Village of Gibsonburg

Minutes for Regular Session of Council June 19, 2014

Call to order: Mayor Gerwin at 7:30 pm

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Roll call: Balsizer here, Cantrell here, Gerwin here, Herman here, Kirwen here, Maynard here.

Other in attendance: Fiscal officer Robert Schroeder, Chief of Police Paul Whitaker, Village Administrator Marc Glotbecker, John Cahill and Scott Heilman

Review and Approval of Minutes of Previous Council Meeting:

Motion by Kerwin to approve June 5, 2014 regular Council Minutes as corrected, seconded by Gerwin.

Roll call: Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Balsizer yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.

Motion Passed.

Motion by Cantrell to approve June 17, 2014 Special Council Minutes as written, seconded by Maynard.

Roll call: Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Balsizer yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.

Motion Passed.

Correspondence: Mayor Gerwin

·  Agenda for the Sandusky Co Health Dept. meeting 6/20/14 available to view.

·  Sandusky Co. July Clinic Schedule to view.

·  Received a letter from Materion Brush (formally Brush Wellman) to let us know they are making modifications to the Hazardous waste facility plan.

·  Received a letter from Sandusky Co. Sheriff regarding them losing some work programs losing funding and there may be fees for certain things in the future.

·  Letter from EPA with an invoice attached for the DSW-NPDES Permit Issuance for the Surface Water Program the cost is $750.00.

Recognition of Visitors/Special Reports for council meeting.

John Cahill a Candidate who is running for an open seat for Sandusky County Commissioner was here to introduce himself and passed out contact information to all. He stated he would like to represent the whole county not just his city. Mr. Balsizer asked how he was going to work and be a commissioner. John stated if he would get the spot, he would be done with his teaching at Christmas break. Bob commented on the money always going to the east end of county, not the West side and we would really appreciate him putting in a plug for our Industrial Park. If he would be elected, he stated he would come to meetings a few times a year. John thanked everyone for their time!

Motion to approve payment of invoices reviewed tonight for the Fiscal Officer to pay.

Motion to approve payment of invoices by Maynard, second by Balsizer.

Roll call: Gerwin yes, Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes

Motion Passed.

Old Business: None

New Business:


Motion to suspend the rules, waived the 3 reading on Ordinance No. 10- 2014 by Cantrell, second by Kirwen.

Roll call: Maynard yes, Cantrell yes, Herman yes, Gerwin yes, Kirwen yes, Balsizer yes.

Motion Passed.

Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 10-2014 by Maynard, second by Gerwin.

Roll call: Gerwin yes, Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.

Motion Passed.

  1. Motion to go into executive session at end of meeting.

Mayor’s Report: G. Gerwin nothing to report

Administrator’s Report: Glotzbecker

Unlimited Trash Pick Up- The pickup will be on Saturday, June 28th. Items should be placed neatly curbside by 7:00 am. Buckeye will pick up mattresses, doors, windows and other building materials. The info has been advertised on the sign and in the paper.

-  WWTP Repairs- We are working with IFM to complete the following repairs at the WWTP:

o  Install a new “Screw Pump,” valves and piping

o  Install a new Diffuser System in the #1 Sludge Holding Tank

2014 Sidewalk Program- All letters have been sent out to residents and we are now in the process of answering questions, revising the initial list and preparing to perform the work.

-  2013 Water Quality Report- Completed and ready to be mailed out to residents. A copy is attached.

-  Grass/Weed Letters- Another batch has been sent out this week and these properties will be checked on this Saturday (as stated in the letters) and if not in compliance, a Civil Infraction will be filed against them.

-  Truck Purchase- We have purchased a 2009 GMC 2500HD Truck from Keller’s. The vehicle has an 8 Foot Boss V Plow (worth @ $7,000.00) on it as well as an electric dump attachment (worth @ $2,000.00) in the bed. It has 19,000 miles on it and is in beautiful condition. It was listed at $26,500.00 and we purchased it for $25,000.00. We budgeted

$30,000.00 for a new truck in the Water Dept. Budget, so I strongly feel that we came out on the positive end of things considering what we’ve gained for the price.

-  Weekend Update- Last weekend proved to be a very positive one for the community. Thanks to all involved with the Sculpture in the Village/Celebration of the Arts events. The Color Run drew 83 participants and preliminary numbers show:

o  Income: $2,390.00 (includes sponsors and all registrations)

o  Expense: $1,350.82 (Color Powder, shirts and DJ)

o  Profit: $1,039.18

In addition, there were about 75 people in attendance for the Movie in the Park that evening.

-  YMCA Day Camp- The YMCA Day Camp has been going on in Williams Park this week. They have about 14 campers this week and are hoping that the number rises in the coming weeks.

-  Reminder- I will be out of the office from July 8th to July 15th. I will provide a contact number to everyone by email before that date.

Fiscal Officer’s Report:-Schroeder

  1. Received a bill from Toledo Edison for 215 W Yeasting for the Ball games at Central Park from May 9 to June 9 for $722.67. This would be from the Concession stands and the lights. The lights are on a demand so if you turn them on one time at night it is an automatic charge of over $600 which is a big expense. The Mayor would like to have that put in the Ball Association name. Mr. Kirwen suggested putting a lock on it and then they would have to see the Administrator the day before to get the lights turned on. Mr. Cantrell made a suggestion to have Gary Dawson come to the meeting on June 24, 2014 to discuss the ball lighting.
  2. The Mayor would like to thank Marc and the council members that helped for all of the activities that took place on Saturday.

Committee Reports:

Finance- Maynard. Meeting was held on June 17, 2014 to discuss the 2015 tax budget and also some utility records. Next meeting scheduled for June 23, 2014 @ 7 pm @ town hall.

Public Service Parks- C. Gerwin- Next meeting scheduled for June 26, 2014 @ 7pm Village Hall.

Thank everyone for the help at events on Saturday.

Tree Committee – C. Gerwin –Next meeting scheduled for June 24, 2014 @ 7pm Village Hall. Mr. Kirwen have a fruit tree in my yard that is about 7 or 8 years old and it does not look very good was wondering if anyone else was having that same issue. Charlie Gerwin said his looked

bad, but it is getting better now as the season goes on. Mr. Cantrell made a suggestion to have Gary come to that meeting to discuss the ball lighting.

Laws & Rules - Cantrell- Meeting was held on June 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm Village Hall. The ordinance we passed tonight is what was discussed. Next meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2014 @7pm @ the Village Hall.

Public Utilities - Herman- Meeting was held on June 17. Next meeting scheduled for July 10, 2014 @ 7 pm.

Economic Development - Kirwen- Meeting held June 10, 2014. Next meeting is scheduled for June 23, 2014 after the Finance Meeting @ the Village Hall. Meeting we discussed the zoning for the Clearwater Industrial park, sent it to Kay Marc sent it to regional planning She suggested we add gas stations and convenience stores to our lists. Do we need to have a public meeting for this? Ruck stated you do need to have 1 meeting. Another idea brought up was putting grass 30’ around the road in the industrial park. Marc is working on bids for this.

Planning Commission – Balsizer - No meeting scheduled.

Joint Cemetery Board - Herman – Next meeting July 2, 2014 @ Township hall. Bids are coming in to take down 4 trees.

Individual Council Member Reports

Cantrell- No report.

Kirwen- Are we getting another bid for the sewer project other than Poggemeyer? Marc stated that Poggemeyer has done all the work, so they will be doing it. He will be late for the next meeting.


1.  Thanks to Scott and Donny for the Fishing derby I believe we had about 68 people. He stated he now knows what a color race is but is still not sure why they would want to do that.

2.  Mr. Maynard feels we should go around and check all of our buildings and make sure they have locks on all of our things that someone could get into.

3.  How is the Grass Ordinance? Ruck stated we do have a few options. We can issue a civil infraction and give them a daily fine or a misdemeanor ticket. There were many discussions regarding tall grass, abandoned homes, Foreclosed homes, vehicles and numerous other nuisances around the village.

4.  Did Poggameyer ever get the images of the Village on a file for us? Marc stated they are working on it.


1.  He receives a lot of concerns from citizens. These individuals are complaining about the properties beside or around them looking bad and that will make their property value go down.

2.  He would like to thank Marc for all the time and paperwork he has done preparing for all of the meetings regarding pay increases for the employees. He also thanked Don, Randy

The Mayor, Ed and the Chief of Police for coming to meetings and being a part of helping get the employees the raises I feel they needed.


1.  The corner issue can we make the corner cement? Then maybe an ordinance to require fencing for certain items. Mr. Herman suggested looking into the right away. If the signs are illegal we should let people park there.

2.  I have spoken before about political signs in the Boulevard now there are for sale signs in there. State Route 600 sign is upside down should be fixed.

3.  There are 32 Community Garage Sales that started today. Chief said everything has been good for today.

4.  I would like to see the sidewalks in the downtown area be fixed with some kind of a design to incorporate the water and sewer lines. Possibly see which businesses would be interested. I will come and be on the committee.

Herman- Gas Station needs cleaned up. More discussion on all of the houses falling down, trailers, animals being in these abandoned houses, roofs caving in, some with water or mold in them.

Report of Officials:

Police Chief- Whitaker

1.  One part time officer resigned effective July 1st.

2.  Have hired 2 other part time officers.

Solicitor–Ruck no report

Residence- Open Forum/Comment:

Scott Heilman – I know someone who would take the motors out of those cars set in the back seat and take to junk yard. We have been working on the planters and are currently waiting on some more bricks. Who would you like to plant the flowers? Halloween Run for the kids. People have been very generous about donating to the Christmas lights drive thru.

Executive session requested:

A Motion was made by Kerwin to go into executive session to discuss purchase/sale of real estate for 20 minutes with no action taken, seconded by Maynard.

Roll call: Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.

Motion Passed.

Motion by Kerwin to return to regular session of village council meeting, seconded by Gerwin.

No roll call needed.

Motion to adjourn at 10:03 pm was made by Cantrell, seconded by Maynard.

Roll call: Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Herman yes, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.

Motion Passed.

Respectfully submitted,


Robert Schroeder

Fiscal Officer Village of Gibsonburg


Gregory S. Gerwin

Mayor Village of Gibsonburg


Minutes for Village Council Meeting June 19, 2014