Cognition, Summer Session 2006

Prof. Margaret Ingate

Class Key: N19323J626

Transmitter Pad Serial Number: _________________ (See step 6 below)

Before you Connect you Must Have:

§ An Internet connection

§ A check or credit card to purchase access during the enrollment process. (See step 7 below).

Connect to CPSOnline!

1. Go to

2. Click on the “Students” link at the very top left corner of the page.

3. Select “Rutgers University” from the drop-down menu.

4. Click the “Choose Course” button.

5. Enter the class key (N19323J626 ) into the “Class Key” box.

6. Enter the response pad's serial number in the serial number box. The serial number is printed on the back of the response pad, under the battery cover, below the batteries.

7. Choose “I do not have a code” in the “code” field. Continue through the registration process. You will be able to purchase access using a credit card or personal check. Do not type a username and password yet.

NOTE: The right hand side of the screen is for existing users, do not type a username and password.

8. Click Submit.

Enrolling in the Cognition Class

9. After clicking Submit, you will need to enter a username, password, your Rutgers student ID, your first name, and your last name. The student ID is critical, as it will be the link used to assign course credit to you for your participation in the class. DO NOT USE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ARE NO LONGER USED AS STUDENT ID NUMBERS. If you do not know your RUID, send an email to your instructor, who can get it from the class roster.

Make sure you type the correct information into each field (some people type their first name into the last name field and vice versa; most important is typing your Rutgers ID into the Student ID field.) Enter your first and last names in capital letters. (This is not essential for the CPS system, but is a convenience for your instructor.)

A phone number is not required. Information you provide is available only to your instructor. You will receive a reminder message via the email address you provide from CPSOnline about your username, password, and assigned response pad number.

10. Click Finish. You may now be presented with the following options: access for this class only, access to all classes for a semester, two year subscription, lifetime subscription.

11. Choose an option and continue. The option you choose will depend on whether you are currently taking another course at Rutgers that uses the CPS-RF system or you plan to take a course in the future that you know will be using the CPS-RF system.

12. Click Enter on the confirmation page.

13. To join an additional CPSOnline class, click the “enroll in a class” button from the Main Menu.

14. Once you have finished enrolling in all of your classes, click “Log Out”. For CPSOnline to properly record your information. It is important that you log out of CPSOnline rather than simply closing the window.

NOTE: Since the response pad numbers are assigned on a 'first-come, first-serve' basis per class, if you are enrolled in more than one class that uses CPS and CPSOnline, then the assigned response pad number for each class may be different. Please make a note of the response pad number assigned to you at the end of the enrollment process for each class, and use the email sent to you as a reminder.