Hailey, Witney, Oxon, OX29 9UBwww.hailey.oxon.sch.uk /
Headteacher: Mrs. D Davies Tel: 01993 703802
Fax: 01993 849790
28th April 2017
Infant Newsletter – Term 5, 2017
Memory Box
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to a new term, I hope you had a relaxing break and enjoyed the warm weather. This term’s topic is called Memory Box. We will be exploring objects from the past as well as thinking about members of our families; creating family portraits. Children will have the opportunity to explore different artists and create their own work in the same style.
This term we will exploring diaries, looking at written diary entries, planning and then writing our own. We will then explore a story and think about our likes and dislikes to write our own book review. Over the next 5 weeks we will be revisiting grammar focusing on using conjunctions, different sentence types and using contractions in our writing.
This term we are going to be revisiting and developing our arithmetic knowledge which includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have already explored a new way to subtract using our own hand drawn number line. We will then use this knowledge to explore word problems.
This term the Infants will look at the big question: Are some stories more important than others? Children will explore a variety of stories from the Bible including Moses and Jonah.
PE will continue to be on Mondays and Thursdays. Hair should be tied up for these sessions. Girls who wear tights need to have a pair of socks in their PE bag.
Homework Reminder
As discussed in the letter before the Easter break homework has changed. Homework is still due on a Wednesday. Please see one of the Infant team if you have any questions.
Topic Homework
Thank you for all the wonderful topic homework from last term’s topic; Paws, Claws and Whiskers. There were lots of books about family pets, animal masks, animals in different languages and even a bird house! This term’s Memory Box homework was sent out at the end of last term. This is due on Monday 22nd May, ready for the parent’s open morning on Tuesday 23rd May at 8.40am.
Change Bag
Thank you to all the parents who have already returned their child’s change bag. Please can you make sure they include socks/ tights and underwear?
Warmer Weather
As the weather gets warmer, please can you provide a sun hat for your child and ensure your child is wearing sun cream. Please check your child’s clothes for names, it is a lot easier to find a missing jumper if it is named.
As part of our topic the Infants would like to explore items which were used as babies. These items could be theirs or yours and be anything from cutlery to baby grows etc. If you have something which they would be able to show to the rest of the class, please bring it into school before the 8th May.
I hope that this letter has given you an overview of the work planned for our Memory Box topic.
If you have any questions or queries at another time, please come and see me.
Yours sincerely,
Jo Purves