Mock Environment Resources & Development Court ― Skate Park proposal

Background Information

A Skate Park Development Group comprising skaters, parents, council officers and other supporters have come up with the idea of a skate park facility for the local area.

Council has approved the construction of the facility close to residential dwellings. Approval has been given on the basis that the facility will provide:

  • A focal point for youth
  • Additional and badly needed recreational facilities
  • A meeting place for people

The development will also have:

  • Adequate parking
  • Toilet facilities
  • Additional street lighting
  • Regular inspections to ensure safety

There have been pressure groups formed resulting in public meetings to discuss the proposal. A group of residents has objected to the development and an impasse has been reached between those in favour of the skate park and those against it.

Residents and other groups are concerned about:

  • Noise
  • Cost
  • Vandalism
  • Traffic/parking
  • Safety
  • Environmental impact
  • Maintenance of the site
  • Security
  • Property values

Formulate groups

The following groups are required for this activity:

Resident Action Group

  • Spokesperson ― highlights concerns and objections of the local community and calls the following witnesses:
  • Resident 1 ― gives evidence about noise levels (a shift worker), visual impact and lowering of property values
  • Resident 2 ― gives evidence about prior experience with a similar development, vandalism, litter, graffiti, smoking and drugs and alcohol
  • Acoustic Engineer ― gives evidence about the noise level of both traffic and skaters being too high and details council engineers and planners may have overlooked

Local Council

Executive Officer (or lawyer) ― represents the council view in favour, outlines their position and calls the following witnesses:

  • Traffic Engineer ― gives evidence about access to the park, safety and parking
  • Acoustic Engineer ― gives evidence about how to make noise levels acceptable with barriers, screening and tests carried out
  • Planning Engineer ― gives evidence about the park as a recreation site, available transport, available parking and the range of options for youth and families

(Other roles could include a recreation or Youth Development Officer)

Skate Park Development Group

Spokesperson ― emphasises the need for the park, the process and research undertaken and calls the following witnesses:

  • A Parent ― who gives evidence about the need for facilities for young people
  • A Police Officer ― who gives evidence about the positive effects of the park regarding lower crime rates, a focal point for youth and a place where police can mix with youth in a positive fashion
  • A skater ― who gives evidence about the need for places for youth, the need for skateboarders to be able to use a special purpose facility, the popularity of the activity and the opportunity for good skill development

(Each of these groups may have an advisor responsible for analysing the opposition case and summing up their own case if additional student roles are needed)

Court Personnel

  • Judge ― presides over the court and gives the final decision. (Could be a student or teacher)
  • Commissioners x 2 ― assist the judge to reach the decision and ask questions of witnesses as specialists in their field
  • Judicial Support Officer ― acts as personal assistant to the judge calling on the case, directing people to stand when ushering the judge and commissioners in and out and swear in witnesses
  • Court Reporter(s) ― record what is said in the court
  • Sheriffs Officer ― calls witnesses to the court and attends to general security


  • Narrator ― gives a general introduction about the court and its role and may make reference to a map showing the location of the proposed development to help set the scene (scripted if a student)
  • Publicity Officers x 2 (optional) ― responsible for fliers, advertising and reporting to the media
  • Extras ― to attend to event coordination, furniture, seating and water for the judge, commissioners and representatives

Courts Education Officer

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