25-26 October 2017
Domain Lodge, Auckland, NZ
Bright Lights-Big Future!
Day 1 Wednesday 25 October 2017 Sponsored by AstraZeneca
10:00 – 10:40 Welcome Morning teaSponsored by AlphatechTime / Speaker / Talk
10:40 / Keynote Speaker Marcel Dinger
Chief Executive Officer of Genome.One, Head of the Kinghorn Centre for Clinical Genomics (KCCG) conjoint Associate Professor at St Vincents Clinical School of UNSW Australia / Genomics in the clinic:Transforming healthcare and medical research
Sponsored by FMHS, University of Auckland & Illumina
11:40 / Karen Knapp Dept of Pathology, University of Otago / Discovering new disease causing genes using chromium whole-genome sequencing.
12:00 / Venkatesh Vaidyanathan Discipline of Nutrition and Dietetics & Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, University of Auckland / Understanding SNP genotyping data:Are we there yet?
12:20 / Prof Kathryn Stowell Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University / Whole exome sequencing to identify variants associated with malignant hyperthermia
12:40 – 1:40 LunchSponsored by Illumina
1:40 / A/Prof Andrea Vincent Dept of Ophthalmology, NZ Eye Centre, FMHS, University of Auckland & Eye Department, Greenlane Clinical Centre / The New Zealand Inherited Retinal Disease Database – light at the end of the tunnel
2:00 / A/Prof Maui Hudson Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, University of Waikato / Implementing the Te Mata Ira guidelines for genomic research with Maori.
2:40 / A/Prof Maui Hudson, Nerine Gregerson, Kim Gamet, A/Prof Cris Print / Challenges of consenting participants in genomic research – Presentation and Panel Discussion
3:20 – 3:50 Afternoon Tea Sponsored by Fulgent Genetics
3:50 / A/Prof Cris Print Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Auckland / Bioinformatics for precision medicine: How hard can it be?
4:30 / Prof Stephen Robertson Dept of Women’s and Children’s Health, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago / Genomics Aotearoa:What will the new advanced genomics platform achieve for health genomics?
4:50 Summary and Close of Day
6:00 Transport to Conference Dinner
7:00 Conference Dinner at McHughs of Cheltenham
Many thanks to our Sponsors:
Day 2 Thursday 26 October 2017 Sponsored by AstraZeneca
Day 2Thursday 26 October 2017 Sponsored by AstraZeneca
Time / Speaker / Talk9:00 / Kimberley GametTeam Leader/Senior Genetic Counsellor,Genetic Health Service NZ –Northern Hub / Proposed Mainstreaming Model for genetic testing of women with high grade serous ovarian cancer
9:20 / Alexa Kidd Clinical Geneticist, Canterbury Health Laboratory / Genetic investigations in adults presenting to PSAID (Psychiatric Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities)
9:40 / Linda PetersLaboratory of Molecular Genetics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand / Investigation into the role of a rareCDKN1B germline variant in a patient with acromegaly
10:00 / Blaise Forrester-GauntlettAgResearch & University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand / Using mouse embryonic stem cells and genome editing to model inner ear development and hearing loss caused by mutations in the grainyhead-like 2 gene.
10:20 – 10:50 Morning TeaSponsored by Custom Science
10:50 / Christina Buchanan FMHS, University of Auckland Genetic Medicine, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney / Exploring women’s experiences of current and emerging antenatal screening technologies in New Zealand
11:10 / Sara FilocheDept of Obstetrics Gynaecology
Dept of Pathology Molecular Medicine, University of Otago, WellingtonDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine
University of Otago, WellingtonDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine
University of Otago, Wellington / Baby steps towards implementing Non-invasive prenatal testing in Aotearoa: Provider perspectives
11:30 / Miriam Rodrigues Neurology, ADHB & School of Medicine, University of Auckland & Muscular Dystrophy Association / NZ attitudes towards reproductive carrier screening among the genetic muscle disorder community
11:50 - 12:20 HGSA NZ Branch AGM
12:20 – 1:20 Lunch Sponsored by Roche Diagnostics
1:20 / Patrick Yap Clinical Geneticist, Genetic Health Service NZ –Northern Hub / A Clinical Geneticist’s perspective of genomics
1:40 / Ian HayesClinical Geneticist, Genetic Health Service NZ –Northern Hub / “23andMe”: what to tell your patients
2:20 / Russell Gear Clinical Geneticist Registrar, Genetic Health Service NZ – Central Hub / Nutrigenomics – Trumpian or Trumpicised
2:40 Summary and Close of Conference
Many thanks to our Sponsors:
Day 2 Thursday 26 October 2017 Sponsored by AstraZeneca