Chipola College

Elementary Education

TASK CC1H: ESOL Field-Based Experience

RED 4519 – Diagnostic and Instructional Interventions in Reading

Accomplished Practices:
1.1Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor.
1.2Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge.
1.3Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery.
2.4 Respects students’ cultural, linguistic, and family background.
3.3 Identify gaps in students’ subject matter knowledge.
3.8 Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students.
4.1 Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students’ learning needs, informs instruction based on those needs, and drives the learning process.
4.3 Uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement, and learning gains.
4.6 Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information.


For this task, you will be conducting both informal and formal assessments to determine the baseline of a group of AN ESOL STUDENT. Data from various sources will be collected and graphed in an electronic spreadsheet to show both pre-test and post-test results. These assessments will be further used to recognize gaps in student subject matter for the purpose of designing instruction andsequencing lessons and concepts ensuring coherence and prior knowledge for a series of at least five sequenced lessons. One of the lessons must be evaluated by either the cooperating classroom teacher or college instructor. Lessons must align with the state-adopted standards and match the previously determined level ofstudents. Lessons will show evidence of differentiation based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students. Differentiation for the ESOL student must show evidence that the student’s cultural, linguistic, and family backgroundhas been used during the development of instructional activities. Finally, a narrative discussing this experience should include what you have learned about differentiating instruction in reading, using ESOL strategies to differentiate instruction, how this experience will help you in your classroom, the impact made on instruction, and whether your instruction positively impacted student growth in reading.

What to submit?

This assignment should be submitted in a folder or binder. All sections should be typed and double-spaced. Each section should be separated using labeled dividers.


Section 1: READING ASSESSMENTS:Administer a minimum of two VALID reading assessments to use as a benchmark score. Describe each reading assessment you administered as a pretest and a table showing results of each student.

Section 2: Lesson plans for each lesson taught, minimum of five lesson plans reflecting

differentiation of instruction. The lesson plans should follow the Chipola Lesson Plan Format. ESOL strategies must be explicitly stated in your lesson plans. Make sure to use COMMON CORE STANDARDS within your lesson plans.

Section 3: Daily summaries and reflections. For each day spent in the reading classroom observing or teaching, a thorough summary should be written describing strategies the teacher is using. Particular attention should be directed to the ESOL students and instructional strategies the teacher uses to differentiate instruction to meet their learning needs. THE AMOUNT OF SUMMARIES AND REFLECTIONSYOU HAVE SHOULD MEET THE NUMBER OF TIMES ACCORDING TO YOUR OBSERVATION LOG THAT YOU ATTENDED THE CLASSROOM.

Section 4: Administer a minimum of two final assessments to determine your impact on student

instruction and growth in reading. Describe each reading assessment you administered as a posttest and a table showing results of each student.

Section 5: Write a summary statement discussing this experience. You should discuss what you

have learned about differentiating instruction in reading, what you have learned about using ESOL strategies to differentiate instruction for ESOL students, how thisexperience will help you in your own classroom, and describe the impact you have made on instruction and whether your instruction positively impacted student growth in reading.

Section 6: Include the Chipola Practicum Student-Teaching Observation Form that has been

completed and signed by the evaluator. ALSO INCLUDE THE REFELCTION OF THAT LESSON.


TASK CC1H: ESOL Field-Based Experience

RED 4519 – Diagnostic and Instructional Interventions in Reading

Name ______Submission # ______Instructor: Bush

Accomplished Practices:

1.1Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor.

1.2Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge.

1.3Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery.

2.4 Respects students’ cultural, linguistic, and family background.

3.3 Identify gaps in students’ subject matter knowledge.

3.8 Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students.

4.1 Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students’ learning needs, informs instruction based on those needs, and drives the learning process.

4.3 Uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement, and learning gains.

4.6 Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information.

Decision for FEAPs on this Task:

___ Demonstrated……..…………12or more E’s

___ Partially Demonstrated........4 or more D’s

___ Not Demonstrated……….….1 or more U

  • Must resubmit on or before the following date: ______
  • Although the original grade is final and no points are added for resubmissions, failure to resubmit by the deadline will result in a “ten-point penalty” PER DAY grade reduction.
  • For all resubmissions – the original assignment must be included with the resubmission.
  • Rating Scale Key: E=Effective; D=Developing; U=Unacceptable

E – 7-10 points
D – 4-6 points
U – 0-3 points
READING ASSESSMENTS / 4.1 / Two valid reading assessments are administered and referenced as benchmark scores. EACH reading assessment is described thoroughly to help with the understanding of the ESOL student and other students within the group. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
3.3 / Gaps in the knowledge of the ESOL student are identified. Thoroughly analyzes the scores of the reading assessments. Student discusses how they would use these scores to determine future instructional needs. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
4.6 / Results of the benchmark reading assessment are communicated correctly in an easy-to-read graph for each student. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
LESSON PLANS / 1.2 / Differentiation of instruction is evident throughout ALL five lesson plans. ALL five lesson plans were taught to student and scaffold knowledge from previous lesson. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
1.3 / ESOL strategies are explicitly stated in the lesson plan and appropriately fit the needs of the ESOL learner. The ESOL strategies allow the opportunity for the student to achieve mastery. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
1.1 / COMMON CORE STANDARDS are appropriate within lesson plans. Standards will scaffold the knowledge of the student. ALL other parts of the lesson plans are done correctly according to the Chipola Lesson Plan Format. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
DAILY SUMMARIES AND REFLECTIONS / 3.8 / DAILY summaries and reflections are included. EACH summary MUST include descriptions of strategies being used, differentiation for the ESOL student, AND reflections made to your own teaching practices (if you did not include this on any one of your days, you will not receive an ACCEPTABLE rating). / ____ E ____ D ____ U
FINAL ASSESSMENTS / 4.1 / Two valid reading assessments are administered and referenced as post instruction, final scores. EACH reading assessment is described thoroughly to help with the understanding of the ESOL student and other students within the group. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
3.3 / Gaps still evident in the knowledge of the ESOL student are identified. Thoroughly analyzes the scores of the reading assessments. Student discusses how they would use these scores to determine future instructional needs. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
4.6 / Results of the benchmark reading assessment are communicated correctly in an easy-to-read graph forEACH student. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
SUMMARY / 3.8 / Summary discusses learned information, in detail, concerning differentiation of instruction appropriate for the ESOL student. Summary discusses learned information, in detail, concerning ESOL strategies for use within classroom instruction. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
2.4 / Summary discusses learned information, in detail, concerning ESOL students in general and how this will help you grow towards your experience in your own classroom. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
3.3 / Summary discusses learned information, in detail, describing the impact you have made on this student’s instruction, what gaps have in knowledge have now been closed, and if the student’s growth was impacted in a positive manner. / ____ E ____ D ____ U
OBSERVATION FORM / Included is the CHIPOLA PRACTICUM TEACHING OBSERVATION FORM and reflection of the lesson observed. Remember, the lesson has to be turned in for approval no later than 24 hours before lesson is planned to be taught. / ______POINTS
LOG / Observation Log is filled out completely and included with
a minimum of 10 hours recorded (10 points). / ______POINTS
DEDUCTIONS / Two points per language mechanics error will be applied to your grade. Language mechanics include spelling, grammar, and syntax. A 10-point deduction will be applied for not following directions. Late tasks will not be accepted. / ______POINTS

Accomplished Practices: 1, 2, 3, and 4 Submission/date: 1_____ 2_____ 3_____ Instructor: Bush

(Must be submitted until demonstrated)

Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) Task Reflection Form

  1. Task Title: Task CC1H – ESOL Field-Based Experience
2.Indicator(s) Met by this task for Accomplished Practice #‘s:

1.1Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor.

1.2Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge.

1.3Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery.

2.4 Respects students’ cultural, linguistic, and family background.

3.3 Identify gaps in students’ subject matter knowledge.

3.8 Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students.

4.1 Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students’ learning needs, informs instruction based on those needs, and drives the learning process.

4.3 Uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement, and learning gains.

4.6 Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information.

  1. Briefly summarize this task:

This course requires 10 hours of observation, participation, and teaching in public schools. For this course, you will work in the reading resource classroom and teach a lesson to the group of children who are considered “iii”, meaning they require participation in the Intensive Intervention Group. ESOL students must be present in the group, and you will work intensively with these students as well as the other students. One of the lessons should be evaluated by either the cooperating classroom teacher or college instructor.

  1. How does this task demonstrate your competency for each Accomplished Practice listed in question 2? You are required to write at least one paragraph for each reflected indicator.

RED 4519

Last updated Fall 2013