ISE 240 Manufacturing Processes and SystemsFall 2009

Instructor: Dr. Valerie Maier-Speredelozzi()

Class Time: Tuesday and Thursday 11 am - 12:15 pm, Chaffee Room 275 (3 credit hours)

Office Hours: Monday 10am-12noon, Friday 1-3pm, Gilbreth Room 103G, or by appointment Teaching Assistant: KeerthiMadala (), available Tuesday 10-11 am and Friday 11am-12noon in the Gilbreth Hall grad student office area.

Prerequisites: CHM 101

Class Description: Introduction to a wide variety of manufacturing processes. Basic facility layout and manufacturing system design, including material handling and lean principles.

Textbook: Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 6th Edition, SeropeKalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN #0136081681

Objectives: By the end of this course, students will have…

  1. A broad understanding of manufacturing processes
  2. An understanding of the relation between materials and manufacturing processes
  3. An understanding of the choice of manufacturing processes based upon capabilities and economics

Assignments: Homework assignments will consist of questions from the textbook and other sources. The exams will have both quantitative and qualitative questions covering topics from the textbook and the lectures up to one week prior to the exam date. Plant trips will be arranged during the semester.

Grading Scheme: 20% homework, 40% exams (lowest of the 3 exams is dropped), 30% final exam, 10% quizzes and attendance.


Students are expected to read all assignments prior to lecture and participate fully in discussions. Homework must be submitted at the beginning of the class period in which it is due. Please set up problems neatly using good engineering formats, definitions of variables, explanations of any assumptions, and clearly indicated final answer. Unless permission is specifically given, the use of electronic devices or computers is not allowed during exams. Note taking on computers is allowed, but please refrain from the use of other electronic devices and software programs during class.

Students are encouraged to study with classmates and discuss materials outside of class. Once concepts are discussed, however, students should work INDEPENDENTLYon homework unless otherwise specified. Academic dishonesty will result in a zero grade on the assignment, and further penalties may result depending on the severity of the situation.

To improve industrial communication skills, all reports and homework essay questions must be typed and will be evaluated, in part, on their use of good communication practices. Students are expected to submit only original materials and cite references that are paraphrased or quoted, such as the text, other books, journals, websites, etc. If you have any questions regarding plagiarism or what it means to write in your own words, please come and talk with me.

Students who require accommodations for documented disabilities or other special circumstances should also contact me early in the semester to discuss this, and visit the Disability Services for Students office at 330 Memorial Union 874-2098.

Illness Due to Flu
The H1N1 Flu Pandemic may impact classes this semester. If any of us develop flu-like symptoms, we are being advised to stay home until the fever has subsided for 24 hours. So, if you exhibit such symptoms, please do not come to class. Notify me at 874-5187 or of your status, and we will communicate via email, phone, or Sakai. We will work together to ensure that course instruction and work is completed for the semester.

ISE 240Manufacturing Processesand SystemsFall 2009

Week / Topic Schedule (tentative) / Homework / Readings Due
9/7 / Introductions / Ch. I (intro)
9/14 / Manufacturing properties of Materials / Ch. 1, 2, 3
9/15 / Materials, Casting
9/21 / Casting (22nd add and early drop day) / Ch.4, 10, 11, 12
9/28 / Exam 1 on Tuesday 9/29
Rapid Prototyping / Ch. 20
10/5 / Polymers / Ch. 7 and 19
10/12 / Metal Forming / Ch. 13, 14, 15, 16
10/19 / Powder Metallurgy / Ch. 17
10/26 / Exam 2 on Tuesday 10/27 (26th mid-semester, last p/f change day)
11/2 / Machining(2ndlast drop day) / Ch. 21 and 22
11/9 / Machining / Ch. 23, 24, 25
11/16 /

Abrasive & Non-Trad. Machining

/ Ch. 26, 27
11/23 / Exam 3 on Tuesday 11/24(no class Thursday – Thanksgiving)
11/30 / Assembly / Ch. 30, 31, 32
12/7 / Assembly(last day of classes Friday)
12/22 / Exam 4 Tuesday! 11:30am – 2:30pm

* several Plant Trips will also be planned throughout the semester.