Effective April 14, 2015, the NIH instituted a new online only application system for initialCertificates of Confidentiality (CoC). The following steps will lead the applicant to the login page to the new system. To login in, you will use your M+Google U-M login credentials. New applicants who have never applied for a CoC before are strongly encouraged to start at and read through Steps 1-3 using the advance buttons provided prior to beginning Step 4, logging in and starting an application.
If you have questions, please contact your NIH unit representative or for IRB-HSBS applications, contact Mary Ramirez at , 615-9464; for IRBMED applications, contact Joe Austin at , 763-1236. NOTE: to amend or extend/renew an existing CoC, contact your NIH representative firstfor instructions on what is required for the review process. The NIH consultation should be done prior to IRB review of changes to the currently approved protocol.
- Go to: Enter using the NEW TO SYSTEM link.
- Read through the information for Steps 1-3. When you have completed these steps, advance to Step 4 Apply for your NIH CoC. Read through the information there and then click on the Apply for your CoC Now! button or click on the APPLY NOW button at the top of the page. This will take you to the iTrust login page.
- At the iTrust login page, select “Social Login/OpenID” from the Account Type drop-down list (A). Then, in the next drop-down list that opens, select “Google” (B). Click the button (C).
- The Google Login page opens. Enter your U-M email (A) and your Kerberos password (B). Then, click the button (C).
- You should now be at the Welcome to Certificate of Confidentiality page. Fill in the required fields. Select the NIH center (IC) to which you will apply for the CoC from the drop-down list. Click the
register button.
- You should now be at your personal Certificates workspace and should be able to generate your CoC application. Bookmark the page before leaving for easy return access.
- Once the CoC application is completed, you must provide a copy as part of your full application packet to the U-M HRPP for review and sign-off by the Deputy Institutional Officialprior to submitting to the NIH. See the HRPP CoC website for information about the HRPP application process.
To print a copy of the application: Ensure that you are in “View Application” mode. You can get to this mode from your personal Certificates workspace. Click on the U-M Institution link for the CoC application you want to print.
You should now be in View Application mode.
Scroll down to the end of the application and find the “Download” button in between the “Edit” and “Back” buttons (after section 15).
Print the downloaded document and submit it with your materials for HRPP review. Note: if you don’t see the download button, you may not be in “View Application” mode or you may need to try a different browser.
Please do not print the application from the screen or by using the “Export” button. These versions will not be accepted by the U-M HRPP.
For additional information about the HRPP review process and the materials that you must submit, go to:
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