Marketing Brief

The information on this form will be used to prepare jacket and catalogue copy, define specialist mailings and advertising, brief our sales force, and explore promotion possibilities. We would be grateful if you could complete this questionnaire as completely as possible, including both the UK/World and North & South America sections. This is crucial to the ultimate success of your book.

If there is an illustration particularly suitable for your book’s jacket, please supply it with all the necessary permissions cleared and we will try to use it. (Only applicable if you have not already supplied one.)


Use as much room as you need – boxes will expand as you type.




For office use only:Date sent:

Date returned:

Date copied to US/UK office:


Names of authors/editors as they should appear in the book

Full names of authors/editors, for copyright purposes

Author/Editor’s contact information

Address, fax, phone, and e-mail

Author/Editor’s date and place of birth, for copyright purposes

Author/Editor’s current affiliation and teaching post

Author/Editor’s undergrad and graduate institutions


Subject classifications applicable to your book

What are three selling points we might emphasize? Highlight what is new, different, controversial,or of wider interest about your book. If someone asked why he/she should buy your book, what would you say?

Social Media

We encourage you to use your social media accounts to promote your book. Posting details of special discount offers has proven very successful. We will provide you with a jpeg-format discount offer to share and are happy to help if you have any questions about how to do it.

LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are particularly effective. We recommend you follow Boydell & Brewer on each platform that you use. We won’t post anything on your pages, but, if you wish, we will share any posts you publish about your book.






  • Main:
  • Music:
  • African Studie:

Do you use Facebook? Please provide a link to your page if you use it for professional purposes.
Twitter? If so, please provide your twitter handle.
Do you maintain a website to which you’d like us to link your book? If so, please provide the URL here:

Listserves: Don’t forget to post information about your book on any listserves for which you are registered. It would be helpful if you could alert the Marketing Department () of any announcements you post.


We regularly publish three popular e-newsletters: The Medieval Herald, The African Griot, and The Rundschau. They offer in-depth articles on our books and a discount to subscribers.

  • If you would like to subscribe, please click here.
  • If you would like to contribute an article about your book, please put an X next to the relevant newsletter:

__ Medieval Herald (medieval studies)

__ African Griot (African studies)

__ Rundschau (German studies)


In the publication month of your book, we will send you a discount offer to circulate to friends, family, colleagues, etc. If you’d like to have this offer earlier, just let us know!

Press Releases and Special Promotions

Please list names and e-mails for societies/associations or media contacts who would be interested in your book. We may send press releases or offer a pre-publication discount to these contacts.

Please indicate with an asterisk (*) if you are a member of any of the societies listed.If there are multiple authors or editors, please indicate which person is a member of which society. We strongly urge you to join societies in your field if you have an expectation of them helping to market your book.

North & South America / UK & Rest of World

Publication Notice - North & South America
We are happy to notify professionals in your field of the publication of your book. Whether or not you know them personally, they may be interested to hear about your work. Please list their names, current country, and email addresses in the grid below.

This is also a good place to include individuals who may be interested in adopting your book for their course. (In this section, please list only names inside of North & South America.)
To add another line, place your cursor in the bottom right cell and press the Tab key.

First name / Last name / Current
Country / E-mail

Publication Notice - UK & Rest of World
We are happy to notify professionals in your field of the publication of your book. Whether or not you know them personally, they may be interested to hear about your work. Please list their names, current country, and email addresses in the grid below.

This is also a good place to include individuals who may be interested in adopting your book for their course. (In this section, please list only names inside of North & South America.)
To add another line, place your cursor in the bottom right cell and press the Tab key.

First name / Last name / Country / E-mail


Are there specialized bookstores (not chain stores like Barnes & Noble) that should know about your book? Please provide a contact name and address.

North & South America / UK & Rest of World

Alumni publications

Are there any college or university alumni publications we should contact regarding your book? Please provide the contact person’s name and email address.

North & South America / UK & Rest of World

Course adoption

Please list 8-10 colleges or universities with departments that are particularly strong in your books subject area. Please provide the college/university and department name.

North & South America / UK & Rest of World

Review copies

In order of importance, please provide contact details for 10-12 publications that may be interested in reviewing your book. (Please spell out the names of publications rather than using initials!) Be sure the publications you suggest do publish reviews.

North & South America / UK & Rest of World

Conferences and events

Please give full titles, date, venue, and web address of organizer if known. Please continue to keep us informed of any events after publication.

North & South America / UK & Rest of World


For what awards could your book be considered? Please list any and all details. Keep in mind that we have a strictly limited supply of books designated for this purpose. Authors can purchase additional books for submission to prizes with their 50% author discount.

North & South America / UK & Rest of World

Catalogues & Special Offers

Would you like to be added to our mailing list for subject catalogues, brochures, details of new publications and special offers? Please click here to sign up.