22nd February 2017
Dear Parent and Carers,
Primary to Secondary School Transition Information
As you are aware your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session.
Working together, primary and secondary schools devise transition schemes which aim to ensure that pupils in Primary 7 and their parents are well informed about the organisation of the secondary school and, in particular, the content and organisation of the first year curriculum. In keeping with this intention, arrangements will be made for your child to transfer at the start of the next session to the secondary school you indicate on the enclosed form PC4(a)1, including placing requests.
You are entitled, in terms of Section 28A of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980, to make a placing request*. The council has, in terms of the Act, a general duty to comply with that request except in certain circumstances.
If you decide to make a placing request, this should be sent to the Executive Director of Community Services, Argyll House, Alexandra Parade, Dunoon, Argyll, PA23 8AJ, Tel: 01369 704000. While it is not necessary to provide reasons to justify your request, these can be of advantage to you, should there be more applications than places available in the school of your choice. If you decide to make a placing request, you, as a parent, must meet all transport costs other than in exceptional circumstances.
Details of familiarisation arrangements, including dates and times of parents meetings, will be issued in due course.
All documents can be found on the council website or our school website, however, if you require a hard copy of any document please just advise the school office. You will have received Form PC4(a)1 with this letter.
This year in an effort to streamline information to parents we are also enclosing an S1-S6 Parent Handbook which includes information on the National Entitlement Card (NEC) and
Cashless Catering cards. Please ensure you complete and return pages 7-10 of this
handbook to me along with the form indicating your secondary school choice.
Yours sincerely,
Kirsteen MacDonald
Head Teacher
Primary 7 to Secondary School enclosures:
1. Form PC4(a)1
2. S1 – S6 Parent Handbook
Please return the above forms to your child’s current school office.
Available on Council and school website and on request from school office:
1. PC1(a) – Sending Your Child to School leaflet
· This leaflet includes the placing request form
2. Young Scot National Entitlement Card (NEC) Briefing
Equal Opportunities
If you need this information to be translated into another language or require the information enlarged, on audio or in Braille please contact the school.
Letter PC4