, on the Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site located in southeastern Washington State. These construction scopes are performed within the Tank Farm Operating facilities and include stringent Quality, and Safety requirements. Sound Cost Accounting Controls are a must.


The DOE Office of River Protection (ORP) currently manages approximately 56 million gallons of highly radioactive mixed waste that is stored in underground tanks at the Hanford Site, located in southeastern Washington State. ORP is constructing a set of new facilities, collectively referred to as the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP), which will be used to treat and vitrify these nuclear wastes.

WRPS is the Department of Energy’s Tank Operations Contractor responsible for managing Hanford’s 56 million gallons of highly radioactive waste and preparing it for delivery to the Waste Treatment Plant. WRPS activities includes store, retrieve, and treat tank waste, store and dispose of treated waste, and close the Tank Farm waste management areas.

The construction work inside the Tank Farms will require the subcontractor to have an established Quality Assurance Program, strong safety culture, and solidCost Accounting Controls in place. Additionally, the subcontractor and sub-tier subcontractors must have an averaged Safety Experience Modification Rate (EMR) rating of 1.0 or below for the last three years.


ThisEOI contains Sections A through K. Each section must be completed in its entirety. Failure to complete each section may place potential Subcontractors at a disadvantage. Each section is designed to provide the key requirements anticipated to be in the RFP, and asks related qualification questions. Responses should be limited to a few paragraphs unless directed otherwise. The included questionnaire is focused on the eleven (11) Sections below:

A.)Scope Definition

B.)Type of Contract Discussion

C.)Cost Accounting System and Controls

D.)Small Business Qualification

E.)Team Identification

F.)Organizational Structure & Staff Qualifications

G.)Capability and Experience

H.)Property and Material Management Planning

I.)Health and Safety Program

J.)Quality Assurance Program

K.)Labor Agreements

NOTE: This is an EOI only. This is not an RFP and shall not be construed as a commitment by WRPS to award a contract.

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Expression of Interest / Prequalification Questionnaire

WRPS Inside Tank Farm Construction Work


The construction work primarily associated with the Tank Farm Scope is performed inside each of the Tank Farm fence boundaries. The fencing boundaries isolate the radiological contaminated areas, chemical vapor exposure, and isotopic hazards. Work performed within these boundaries requires the Subcontractor and its personnel to have a verystrong stringent safety culture. Adherence to the highest level of safety, conduct of operations, and verbatim work package and procedural compliance is required. The Subcontractor will be required to participate in safety activities that promote the highest standards of safety such as:

  • Activity support employee safety councils
  • Demonstrate management presence in the field with scheduled weekly walkdown in the farm with customers
  • Participate and perform Job Hazard Analysis (JHA’s) for the given scope
  • Daily Pre-job briefings
  • Participate in monthly emergency drills
  • Stop Work situations

The work performed at the Tank Farms is performed under an operating facility regiment which requires the Subcontractor to provide a detailed resource loaded schedule to help manage these interfaces with Operations and other WRPS projects and subcontractors. The management of the schedule along with funds provided requires the Subcontractor to produce detailed cost estimate proposals, report on spending profiles including spend rate, total spent, and estimates at completion (to go) for each subcontract or release. Detailed subcontractor daily reports are required for each subcontract or release.

The primary hazards involved with inside Tank Farm work are radiological contamination, vapors, beryllium, lead, and asbestos which require the Subcontractor to have trained personnel and be maintained throughout the execution of the Subcontract. The typical hazard training required is:

  • Mask fit
  • SCBA, Airline, Carry Air, Air-purifying Respirator (APR), Powered Air-purifying Respirator (PAPR)
  • Rad worker 2
  • 40 hour Haz worker
  • Beryllium
  • Lead worker
  • Asbestos worker and supervisor

The Subcontractor will be working under WRPS Health and Safety Program which invokes many WRPS Procedures the Subcontractor must follow. Copies of these procedures and standards are located on the WRPS external website (see Section I for further information).

The highest quality level of this work is safety significant which requires a NQA-1 compliant program (see Section J, Quality Assurance Program.) It is anticipated the split between safety significant work and non-safety significant work is approximately 50/50. Additionally, the Subcontractor is also required to have a material management program (See Section H for more detail). WRPS will allow the Subcontractor to use a fabrication shop on site when needed.

It is anticipated that approximately 70% of the work will be performed inside the Tank Farm fence boundary. The remaining 30% will be adjacent to or in close proximity of the fencing. Much of the work performed inside the fenceis highly complex, hazardous and worked under very difficult work conditions. The typical high risk work includes but is not limited to:

  • Pit work

•Setup air borne area and beryllium area and controls

•Perform bail inspections and install new hoist rings if required.

•Remove cover blocks.

•Apply fixatives to control the spread of radioactive contamination.

•Remove highly contaminated equipment from pit in containment and dispose of equipment in waste boxes without risk to workers or environment.

•Remove highly contaminated and potentially damaged long length equipment from tanks without risk to workers or environment.

•Perform manned pit entries into confined spaces that are highly contaminated and radioactive to perform work activities.

•Clean pit of debris.

•Install new equipment into pit and tank risers using cranes.

Other typical activities perform by the Subcontractor are:

  1. Fabricate unique temporary tools without design documents to perform pit work given functional requirements that are approved by Engineering and Safety
  2. Fabricate equipment such as sliding work platforms, spray rings, top hats, and grout boxes.
  3. Provide direction for high risk work
  4. Procuring and fabrication of safety significant components.
  5. Install safety significant equipment.
  6. Procuring and fabrication of general service components.
  7. Install general service equipment.
  8. Perform Construction Acceptance Tests (CATs) on installed equipment prior to turnover.
  9. Maintaining inventory and tracking of GFE and subcontractor procured material & equipment.
  10. Perform maintenance on materials and equipment while in storage and installed until turned over and commissioned.
  11. Operating heavy equipment such as cranes, fork lifts, front end loader, excavators, trucks, semi’s, RO/RO trucks, rollers, man lifts, extend a boom equipment.
  12. Line men work for high voltage transmission lines and truck.
  13. General excavation by hand and limited machine digging for excavation.
  14. Provide and detail and/or identify and install shoring for excavations.
  15. Install scaffolding.
  16. Install work platforms.
  17. Detail and install wooden ladders or stairs per OSHA requirements.
  18. Install conduit, hand holes, pull, term, and test wires.
  19. Install power transmission poles and associated wiring and hardware.
  20. Install electrical distribution transformers, vaults and panel boards
  21. Procure and assemble glove bags.
  22. Install and remove sleeving on highly contaminated equipment.
  23. Work with beryllium contaminated equipment.
  24. Perform asbestos abatement as needed.
  25. Work with raw lead.
  26. Install, remove, and operate in tank cameras.
  27. Install mobile office trailers
  28. Install buildings
  29. Asphalt application
  30. Concrete installation
  31. Grade roads
  32. All aspects of roof work
  33. All aspects of hot work and welding
  34. Write fall protection plans
  35. Develop work packages
  36. Provide significant amount of field time for safety oversight for all field activities.

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Expression of Interest / Prequalification Questionnaire

WRPS Inside Tank Farm Construction Work


The Subcontract spend level is anticipated to be between $15 to $30 Million dollars per year. WRPS anticipates the term of the Subcontract to be one (1) base year with four (4) unilateral option years.

WRPS is considering the use of one of the following contract types.

  • Time & Material
  • Cost Reimbursable
  • Labor Hour with Material pass-throughat cost.


1.)Have you ever performed any cost reimbursable construction subcontracts for a Government Agency?
Yes / No / Circle one and explain below. If yes, include value and period of performance
2.)Have you ever performed any Time & Material construction subcontracts for a Government Agency?
Yes / No / Circle one and explain below. If yes, include value and period of performance
3.)Have you performed any Labor Hour construction subcontracts for a Government Agency?
Yes / No / Circle one and explain below.

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Expression of Interest / Prequalification Questionnaire

WRPS Inside Tank Farm Construction Work


The Subcontractor’s accounting system must provide adequate controls that assure the system’scriteria identified in Item 3 below are met.

  1. Definitions:
  1. Acceptable accounting system means a system that complies with the system criteria in paragraph (3) below to provide reasonable assurance that—
  1. Applicable laws and regulations are complied with;
  2. The accounting system and cost data are reliable;
  3. Risk of misallocations and mischarges are minimized; and
  4. Subcontract allocations and charges are consistent with billing procedures.
  1. Accounting system means the Subcontractor's system or systems for accounting methods, procedures, and controls established to gather, record, classify, analyze, summarize, interpret, and present accurate and timely financial data for reporting in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and management decisions, and may include subsystems for specific areas such as indirect and other direct costs, compensation, billing, labor, and general information technology.
  1. Significant deficiency means a shortcoming in the system that materially affects the ability of officials of WRPS and the Government to rely upon information produced by the system that is needed for management purposes.
  1. General. The Subcontractormay need to establish and maintain an acceptable accounting practices. As part of this EOI, provide documentation that your accounting practices provide the controls necessary to meet the system criteria in paragraph (3) of this below (See Question 3 below).
  1. System criteria. The Subcontractor's accounting system must provide for—
  1. Proper segregation of direct costs from indirect costs;
  2. Identification and accumulation of direct costs by Subcontract;
  3. A logical and consistent method for the accumulation and allocation of indirect costs to intermediate and final cost objectives;
  4. Accumulation of costs under general ledger control;
  5. A timekeeping system that identifies employees' labor by intermediate or final cost objectives;
  6. A labor distribution system that charges direct and indirect labor to the appropriate cost objectives;
  7. Interim (at least monthly) determination of costs charged to a Subcontract through routine posting of books of account;
  8. Exclusion from costs charged to Government Subcontracts of amounts which are not allowable in terms of 48 CFR part 31, Contract Cost Principles and Procedures, and other Subcontract provisions;
  9. Identification of costs by Subcontract line item and by units (as if each unit or line item were a separate Subcontract), if required by the Subcontract;
  10. Segregation of preproduction costs from production costs, as applicable;
  11. Cost accounting information, as required—
  12. By Subcontract clauses concerning limitation of cost (48 CFR 52.232-20), limitation of funds (48 CFR 52.232-22), or allowable cost and payment (48 CFR 52.216-7); and
  13. Adequate, reliable data for use in pricing follow-on acquisitions; and
  1. Pre-Award Survey: A pre-award survey of the Subcontractor’s Accounting System will be conducted to verify the Subcontractor has the necessary controls to segregate cost. If it is shown that the Subcontractor’s controls are not sufficient or there areother significant deficiencies then; 1) the Subcontractor may be eliminated from consideration or 2) the Subcontractor may be required to write a WRPS approved corrective action plan in place prior to award.


1.)Does the Subcontractor have anAccounting System that is compliant with the criteria listed in item 3 above?
Yes / No / Circle one and explain below.
2.)From the listing identified under item 3 above, identify those line items the Subcontractor believes they have sufficient controls in place?
3.)Provide a description of your companies’ change control practices. Include a description of baseline cost and schedule management, request for equitable adjustment procedures, and contract and subcontract administration processes?

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Expression of Interest / Prequalification Questionnaire

WRPS Inside Tank Farm Construction Work


This procurement is set-asidefor Small Business Concern participation, teaming arrangements/Joint Ventures are encouraged. The primary NAICS Code for this scope is 236210, Industrial Building Construction, (SIC #’s 1531, 1541, 1629, and 8741).


1.)Are you eligible to compete as a small business concern under NAICS 236210?
Yes / No / Circle one and explain below.
2.)Do you qualify under a sub-socioeconomic category (i.e. woman owned, HUBZONE, Small Disadvantaged, etc.?
Yes / No / Circle one and explain below.

NOTE 1: Any questions concerning eligibility as a small business concernshould be directed to the Small Business Administration.

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Expression of Interest / Prequalification Questionnaire

WRPS Inside Tank Farm Construction Work


Identify your Company information and any planned teaming/joint venture arrangement(s):

1 / Company Name:
Point of Contact:
Email Address:
2 / Company Information:
DUNS Number -
Socioeconomic Status -
Potential Team/Joint Venture Members -
3 / Teaming Partners & Scope:
Company Name:
Point of Contact:
Email Address:
Company Name:
Point of Contact:
Email Address:
4 / Joint Venture Information
Scopes to be performed by each individual entity


  1. Include additional sheets for all Key Teaming/Subtiers/Joint Venture additional information.

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Expression of Interest / Prequalification Questionnaire

WRPS Inside Tank Farm Construction Work


  1. Provide a description of the Project Management/Project Execution procedures utilized by your Company/Team:
  2. Describe the availability of qualified personnel and staff for this project:
  3. Provide an anticipated organization chart:
  4. Provide resumes of the types of qualified personnel and staff available for this project:

Potential Subcontractors must be able to propose Key Personnel which meets the following criteria:

The Subcontractor will manage and supervise approximately 200 employees ranging from craft, project controls, administrative, field work supervisors, safety, quality, and field engineers.

Project Manager(Full time on-site position)

Ten (10) years managing construction projects including experience:

•PMI – Project Management Certification

•Establishing means and methods

•Developing and maintaining highly detailed schedules for fast paced high profile projects

•Managing sub-tier subcontractors

•Integrating work force with customer’s onsite support personnel

•Managing union craft (e.g., pipefitters, iron workers, etc.)

•Demonstrated ability to complete work while complying with the rigorous environmental, safety and health, quality, and work management program requirements typical of a DOE facility (minimum 5 years)

Construction Field Work Supervisors (FWS) (Full Time Positions) -Field work supervision is defined as the supervision performed by the designated authorities responsible for ensuring work activities are performed in a safe and productive manner and in accordance with approved work packages and all applicable administrative and technical procedures. Each FWS must be qualified in accordance with WRPS Procedure TFC-OPS-OPER-C-12. Applicable WRPS Procedures are located on WRPS’s external website It is anticipated this subcontract will require approximately 15qualified FWS’s. Approximately 8 FWS’s arealso required to be High Risk (Tank Intrusive) Qualified, and 3 FWS’s must be qualified as an Asbestos Supervisors. The typical FWSperforms the following functions:

  • Reviews work packages to ensure readiness for work in the field.
  • Reports applicable field conditions and construction work progress to the shift manager.
  • Provides status reports of on-going construction work to the appropriate Operations manager and the construction managers.
  • Conducts pre-job briefings and ensures required plant forces support personnel are present.
  • Is Responsible to direct the construction work activities in accordance with the appropriate work package.

Field Engineer (Full time on-site position)