Antonym Rap (1.0)
· Antonym song
Students will enjoy this rap as they fill in the blanks to this catchy tune with the antonym.
1. The teacher will lead the group in the song.
2. The children will respond with the appropriate antonym to complete the line of the rap.
Grade Level Expectations
· GLE 0101.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies to decode words and expand vocabulary. (First Grade)
· GLE 0202.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies to decode words and expand vocabulary. (Second Grade)
Check for Understanding (ü)
· ü0101.1.10 Recognize and identify compound words, synonyms, and antonyms. (First Grade)
· ü0201.1.9 Recognize and identify compound words, synonyms, and antonyms. (Second Grade)
Materials needed:• None
Assessment Activity Title: ANTONYM RAP
Description of Activity:
The student will participate in the rap song identifying antonyms.
I say happy. You say ____ (sad). Happy-Sad. Happy-Sad
I say good. You say ____ (bad). Good-Bad. Good-Bad
I say come. You say ___ (go). Come-Go. Come-Go
I say high. You say ____ (low). High-Low. High-Low
I say dirty. You say ____ (clean). Dirty-Clean. Dirty-Clean
I say King. You say ____ (Queen). Kind-Queen. King-Queen
I say left. You say ____ (right). Left-Right. Left-Right
I say black. You say ___ (white). Black-White. Black-White
I say laugh. You say ___ (cry). Laugh-Cry. Laugh-Cry
I say hello. You say ____ (goodbye!). Hello-Goodbye. Hello-Goodbye!
Assignment Extensions:
Allow the students to make their own verse of the song using antonyms.