5.30 PM, MONDAY4APRIL 2016
Note: Eric Frykberg, who reports for National Radio, attendedthe meeting.
1.1Apologies: Liz Mellish, Bill Robertson, Jonathan Suggate
1.2Present: Sylvia Allan, Clive Anstey, Maurice Clark, Toni Izzard (Chair), Eve McMahon, Jim McMahon, Craig Palmer, Alan Smith, David Tai, Dorothy Thompson (minutes)
2.1Minutes of the last meeting (7 March) – resolution to approve them as correct record
Moved:Craig PalmerSeconded:Clive Anstey
3.1Succession planning– Toni Izzard
Five of those present will not stand again – Toni Izzard (but she will rejoin the Trust after six months’ absence, not as Chair – and not on the Board if there are sufficient Trustees in office), Craig Palmer, Alan Smith, David Tai, Dorothy Thompson. Thanks were given to them for their able contributions.
The following have expressed interest in being Trustees: Amanda Dobson (specialising in special issue, Kaiwharawhara), Christine McCarthy (possibly), Kay Paget, Sonia Waters and Yon Yi Sohn. It was noted that the new Constitution requires a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 12 Trustees.
3.2Annual General Meeting, Thursday 28 April – Alan Smith
Arrangements were discussed. 5.30 pm to 6pm drinks and mingle; 6 pm to around 6.40pm the AGM business; 6.40pm to 7pm Dave Armstrong guest speaker; after 7 pm, a tour around the building. Venue is the Old Public Trust Building, corner of Stout Street and Lambton Quay. Maurice Clark was thanked for providing this excellent venue. He will be speaking at U3A tomorrow and will invite those attending the talk to attend the AGM and the tour. [Note: approximately 60 people indicated to Maurice that they would be interested in attending! This will have implications for seating/catering.]
Responsibility for the various tasks was sorted out, as outlined in Alan Smith’s e-mail of 3 April(see page 6, a version updated to include actual decisions etc.
Public notice in the newspaper is required by the Trust’s Constitution. This is expensive ($350). It was agreed to put a paid notice in the DomPost only and, if possible, a “story” re the speaker etc in local papers plus Scoop and other on-line media.
It was agreed to provide only 20 hard copy sets of the 2015 AGM minutes and the financial report, not 60.
3.3Civic Trust Constitution– Eve McMahon
Nearly ready for application to Charities Commission. There need to be office holders who will attest as fit and proper people. It was agreed that these would be Toni Izzard, Jim McMahon, David Tai and Dorothy Thompson. Eve will shortly send out form for these Trustees to complete.
3.4Resource Management Act changes and reviews – Bill Robertson and Sylvia Allan
The Trust’s submission to the Local Government and Environment Committee was submitted and acknowledged.
3.5Wellington Town Belt Legislation – CraigPalmer
As discussed at the last meeting, a clause was added allowing eight hectares to be available for licences as well as the eight hectares available for leases. The Council seemed to be happy with this. And all the provisions of the Public Works Act will apply to the Town Belt. Craig had met with Grant Robertson, who was to have put in a Supplementary Order Paper to remedy these matters, but it has not yet appeared (It did later, on 6 April).
We will be able to let members know on Wednesday morning the time at which the Bill will have its committee stage – possibly around 5.30 pm. (In fact, after 7.30 pm).
3.6Regional Council Natural Resources Plan, especially Coastal Plan in relation to Kaiwharawhara and Air Quality Plan – Toni Izzard, Craig Palmer, Sylvia Allan
The Trust’s cross-submission to the Greater Wellington Regional Council specifically objected to CentrePort submissions.
3.7Civic Square Precinct and Ilott Green – Maurice Clark
Save Jack Ilott Green has asked the Trust to support their opposition to the sale of the Green. The Trust is maintaining a watching brief and will be particularly interested in the form of proposed development should the sale of the Green progress.
3.8City Council’s Annual Plan 2016/17– Alan Smith
There was discussion on the proposal for the Conference Centre, and on the need to continue with the Trust’s proposal for the precinct around Pukeahu Memorial Park.
Action:Clive Anstey, with Craig Palmer and Alan Smith, to draft submission, due 29 April.
4.1District Plan change: Designation of Basin Reserve/Pukeahu Memorial Park as nationally significant heritage area – Craig Palmer and Bill Robertson
Craig has suggested an approach to the Mayor.
Action:Toni Izzard to write and request a meeting with the Mayor.
4.2Open spaces – Kaiwharawhara Stream and reclamation, Miramar/Watts Peninsula – Craig Palmer
Kaiwharawhara: William Woods of CentrePort has organised a meeting for Friday 8April to discuss proposed development of the Kaiwharawhara open space area for log storage, including edging, fencing and drainage.
Action:Amanda Dobson (if available), Craig Palmer and Alan Smith to attend. Craig to send out the coloured map of the area.
Miramar/Watts Peninsula: Craig suggested that we approach the Department of Conservation and Culture and Heritage to organise a tour of the area. It was agreed that it will cost millions of dollars to landscape.
Action:Toni Izzard to look into the possibility of a tour of the area, possibly with all Trust members being invited.
4.3Civic Trust’s revieweror auditor – Liz Mellish
There was discussion on whether the Trust needs an auditor, given its low level of assets. Perhaps the Constitution should be changed so it is no longer needed. Tiz agreed with Alan that there would still be a need for independent verification of the accounts.
Action:Toni Izzard to arrange suitable amendment to the Constitution to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
4.4Bus Rapid Transport proposal – Toni Izzard
The Greater Wellington Regional Council is investing in old stock and obsolete technology, still favouring diesels over hybrid or electric engines. The Architectural Centre is in favour of retaining the trolley buses, which is in accord with the Trust’s objective of Wellington being a liveable city.
4.5Waterfront – Alan Smith
Nothing to report.
4.6Saint Gerard’s Catholic Church and Monastery, proposed land swap – Maurice Clark
No decision has yet been made, due shortly.
4.7Consultation on a National Policy Statement on Urban Development – Sylvia Allan
Nothing to report.
5.1Correspondence 7 March to 3 April
Inward correspondence:
11/03/16Resilient Wellington at WCC – introduction and survey
15/03/16Sonia Waters – CV and expression of interest in becoming a Trustee
15/03/16Judith Aitken expressing interest in becoming a Trustee
16/03/16Kay Paget expressing interest in becoming a Trustee
18/03/16Christchurch Civic Trust – invitation to 50th Anniversary
20/03/16Amanda Dobson via Peter Reimann, Trelissick Park Group – possible interest in becoming a Trustee
20/03/16Yon Yi Sohn expressing interest in becoming a Trustee
21/03/16Local Government and Environment Committee – acknowledgement of submission to Resource Legislation Amendment Bill
29/03/16GWRC – acknowledgement of submission on proposed Natural Resources Plan
01/04/16Information re Jack Ilott Green, with petition results and call for Wellington Civic Trust’s involvement
Outward correspondence:
11/03/16Call for Expressions of interest in becoming a Trustee
14/03/16Submission to Select Committee on Resource Legislation Amendment Bill
29/03/16Submission to GWRC proposed Natural Resources Plan
5.2Financial report – David Tai
The full 2015/16 financial report to be presented to the Annual General Meeting has been circulated.
Resolution: moved Alan Smith, seconded Clive Anstey, and approved that the Board approve the 2015/16 financial statement and recommend to the AGM that it be adopted.
5.3Membership report – David Tai
Expressions of interest in becoming Trustees have been received from several people – see 3.1
5.4Transport – Toni Izzard
Nothing to report.
5.5Seismic – status of Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act – BillRobertson
Continued watching brief.
5.6Heritage and conservation – Maurice Clark
Culture and Heritage wishes to transfer responsibility for Turnbull House to the Council. There was discussion as to whether there was a genuine commitment from the City Council for the upgrading of the Town Hall.
5.7Newsletter – Jonathan Suggate
Has gone out.
Action:David Tai to send hard copies to those members without e-mail.
5.8Website – Jonathan Suggate
It was agreed that Board meeting minutes would in future be put on the website.
5.9Review of action points from last meeting, 7 March
Toni Izzard has yet to ask Bruce Stokell to be seconded to the Trust for action on our application for Peter Brooks acknowledgement at Kumutoto Site 8.
Monday 2May 2016, following the AGM. Installation of new officers.
The meeting closed at 6.55 pm.
Clive Anstey
- with Craig Palmer and Alan Smith, to draft submission on Council’s Annual Plan, due 29 April.
Toni Izzard
- to request a meeting with the Mayor regarding a District Plan change designating the Basin Reserve/Pukeahu Memorial Park as a nationally significant heritage area.
- to look into the possibility of a tour of the Miramar/Watts Peninsula area, possibly with all Trust members being invited.
- to draft an amendment to the Constitution requiring the annual accounts to be examined by an independent reviewer rather than by an auditor, to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
- to ask Bruce Stokell to be seconded to the Trust for action on our application for Peter Brooks acknowledgement at Kumutoto Site 8.
Eve McMahon
- to send out forms for nominated Trustees to complete attesting to the Constitution.
Craig Palmer
- to send out the coloured map of the Kaiwharawhara area and, with Amanda Dobson and Alan Smith, to attend CentrePort meeting on 8 April.
David Tai
- to send hard copies of the newsletter to those members without e-mail.
Alan Smith’s e-mail of 3 April, a version updated to include actual decisions etc.
TIME: Thursday 28th April 2016. 5.30 for 6pm. 5.30-6: drinks & mingle; 6-c.6.40 the business AGM; 6.40-7pm Dave Armstrong guest speaker; after 7, with Maurice, a look around the building.
> VENUE: Old Public Trust Building, cnr. Stout & Lambton.
> SPEAKER: Dave Armstrong, the well-known Wellington playwright and a columnist for the Dominion-Post newspaper. Dave will talk about the state of Wellington and some of the issues likely to feature in this year’s local body elections. Key contact person - Jim
> Notice of time, place and date etc to all members and others on our register,
email and definitely by postal to those few not on email. This notice should be
given as wide a circulation as possible i.e. all those on the freebie/comps list,
lapsed members etc included, No less than 10 w.d. i.e. a fortnight before the
actual date. So, as the AGM is set for Thursday evening 28 April, then these
notices to be finalised and go out by Tuesday 12 April.
> Creation & formatting of meeting notice - AS (I offer to send out the non-email
ones too)
> Email distribution - Bartlett, from list held by Jim ex David.
Public Notice in Newspaper - required by constitution. AS. Expensive (c.$350) but
so be it. Ideally DomPost, Wellingtonians, Cook Strait News etc but in practical
reality I suggest paid notice in DomPost only and a “story” re the speaker etc in
the others plus Scoop and other on-line media - please send me addresses of these.
Timing: either next week or the week of the 28th.
5.30-6pm drinks etc: Table. Glasses. Plates. Drink. Food. Assume 40 pax. - Tiz
> Agenda items:
> Apologies - notify to Dorothy
> 2015 AGM Minutes - 20 sets of paper versions tabled. copying by AS.
> Annual Report - written by - Tiz. 20 paper sets copied by - AS
> - post on website - Bartlett
> Financial Report - written by David / Jim, standard format for f/y 1/4/15 - 31/3/16. - 20 sets of paper versions tabled. copying by AS.
> Auditor report - can be tabled unaudited or un-commented but this is not a good look.
> 2016/17 Trustees - line up nominations beforehand (all). A “thumbnail biogs” sheet will be tabled - Tiz to edit, AS to print 20 sets for the night. Remember this is
NOT voting for Chair, Secretary etc - the new board does that (per Constitution).
> - call for further names from the floor.
> No “other” business items notified.- last year was Constitution, no need for
resolution this year.
> Set date / place etc of first meeting of the new Board as Thistle 2 May 5.30)
> As soon after this first Board meeting as possible, issue Newsletter or
circularise AGM outcomes (not done in 2015 until about 3 months later!)