Republika e Kosovës
Republika Kosova-Republic of Kosovo
Qeveria -Vlada - Government
Ministria e Bujqësisë, Pylltarisë dhe Zhvillimit Rural - Ministarstvo Poljoprivrede, Šumarstva i Ruralnog Razvoja - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development
Based on Article 1.3 point (d) of the UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/19 date 13 September on the Executive Branch of Provisional Institutions of Self – Government in Kosovo, articles 22, 23, 24 paragraph 24.1 point (a), (i) and the paragraph 24.2 of the Law No. 02/L – 95 on Plants Protection dated on 31 January 2008, The Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development,
Issues the following:
On creation register of the producers, importers, exporters, deponents and distributors of plants, plants products and other pallets in Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development
Article 1
1.1 By this Administrative Instruction is specified the registration conditions for natural and legal persons dealing with the production, import, export, depot and distribution of plants and other pallets specified under Lists V.A and V.B producer of specific species of the plants as well as assignment of the content and the way of the data recording of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development.
1.2 Persons that act the activity from the paragraph 1 of this article must presents the request in written for being register in Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development – Department of Plant Protection and Production – Plants Protection Unit.
Article 2
2.1 No one may produce, import, export, depot and distribute plants products, if it is not being registered and licensed under this administrative instruction.
2.2 Person for being licensed as producer, processor, importer, depot and distribution of plants, plants products and other pallets upon the request of the register must be attached the documentation with data:
a) Name and address of the natural and legal person;
b) Type of the acted activity;
c) Evidence on the professional skill of the persons with the secondary agriculture professional qualification;
d) Full address of the place where the activity is being acted;
e) Type of plant or plant productions that deals with
f) evidence on the origin of plants and planting products in cases when those are being imported;
g) Business registration certificate;
h) Phone, fax or e – mail.
Article 3
Request for the registration
If the conditions are completed under Law No. 02/L – 95 for the protection of plants and under article 2 of this administrative instruction registered persons in the register of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development shall be equipped with the identification number.
Article 4
4.1 If the competent body ascertains that the subject doesn’t meet conditions for the registration and has not been completed the necessary documentation, then it shall be given the term within 8 days to be completed the documentation.
4.2 If the subject does not achieve to complete the documentation in additional term from paragraph 1 of this article, the request will be refused.
Article 5
Registration cancel
Registration may be canceled or revoked, if the subjects act in contrast with the administrative instruction.
Article 6
Keeping record
Registered person under article 1 of this administrative instruction must at any time to keep the record or evidence in book keeping record for production, import, export and storage of the plants and plants products.
Article 7
Persons that are dealing with the production, import, export and storage of plants and plant products are obliged that at any time and place or transported means to provide for the review to the phytosanitary inspector the required documentation and to enable him free access for the inspection.
Article 8
8.1 Production, import, export, depot and distribution of plants and other pallets under Lists V.A and V.B that do not responds the specified conditions for the registration article 2 of this administrative instruction shall be confiscated.
8.2 Component part of this administrative instruction is the From no. 1
Article 9
Inapplicable of this Administrative instruction shall be the subject to the fines set for in article 66 paragraph 66.1 point (b) of the Law No. 02/L – 95 on Plants Protection.
Article 11
Entry into force
This Administrative Instruction shall enter into force on the date of signature.
Pristine, on 31.03.2008
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development
The Minister,
Idriz Vehapi
Form for natural and legal persons that are dealing with import, export, prodcution, depot and distrubution of the palnts, plants prodcuts as well as other pallets
Name and Surname of Natural or Legal Person: ......
Address: ......
Phone & Fax: ......
E-mail: ......
Fully address of the country where the activity is done:
Type of the activity thta is done: ......
Which are the countries with what the activity of the import – export of the plants and plants products is being done:
You are prodcuer of the planting material (including also the seeds) destinated for (fill in with cross): insemination□
Which are the planting material destinated for the insemination that are:
You are plants producer and planting material for (fill in croos):
consumtion □ ,
trading □ .
Which are plants or planting products that are:
-produced: ......