Assembly Meeting Minutes for March 18, 2016

Call to Order – The Assembly Called the meeting to Order at 2:30pm on Friday, March 18, 2016.

Approval of the Minutes – Motion to approve by Representative David Bakardjiev. Seconded by Representative Anna Montana.

Amendments to the Agenda – None presented.

Call to the Audience – Luis Kelly, with the University Technology Office. Here to talk about some new services that are rolling out through UTO regarding dropbox social cloud sharing applications at Arizona State University. Students can now get 25 free gigabytes through the following link ( A question of whether this program will result in an increase of student fees was raised, but Mr. Kelly could not answer at this time. He recommended to reach out to Gordon Wishon, the President of UTO for further questions.

Executive Reports – Reports given were a summary of the executive materials found in this month’s folder on the Google Drive. [See March Documents for more information].

  • President’s Report – Given by Carlos Almirano.
  • Internal Affairs Report – Given by VP of Internal Affairs Jordan Hughes.
  • Professional Development Report – Given by Director Rajat Aggarwal.
  • External Affairs Report – Given by Carlo Almirano.
  • Assembly Report – Given by Assembly President Daniel Burrillo.

External Reports – None.

USG Reports – No representatives from USG were present.

Committee Reports

  • Assembly Committee and Subcommittee/College Reports
  • CLAS Report: Given by Bobby. (Could not record what was said). Please reach out to Bobby to hear what the CLAS committee is doing.
  • Direct of International Student Concerns Report: Had a welcome event for incoming international students. Hosted a conference with lots of attendance and 11 panelists. They will keep continuing this conference next year, as the pilot program this year was a success.
  • Government Operations Report: Given by Representative Jessie Greene. Updating the GPSA bylaws; addressing inconsistencies and ambiguous language. Working on incorporating all past bills and making the format consistent.
  • Assembly Operations Report: Given by Representative David Bakardjiev. Talked about how the GSO funding procedures are being updated and will be ready for approval in April.
  • External Affairs Report: Given by Representative George Brucsh. Talked about the Racism bill and the GPSA Bill of Rights.
  • Engineering School Report: Given by Aleza Golestach. Talked about how they want to expand the funding they receive to expand help for students. Engineering graduate students are hit with a $400 fee, and none of that money make it to the office of graduate engagement.
  • Herberger Report: Given by Vincent Brancato. Talked about how all the arts schools are working together to host events with a pot of money available.

Old Business – AB #36 – A Resolution to Express GPSA Support Against Racism. Approved unanimously.

New Business –

  • AB #37: An Act to Approve New Members. No candidates were present. Unanimously denied.
  • AB #38: An Act to Approve the GSO January Funding Cycle. Approved Unanimously.
  • AB #39: An Resolution to Approve the Graduate and Professional Student Bill of Rights. The need for this document is to provide all GPSA rights located in different documents in one place. Approved Unanimously.
  • AB #40: An Act to Update Director Bylaws Language. Updating the GPSA Bylaws to reflect current practices. This adds the directors. Approved Unanimously.
  • AB #41: An Act to Update the Bylaws to Reflect Current Practices and Consistent Governing Language. A similar bill to update the GPSA Bylaws other than the new directors and their responsibilities. Approved Unanimously.

Graduate Student Forum – Jordan Hughes said she is willing to speak with Assembly members on anything related to IA, and invited the Assembly to the next IA meeting. David Bakardjiev talked about moving the GSO procedures to an automatic process that is in line with Zoom Grants to make the process more efficient. Daniel talked about community involvement promotion.

Announcements – None.

Adjournment – 4:15pm