The Organizing Authority is Helford River Sailing Club
1.1 The racing will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (2017 -2020).
2.1 Races are open to all yachts owned by members of the Helford River SC, and to members of PoFSA clubs and to other yachts by invitation only.
2.2 All competitors shall complete an official entry form before being allowed to compete.
2.3 Forms are available from the Club Administrator, or the Club Website:helfordriversc.co.uk/downloads/
3.1 Details of Series, dates of racing, number of races, and start times are shown in the Yacht Racing Calendar in the Club Year Book 2018 and on the Club Website.
3.2 Amendments to the series, dates of racing, number of races and start times may be posted on the Club Notice board or Club Website.
4.1 IRC Yachts shall submit a signed copy of their rating certificate before the first race of each series.
4.2 IRC boats are permitted to carry x 2 additional crew (aged 16 years or under) to the number listed in their IRC Certificate.
5.1 The sailing instructions are printed in the Club Yearbook 2018 (N.B. amendments may have been applied) and on the Club Website.
The low point system (RRS Appendix A) will be used for all club series and individual cups and races.
6.1 Club Series
6.1.1 2 races are required to be completed to constitute a series.
2018 HRSC Club Racing NOR & ENTRY FORM
6.1.2 Number of Races to Count:
PY fleet
Early Summer Series -6 races, 4 to count towards a boat’s series score.
Mid Summer Series -6 races, 4 to count towards a boat’s series score.
Late Summer Series -6 races, 4 to count towards a boat’s series score.
Lady Helm Race -1 race 1 to count Dorothy Winfrey Cup -1 race, 1 to count.
NB. For each evening that the Race officer decides on two races then and one extra number of races will count for the series.
6.1.3 When less than the minimum required number of races to count has been completed, all race scores will count towards the series total.
6.2 Individual Cup Races
Scoring for individual cup races will be notified in advance on the club notice board or club website.
6.3 Club River Regatta
The Club River Regatta shall have its own Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions.
7.1 Club Series Racing
7.1.1 Prize giving for the Club Series will be held at the Yacht Prize Giving (TBA).
7.1.2 Prizes will be awarded to both 707 and PY classes at the discretion of the Sailing Committee.
7.1.3 Further prizes maybe awarded by Captain Yachts at his/her discretion.
7.2 Trophies and Individual Races
Trophies and individual cups will be as described in the Club Yearbook 2018 but the Organising Authority retains the right to make any changes.
7.1 Competitors are entirely responsible for their own safety, whether afloat or ashore, and nothing reduces this responsibility. It is for competitors to decide whether their boat and its helm and crew are fit to sail in the conditions that they might find. By launching or going to sea competitors confirm their boat is fit for those conditions and that they are competent to sail and compete in them. Nothing done by the organizers can reduce the responsibility of the owners and/or competitors, nor will it make the organizers responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury, however it may have occurred, as a result of the boat taking part in the racing.
7.2 The organizers encompass everyone helping to run the event and include the organizing authority, sailing committee, race officer and patrol boat personnel.
7.3 The provision of patrol boats does not relieve owners and competitors of their responsibilities.
8.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of £2million per event or the equivalent.
2018 HRSC Club Racing NOR & ENTRY FORM
Yacht Name: ………………………… Sail Number: ……………….. Class/Type ………………………… Year built ……………….. IRC/TCC: ………………………… Length: ……………….. Rig Type : ………. Bermudan Sloop (B) Ketch (K) Yawl (Y) Gaff (G) Other (O) Keel Type: ………. Central fixed (F) Drop (D) Retractable fixed when racing (R)
Twin (2K) Central & twin bilge (3K) Winged (W) Engine : ………. Inboard folding prop (IBF) Inboard 2 Blade Solid Prop (IB2) Inboard 3 Blade Solid Prop (IB3) Outboard (OB) None ( 0 )
Please enter my yacht for the following races (tick the appropriate boxes ) :
Owner / Skipper: …………………………………………………Telephone No:……………..………………………
Address: ...... Email: ......
The race organisers shall not be liable for any loss, damage, death or personal injury howsoever caused to the owner/competitor, his/her skipper or crew, as a result in their taking part in any races organized by HRSC. Moreover, every owner/competitor warrants the suitability of his/her boat for racing in HRSC organised events.
I declare that I hold a valid and current boat insurance which covers me for a minimum of £2,000,000 third party claims whilst racing and that I will continue to do so whilst engaged in racing in HRSC organized events. I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and all other rules that govern HRSC events. I have read the HRSC 2018 Sailing Season Notice of Races and confirm I agree to be bound by its provisions and that my boat will conform with its requirements whenever racing in HRSC organised events.
Signed Owner/Skipper: ………………………… Date: ……………………
A copy of your current IRC certificate MUST be enclosed
An unsigned entry form will not be accepted
Please return to the Club Administrator at the above address.
2018 HRSC Club Racing NOR & ENTRY FORM