PARISH TEMPLATE STUDY - – creed Probate transcripton - will
Ref No / AP/H/6000/1,2Title / HOCKING, Mary of Grampound, Creed, widow
Date of probate* / 22 Feb 1751
Description / Bequests:
- Being of sound and disposing mind and memory”
- To her daughter Elizabeth Hocking “all that part of a Dwelling house in the said Burrough now Inhabited by Francis Uren and the Garden in his possession and adjoining to the said House and an Orchard thereunto likewise and adjoining” which premises are part of a tenement commonly called Sobys Tenement for the remainder of the interest she holds in the premises except the right for erecting a rick or ricks of fuel in the orchard for the owner of the residue of the tenements and a right of way through the orchard for the use of such persons who shall possess the fulling racks “which I now have in Grampound”
- To daughter Jane Hocking all that part of the dwelling which is inhabited by Humphry Stannaway and the little orchard and garden belonging, also part of Sobys tenement now in occupation of John Merryfeild for remainder of term which testator holds to the premises
- To daughter Jane “the bed whereon I usually lye with the Bedding and Furniture thereto belonging, two new Pewter platters, my Brass Crock or Pot, one Iron Crock and one Bell metal Skillet, Two little Round Tables
- To daughter Johanna one guinea
- To four grandchildren one guinea each
- To John Edwards of the Parish of Cuby, yeoman “all and every sum and sums of money that shall or may be due from him to me at the time of my death for or in respect of a Rent or yearly payment of forty shillings a year for or out of the Tenement commonly called Pits Downs… upon Condition that the said John Edwards pays a Guinea to me Grand daughter Mary Stephens”
- To Hugh Stephens “who married my Daughter Mary” and Ir William Buse “who marryed my Daughter Johanna” all such household goods, money or other effects “for which they are accountable to me “, provided that they release to her executor all claims which they might have on the estate of testator’s late husband John
- To John Hocking, son, all the rest of her goods and chattels real or personal, he paying yearly & every year the sum of twenty shillings to each of her daughters Elizabeth and Jane for their lives, payable out of leasehold and chattle estates
Executors: son John Hocking
Witnesses: Signature of Warwick Oben Signature of Mary Ryder
Sign of Testator
Date of will: 21 Jun 1750
Date proved: 22 Feb 1751
Revd. David Miller Page 3 Questionnaire