Dairy Committee Minutes
ADS – Greenwood
September 10, 2014
Present were: Jenn Krultz, Dennis Roehl, Scott Pralle, Joe Ortner, Deb Ortner, Tanya Wilke, Rich Meyer, Matt Jorgensen, Wayne Artac, Stephanie Hughes, Melissa Brekke, Adam Luchterhand, Cindy Kolzow, Tom Meyer, Jim Micke, Jerry Micke
The meeting was called to order by Rich Meyer, chairman, at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday September 10, 2014 at ADS in Greenwood. A copy of the spring minutes was provided for everyone to read. Matt Jorgensen moved to approve the minutes as printed. Joe Ortner seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as printed.
· There was a great turnout for this, especially with the junior team. A lot of kids involved. The senior team placed 3rd and were invited to participate in the state contest. The team consisted of Jessica Pralle, Nicole Pralle, Kaitlyn Artac and Brittany Artac. The team placed 5th at state. Jessica placed in the top 10 and will be able to go to Louisville with the state 4-H judging team.
· The District Black and White show will be held June 17th and 18th 2015 in either Medford or Marshfield.
· State Fair – This year the chaperones for the State Fair were charged a fee that will be reimbursed through the youth who went on the trip. Their fee will be divided up equally among all of the youth who went on the trip. There is funding available from the Leaders Federation for the youth if they apply for this. They are encouraged to do this.
· It was discussed that we need to set a “show order” and stick with it. There was some confusion this year as to what classes were showing and when. It needs to be stated that the cow classes will start the show, followed by the spring and winter calves. Then there will be a lunch break with the 3rd and 4th grade showmanship class beginning at 12:30. The 5th and 6th grade showmanship class will follow and then we will go back to the heifer classes and end with the older showmanship classes. A motion was made by Dennis and seconded by Joe to have the order this way. The motion passed. This needs to be printed in the fair book and on signs that will be posted in the barn.
· Adam made a motion that if two animals are being shown by the same child at the same time, one of the animals may be shown by a junior proxy and that they need to let the superintendent know this. Deb seconded the motion and the motion carried. This needs to be printed in the fair book and all dairy leaders should make their clubs aware of this.
· Dennis wanted further clarification on the “horn rule.” It states that no animals can come to the fair with horns. No horns, means no horns and that this needs to be enforced. Again it was suggested that all dairy people in the clubs reinforce this with their members. Make sure when you dehorn your animal, that there is no remaining stub present when it goes to the fair.
· Scott made a motion for the open class show that only one person may be on the halter in the show ring at a time. Cindy seconded this motion and it passed. The Dairy Committee would like to make this recommendation to the fair board for the open class show.
· There was also a suggestion to check with the Extension Office to see if animals who are there for the Junior Show, if they are interested in showing in the Open Class show, can they still enroll up until noon on Saturday if they pay their fee as their papers will already be there. Jenn Krultz is going to look into this and report back at the spring meeting.
· The Dairy Committee is okay with State Bank Financial offering cash prizes for grand and reserve champions in each breed.
· It was also suggested that we would like to send out letters to potential judges earlier this year. Scott is going to come up with a list of possible judges for the show next year.
· There was also a suggestion that maybe the state fair kids could work in the HCE stand to receive a donation from them to help fund the state fair trip. This will need to be looked into.
ELECTIONS: Rich Meyer was nominated for the Chairperson position and Tanya Wilke was nominated for the Secretary position. Unanimous votes for both.
Our next meeting will be Monday March 16, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at ADS in Greenwood.
Cindy Kolzow moved to adjourn. Dennis Roehl seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Tanya Wilke, Secretary