Here is a second set of questions that arrived late.
- What are some of the main differences between religious teachers (fquis) and "modern" schoolteachers in Berber villages in the countryside? How do these differences paint a larger picture of Morocco as a whole (or any other country with significant Berber population)?
- Explain Tylor's intellectualistic view of behavior. Give one example.
- According to Boas, what are the main reasons for most of the political strife in the world?
- What is, according to Malinowski, the final goal that an ethnographer should never lose sight of? What are the three lines of approach that lead to this final goal?
- How "Berber" Matters in the Middle of Nowhere. Once the schoolhouse was completed what type of education were the children given and how where they evaluated?
- Describe Tylor's theory of interpretation of Animism.
- Describe how Boas describe his concept of culture?
- Describe how Boas defines Anthropology and how Tylor's defines Anthropology?
- ARGONAUTS of the WESTERN PACIFIC, describe the trading system of the Kula that Malinowski observed.
- According to Wardlow, what is negative agency? How is negative agency relevant to the women of New Guinea?
- Explain the theory of Structure v. Agency. How does this theory affect culture?
- Which style of anthropological thought does Wolf resemble?
- Explain Modernization Theory.
- Explain the World Systems Theory.
- What is the Principle of Wi? How is does it differ from the tribe that Chagnon wrote of?
- Describe the arrow system used by the tribe in Lee's article "The Gentile [sic]People." What purpose does this system serve?
- How does Chavez described the way of life for persons in Shadowed Lives?
- Chavez posed a question how do we conceptualized the movement of peoples between such disparate realities? Who else does he say posed a similar question?
- What is meant by negative agency in Holly Wardlow' Wayward Women?
- Who is Eric Wolf talking about in his title, “Europe and the People without History” and why?
- What does Wolf think the problem with anthropology is?
- Wallerstein’s “World Systems Theory” can be traced back to whom?
- How are the words agency and resistance used in Holly Wardlow’s “Wayward Women”?
- Write about an example from the book “Wayward Woman” when resistance is used.
- What area of the United States is Chavez writing about in “Shadowed” lives?
- In Chavez’s book he talks about using snowball sampling to obtain subjects to be interviewed. Describe how snowball sampling works.