Poster / Presentation Requirements
Poster Requirements□ The title of the book appears on the FRONT of the poster:
· The lettering is creative, uniform in size and color, spaced carefully, and large enough to be clearly seen from across the room (it is NOT computer generated)
· The title is spelled correctly
□The author of the book appears on the FRONT of the poster:
· The author’s name is spelled out creatively with his/her full name, unless the author is known by an abbreviation such as R.L. Stine or C.S. Lewis
· The author’s name is spelled correctly (not hyphenated unnecessarily)
□ The FRONT of the poster includes a quote from the book:
· The quote shows the theme of the story and relates to the illustration on the poster
· The quote is spelling error free (no hyphenated words unless part of the quote)
· The quote is quoted properly with quotation marks, and an ellipsis (three dots) is used if words have been omitted from the quote (NO page # on the front of poster)
□ An illustration appears on the FRONT of the poster:
· The illustration uses a variety of materials/mediums to create the illustration (markers, colored pencils, crayons, regular paint, puffy paint, fabric, sequins, glitter, etc.)
· The illustration is imaginative and has NOT been copied from the book or any other media about the book / ___ /6
___ /6
___ /8
___ /6
Does the poster communicate information about the book well enough to make students want to read the book? YES / NO / ___ / 4
Total Points Earned: / ___ / 30
Presentation Requirements
□ The presentation of the poster includes the following information:
· The title of the book
· The author’s full name
· A summary of the book (try not to give away the ending)
· An explanation of why you chose your particular quote to show the theme
· A clear wrap up of the above information / ___ / 10
□ The presenter avoids using filler words while speaking (i.e., “um,” “uh,” “ok,” “like,” etc.) / ___ / 2
□ The presenter speaks clearly and loud enough so that audience members in the back can hear / ___ / 2
□ The presenter makes frequent eye contact with his / her audience / ___ / 2
□ The presenter avoids fidgeting, slouching, and engaging in any movements that distract from
the speech. / ___ / 2
Total Points Earned: / ___ / 18