Minutes(amended) of the Planning Committee meeting
Monday 28thNovember 2016at 7.00pm, South Lodge
Present: Cllrs J. Chhokar, J. O’Keeffe, J. Woolveridge,N. Holmes, C.Brown, H. Orme, M. Berntson and C. McCoy (Assistant Clerk)
- Apologies for absence were accepted from:Cllrs M. Lawson, P. Grimes, P. Roberts, I. Bayliss, M. Baker
- Declarations of interest: Cllr H. Orme declared an interest in plan no. 7, 16/02015/FUL
- The Council considered22plans and commented as follows:
App. No. / Town Council Comments / Site / Proposal
16/02065/FUL / Meeting was closed at 7:04pm to allow Mr. R. Moir, of no.19 Woodlands, to speak.
The meeting reopened at 7:09pm.
Council object to this application which it considers to be contrary to Policies EP3, H9, TR5 and TR7 of the Local Plan:
The proposed building will be over-dominant and over-bearing – particularly with regard to the higher elevation - to neighbouring properties and is not in keeping with other properties in Woodlands.
Properties in Woodlands are single family homes and development of an apartment building will set a precedent for future developments.
There is already an acute problem with too much parking in Woodlands – emergency and service vehicles have experienced access problems – and the increase in the number of vehicles from the proposed development will exacerbate this problem.
Council would also like to draw attention to the description and picture of Davan House in “Gerrards Cross: a History” by Julian Hunt and David Thorpe. Davan House, built in 1907 by Robinson and Rood, is in a collection of architect’s houses built at the turn of the century in Gerrards Cross. There is a prominent picture of Davan House, reflecting its importance, on page 77. / Davan House
38 Woodlands
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8DD / Two storey building comprising 6 apartments with basement parking.
16/02064/CAN / No objection / Brackenwood
Oxford Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7DL / G1 Cypress x 6 - reduce to 6m (Gerrards Cross Common Conservation Area).
16/01942/FUL / Council were concerned that there is no arboriculturist report with the application and there is possibility that the garage construction will damage a mature beech tree.
There was no ground floor plan to inspect and there has also been a slight increase in floor space on the first floor, although the planning statement says that it is identical to the previous granted application. / 44 Fulmer Drive
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7HL / Replacement detached dwellinghouse with garage.
16/02052/RVC / No objection / Howard Marshall
5 Station Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8ES / Variation of Condition number 4 attached to Planning Permission 15/01091/FUL to enable change of roof tile.
16/01668/ADV / No objection / Station Road Car Park
Station Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8EL / Banner sign.
16/01669/ADV / No Objection / Packhorse Road Car Park
Packhorse Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7QA / Banner Sign.
16/02015/FUL / Cllr H. Orme declared an interest with regard to this Application and took no part in the discussion or outcome of the discussion.
No objection / 9 Bentinck Close
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8SQ / Single storey rear extension
16/02025/FUL / No objection as long as the proposed use of the barn is for agricultural use as described / Woodhill Farm
Oxford Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7AZ / Construction of agricultural barn.
16/02078/FUL / No objection / 42 Moreland Drive
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8BD / Porch and single storey rear extension.
16/01962/FUL / Council object to this application:
The scale of the proposed development represents over-development relative to the size of the plot and is contrary to Policy EP3 of the Local Plan.
Council also regrets the loss of boundary trees. / 55 High Beeches
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7HY / Replacement dwelling.
16/02083/CLOPED / For info only / Alver
Oxford Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7DP / Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed: rooflights to front elevation.
16/02097/JNOT / Council have concerns with regard to this Permitted Development:
Highways – lack of parking space and access rights for residential flats
Environment – reduction of light to tenants of no. 55a, lack of amenity space and issues with dealing with sewerage.
There was concern that the structural changes would include making new windows for the residential flats and this was not allowed under Permitted Development / 56 Packhorse Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8EF / Notification under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, Part 3 of Schedule 2 Class O for: Change of use from office (Class B1 (a)) to 3 Residential flats (Class C3).
16/02103/NMA / No objection / Glenville
6 Ethorpe Close
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8PL / Non Material Amendment to planning permission 15/00780/FUL to permit not to build a dummy chimney and install a sectional up and over garage door.
16/02108/TPO / No objection / Cranleigh
94 Oak End Way
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8DB / T1 Cypress - reduce by 20% and reshape. T2 Blue Cypress - reduce by 20%. T3 Cypress - reduce by 20% and reshape. T4 Cedar - reduce by 25%. (TPO no. 1,1977).
16/01950/TPO / No objection / Cornucopia
43 Woodhill Avenue
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8DP / T1 - Willow - Fell. T2 - Pine - cut back two limbs. (SBDC TPO 5, 2001)
16/02102/NMA / Council raised concern that there were inaccuracies in the description of the installation of windows – plan shows 5, not 3, windows proposed and none were in the original planning application. Also, the back now shows patio doors are planned rather than windows as on original application. / Glenville
6 Ethorpe Close
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8PL / Non Material Amendment to planning permission 15/00780/FUL to permit installation of 3 velux windows during construction.
16/02110/FUL / Council regrets the retrospective nature of this application.
Council is concerned about the roof height near the boundary with neighbouring property and thinks that consideration could have been given to use slate tiles which would have been more in keeping with surrounding properties.
If permission is granted, a condition should be stipulated that it should not breach the ancillary building condition (H12 of the Local Plan) / Woodside
Oxford Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7DP / Retrospective application for detached outbuilding.
16/02125/FUL / No objection / 16 Dukes Wood Drive
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7LR / New roof structure with front and rear dormers.
16/02120/NMA / Council thinks that the original decision of SBDC for obscure glazing should be maintained as removal of this condition would directly and adversely affect the privacy of the neighbouring property. / 26 Dukes Wood Avenue
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7JT / Non Material Amendment to remove condition 4 of planning permission 16/01695/FUL to permit removal of obscure glazing.
16/02146/TPO / No objection / Merlins
26 Manor Lane
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7NJ / (T1) Cherry - Fell, (G2) Yew - Reduce by 3m, (T3) Holly - Reduce by 3m and reshape, (T4) Cypress - Fell and (T5) Yew - Reduce by 3m and reshape (SBDC TPO No. 30, 1995).
Amendment / No objection / Little Gordons
Over the Misbourne
Gerrards Cross
Bucks SL9 0QD / Replacement dwelling with KlargesterBioDisc domestic plant
16/02028/FUL / No objection, but Council commented that there was room for improvement with the overall design (more brick, less metal) and landscaping. Council would like some vertical planting to be considered to offset the stark and unforgiving visual aspect of the design.
Given the expected increased volume of traffic at peak times, Council is interested to know if any changes are being planned with regard to traffic flow in Station Road. / Car Park
42-46 Station Road
Gerrards Cross
Buckinghamshire / Construction of a multi-storey car park, comprising a total of 450 car parking spaces.
- Past decisions (April to November 14th 2016) were reviewed
Meeting started at 7:00pm and ended at8:45pm.
Date of next meeting – Monday 5th December2016 7:00 pm