Name: Date:

Grade 1

Observations Checklist

Number Sense and Numeration / Measure-ment/
NSN1 / Data Management and Probability
/ makes reasonable estimates / counts to20 / demonstrates 1:1 correspon-dence / shows understanding of quantity and number / demon-strates conser-vation / explains mathe-matical thinking and reasoning / identifies, describes, and represents money amounts / organizes objects by sorting / describes more than 1 way to sort

1 – This is no longer a Measurement expectation. It is NSN; however, taking it out leaves only 2 strands.

Grade 1

Rubric: Solve the Mystery!

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
•makes and carries out a plan to solve problems using a range of appropriate strategies (e.g., estimating, counting, comparing) / makes and carries out a plan, rarely resulting in an accurate solution, using a limited range of appropriate strategies / makes and carries out a plan, that frequently results in an accurate solution, using some appropriate patterning strategies / makes and carries out a plan, that usually results in an accurate solution, using appropriate patterning strategies / makes and carries out a plan, that results in an accurate solution; may offer an innovative approach, using a range of patterning strategies
Knowledge and Understanding
•shows understanding of concepts by explaining or demonstrating:
–the value of the coins
–the sorting rule
–a story about 6 / may be unable to demonstrate or explain:
–the value of the coins
–the sorting rule
–a story about 6 / may only be partially able to demonstrate or explain:
–the value of the coins
–the sorting rule
–a story about 6 / demonstrates or explains:
–the value of the coins
–the sorting rule
–a story about 6 / in various contexts, clearly demonstrates or explains:
–the value of the coins
–the sorting rule
–a story about 6
•with accuracy:
–counts using 1:1 correspondence (to20)
–names coins (pennies, nickels) and money amounts (to 10 cents)
–applies a sorting rule / with limited effectiveness:
–counts using 1:1 correspondence (to20)
–names coins (pennies, nickels) and money amounts (to 10 cents)
–applies a sorting rule / with some effectiveness:
–counts using 1:1 correspondence (to20)
–names coins (pennies, nickels) and money amounts (to 10 cents)
–applies a sorting rule / with considerable effectiveness:
–counts using 1:1 correspondence (to20)
–names coins (pennies, nickels) and money amounts (to 10 cents)
–applies a sorting rule / with a high degree of effectiveness:
–counts using 1:1 correspondence (to20)
–names coins (pennies, nickels) and money amounts (to 10 cents)
–applies a sorting rule
•reads and represents numerals
•uses mathematical terms (e.g., numbers from 1–20; more, less, sort, cents)
•explains reasoning and mathematical thinking (estimates, sorting rules, and number stories) clearly / –has difficulty writing numerals
–uses few mathematical terms
–is unable to explain or demonstrate estimates, sorting rules, and number stories / –writes numerals with few errors
–uses some simple mathematical terms
–with prompting, gives partially clear explanations or demonstrations of estimates, sorting rules, and number stories / –writes numerals clearly
–uses mathematical terms
–gives generally clear explanations or demonstrations of estimates, sorting rules, and number stories / –writes numerals fluently
–correctly uses a range of mathematical terms
–gives clear and detailed explanations or demonstrations of estimates, sorting rules, and number stories

Grade 1

Observations Checklist

Number Sense and Numeration / Data Management and Probability / Geometry and Spatial Sense
/ uses parts of a whole to create story problems / creates and repre-sents addition stories / creates and represents subtraction stories / makes predic-tions using data / reads and describes primary data presented in graphs / describes data using compara-tive language / demon-strates under-standing of positional language / describes attributes of shapes and figures / builds
3-D struc-tures / identifies the 3-D figures used
/ uses spatial and geo-metric language

Grade 1

Rubric: At the Fire Hall

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
•makes and carries out a plan, using a range of strategies to:
–create and solve number stories
–use a graph to make predictions
–use solids to build a tower / makes and carries out a plan, rarely resulting in an accurate solution, using a limited range of strategies to:
–create and solve number stories
–use a graph to make predictions
–use solids to build a tower / makes and carries out a plan, that frequently results in an accurate solution, using some appropriate strategies, to:
–create and solve number stories
–use a graph to make predictions
–use solids to build a tower / makes and carries out a plan, using appropriate strategies, that usually results in an accurate solution, to:
–create and solve number stories
–use a graph to make predictions
–use solids to build a tower / makes and carries out a plan, using a range of strategies, that may offer an innovative approach, to:
–create and solve number stories
–use a graph to make predictions
–use solids to build a tower
Knowledge and Understanding
•demonstrates understanding:
–of number by representing and sharing number stories
–of data by reading and describing data presented in graphs
–of geometry by explaining choice of figures for tower / demonstrates limited understanding; with 1:1 help, may be able to:
–represent and share number stories
–read and describe data presented in graphs
–explain choice of figures for the tower / demonstrates partial understanding; with support, is able to:
–represent and share number stories
–read and describe data presented in graphs
–explain choice of figures for the tower / demonstrates understanding to:
–represent and share number stories
–read and describe data presented in graphs
–explain choice of figures for the tower / applies in-depth understanding to:
–represent and share number stories
–read and describe data presented in graphs
–explain choice of figures for the tower
•with accuracy:
–represents addition/subtraction stories
–makes comparisons based on a pictograph
–applies positional language
–identifies figures and their attributes / with limited effectiveness:
–represents addition and subtraction stories
–makes comparisons based on a pictograph
–applies positional language
–identifies figures and their attributes / with some effectiveness:
–represents addition and subtraction stories
–makes comparisons based on a pictograph
–applies positional language
–identifies figuresand their attributes / with considerable effectiveness:
–represents addition and subtraction stories
–makes comparisons based on a pictograph
–applies positional language
–identifies figures and their attributes / with a high degree of effectiveness:
–represents addition and subtraction stories
–makes comparisons based on a pictograph
–applies positional language
–identifies figures and their attributes
•explains mathematical thinking, using mathematical language (e.g., measure, capacity, more, less) / is unable to describe procedures and results / with prompting, uses some mathematical language to describe procedures and results, with some clarity / clearly describes procedures and results, using some mathematical language / clearly and confidently describes procedures and results, using mathematical language

Grade 1

Observations Checklist

Number Sense and Numeration / Measurement
/ demon-strates under-standing of quantity and operational sense / counts accurately / compares numbers (more/less)
/ solves problems, using a variety of strategies including estimating / estimates, measures, and records capacity
/ estimates, measures, and records height
/ selects an appropriate non-standard unit / identifies days of the week
/ uses mathe-matical language for measuring and comparing

Grade 1

Rubric: Growing Plants

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
•makes and carries out a plan, using a range of strategies, to:
–estimate number of seeds
–share seeds
–estimate capacity
–choose a unit of height / makes and carries out a plan, rarely resulting in an accurate solution, using a limited range of strategies, to:
–estimate number of seeds
–share seeds
–estimate capacity
–choose a unit of height / makes and carries out a plan, that frequently results in an accurate solution, using some appropriate strategies, to:
–estimate number of seeds
–share seeds
–estimate capacity
–choose a unit of height / makes and carries out a plan, using appropriate strategies, that usually results in an accurate solution, to:
–estimate number of seeds
–share seeds
–estimate capacity
–choose a unit of height / makes and carries out a plan, using a range of strategies, that may offer an innovative approach, to:
–estimate number of seeds
–share seeds
–estimate capacity
–choose a unit of height
Knowledge and Understanding
•demonstrates understanding:
–of number by explaining counting, comparing, and sharing strategies and methods
–of measurement by explaining estimates and measures / shows limited understanding; with 1:1 help, may be able to explain or demonstrate:
–counting, comparing, and sharing strategies and methods
–estimation and measuring strategies and methods / shows partial understanding; with support, is able to explain or demonstrate:
–counting, comparing, and sharing strategies and methods
–estimation and measuring strategies and methods / applies understanding to explain or demonstrate:
–counting, comparing, and sharing strategies and methods
–estimation and measuring strategies and methods / applies in-depth understanding to explain or demonstrate:
–counting, comparing, and sharing strategies and methods
–estimation and measuring strategies and methods
•with accuracy:
–counts and compares number of seeds
–measures and records capacity and height
–identifies days of the week
–determines number of days to sprout; compares duration / with limited effectiveness:
–counts and compares seeds
–measures and records capacity (scoops)
–measures and records height
–identifies days of the week
–counts and compares days / with some effectiveness:
–counts and compares seeds
–measures and records capacity (scoops)
–measures and records height
–identifies days of the week
–counts and compares days / with considerable effectiveness:
–counts and compares seeds
–measures and records capacity (scoops)
–measures and records height
–identifies days of the week
–counts and compares days / with a high degree of effectiveness:
–counts and compares seeds
–measures and records capacity (scoops)
–measures and records height
–identifies days of the week
–counts and compares days
•explains mathematical thinking, using vocabulary, terminology, and symbols (e.g., measure, capacity, more, less) / is unable to describe procedures and results / with prompting, uses some mathematical language to describe procedures and results, with some clarity / clearly describes procedures and results, using some mathematical language / clearly and confidently describes procedures and results, using mathematical language


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