This advisory recommendation has not been approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction

or the State Board of Education.




Publisher: Velazquez Press

Title of Program: California ELD Academic Vocabulary Classroom Kit

Grade Level: 3–8

Program Summary:

California ELD Academic Vocabulary Classroom Kit includes: California ELD Academic Vocabulary Teachers Resource Guide (TRG).


California ELD Academic Vocabulary Classroom Kit is not recommended for approval, because it is not fully aligned with the subset of California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) for a submission and does not meet all of the evaluation criteria approved by the State Board of Education for this supplemental materials review.

Criterion 1: Alignment to Standards

The ELD supplemental materials program does not provide coverage of all of the subset of CA ELD Standards for a submission.

Standards Not Met:

Grade 3: I.A.1.Em, TRG p.32

Does not address exchanging information and ideas sufficiently;

Grade 3: II.C.6.Br, TRG p.76

Insufficient evidence of connecting ideas in a wide variety of ways

Grade 3:

·  I.A.1.Ex

·  I.A.1.Br

·  I.A.2.Em

·  I.A.2.Ex

·  I.A.2.Br

·  I.A.3.Em

·  I.A.3.Ex

·  I.A.3.Br

·  I.C.11.Em

·  I.C.11.Ex

·  I.C.11.Br

·  II.A.1.Em

·  II.A.1.Ex

·  II.A.1.Br

·  II.A.2.Em

·  II.A.2.Ex

·  II.A.2.Br

·  I.B.7.Em

·  I.B.7.Ex

·  I.B.7.Br

·  I.B.8.Em

·  I.B.8.Ex

·  I.B.8.Br

·  I.C.12.Em

·  I.C.12.Ex

·  I.C.12.Br

·  II.B.3.Em

·  II.B.3.Ex

·  II.B.3.Br

·  II.B.4.Em

·  II.B.4.Ex

·  II.B.4.Br

·  II.C.6.Em

·  II.C.6.Ex

·  Grade 4: I.A.2.Ex, TRG p.39

Example of a discussion, not joint writing

·  Grade 4: I.B.7.Em, TRG p.39

Program materials do not provide for discussion of specific language writers or speakers use

·  I.A.1.Ex

·  I.A.1.Br

·  I.A.2.Em

·  I.A.2.Br

·  I.A.3.Em

·  I.A.3.Ex

·  I.A.3.Br

·  I.C.11.Em

·  I.C.11.Ex

·  I.C.11.Br

·  II.A.1.Em

·  II.A.1.Ex

·  II.A.1.Br

·  II.A.2.Em

·  II.A.2.Ex

·  II.A.2.Br

·  I.B.7.Ex

·  I.B.7.Br

·  I.B.8.Em

·  I.B.8.Ex

·  I.B.8.Br

·  I.C.12.Em

·  I.C.12.Ex

·  I.C.12.Br

·  II.B.3.Em

·  II.B.3.Ex

·  II.B.3.Br

·  II.B.4.Em

·  II.B.4.Ex

·  II.B.4.Br

·  II.C.6.Em

·  II.C.6.Ex

·  Grade 5: I.A.3.Br, TRG p.12

How to negotiate or persuade others in conversations not addressed

·  Grade 5: I.B.8.Ex, TRG p.48

Program materials do not provide evidence of how to distinguish different words with similar meanings

·  I.A.1.Ex

·  I.A.1.Br

·  I.A.2.Em

·  I.A.2.Ex

·  I.A.2.Br

·  I.A.3.Em

·  I.A.3.Ex

·  I.C.11.Em

·  I.C.11.Ex

·  I.C.11.Br

·  II.A.1.Em

·  II.A.1.Ex

·  II.A.1.Br

·  II.A.2.Em

·  II.A.2.Ex

·  II.A.2.Br

·  I.B.7.Em

·  I.B.7.Ex

·  I.B.7.Br

·  I.B.8.Em

·  I.B.8.Br

·  I.C.12.Em

·  I.C.12.Ex

·  I.C.12.Br

·  II.B.3.Em

·  II.B.3.Ex

·  II.B.3.Br

·  II.B.4.Em

·  II.B.4.Ex

·  II.B.4.Br

·  II.C.6.Em

·  II.C.6.Ex

·  Grade 6: I.C.11.Em, TRG p.74

Program materials do not provide evidence of justifying opinions and expressing attitude by providing some textual evidence and using basic modal expressions

·  Grade 6: I.C.12.Br, TRG p.78

Program materials do not provide evidence of using expanded sets of general academic words to create precision, shades of meaning and knowledge of morphology to manipulate language

·  I.A.1.Ex

·  I.A.1.Br

·  I.A.2.Em

·  I.A.2.Ex

·  I.A.2.Br

·  I.A.3.Em

·  I.A.3.Ex

·  I.A.3.Br

·  I.C.11.Ex

·  I.C.11.Br

·  II.A.1.Em

·  II.A.1.Ex

·  II.A.1.Br

·  II.A.2.Em

·  II.A.2.Ex

·  II.A.2.Br

·  I.B.7.Em

·  I.B.7.Ex

·  I.B.7.Br

·  I.B.8.Em

·  I.B.8.Ex

·  I.B.8.Br

·  I.C.12.Em

·  I.C.12.Ex

·  II.B.3.Em

·  II.B.3.Ex

·  II.B.3.Br

·  II.B.4.Em

·  II.B.4.Ex

·  II.B.4.Br

·  II.C.6.Em

·  II.C.6.Ex

·  Grade 7: II.A.1.Ex, TRG p.85

Program materials do not provide evidence of organizational features of different text types

·  Grade 7: II.B.3.EM, TRG pp.85-88

Using verbs and verb phrases on a variety of topics not covered

·  I.A.1.Ex

·  I.A.1.Br

·  I.A.2.Em

·  I.A.2.Ex

·  I.A.2.Br

·  I.A.3.Em

·  I.A.3.Ex

·  I.A.3.Br

·  I.C.11.Em

·  I.C.11.Ex

·  I.C.11.Br

·  II.A.1.Em

·  II.A.1.Ex

·  II.A.1.Br

·  II.A.2.Em

·  II.A.2.Ex

·  II.A.2.Br

·  I.B.7.Em

·  I.B.7.Ex

·  I.B.7.Br

·  I.B.8.Em

·  I.B.8.Ex

·  I.B.8.Br

·  I.C.12.Em

·  I.C.12.Ex

·  I.C.12.Br

·  II.B.3.Em

·  II.B.3.Ex

·  II.B.3.Br

·  II.B.4.Em

·  II.B.4.Ex

·  II.B.4.Br

·  II.C.6.Em

·  II.C.6.Ex

Grade 8: II.A.2.Br, TRG p.97

a)  Applying knowledge of familiar language resources to make texts more cohesive is not addressed.

b)  Program materials do not provide for understanding of how ideas, events or reasons are linked through a text using increasing variety of academic and transitional words.

·  Grade 8: II.B.4.Ex TRG pp.97 – 98

Lacks support to expand noun phrases in a growing number of ways to enrich sentences and add details.

·  I.A.1.Ex

·  I.A.1.Br

·  I.A.2.Em

·  I.A.2.Ex

·  I.A.2.Br

·  I.A.3.Em

·  I.A.3.Ex

·  I.A.3.Br

·  I.C.11.Em

·  I.C.11.Ex

·  I.C.11.Br

·  II.A.1.Em

·  II.A.1.Ex

·  II.A.1.Br

·  II.A.2.Em

·  II.A.2.Ex

·  I.B.7.Em

·  I.B.7.Ex

·  I.B.7.Br

·  I.B.8.Em

·  I.B.8.Ex

·  I.B.8.Br

·  I.C.12.Em

·  I.C.12.Ex

·  I.C.12.Br

·  II.B.3.Em

·  II.B.3.Ex

·  II.B.3.Br

·  II.B.4.Em

·  II.B.4.Br

·  II.C.6.Em

·  II.C.6.Ex

Criterion 2: Social Content

The program does not conform to the Standards for Evaluating Instructional Materials for Social Content, 2013 Edition. The citations for social content violations listed below have been submitted in this report to be forwarded to the publisher. All citations must be addressed by the publisher either through edits or through the social content appeals process prior to their materials being included on the final recommended list.

Social Content Citations:

·  See Attached

Criteria 3: Accuracy

The program materials are not accurate, do not use proper grammar and spelling, and are not free of errors.

·  Grade 3: TRG p.32,

Edit- “Teacher rives”- change to “Teacher walks…”

·  Grade 3: TRG p.36

Edit- “check” change to “checks”

·  Grade 5: TRG p.49

Edit- (Figure 1) Syllabication “re-sol-u-tion” change to “res-o-lu-tion”

·  Grade 5: TRG p.77

Edit- “for bringing level” change to “For bridging level”

·  Grade 5: TRG p.76

Edit- Graphic Organizer

Sentence #3 Take out “for” and replace with “Emerging”

Sentence #5 Change “emerging” to “bridging”

·  Grade 8: TRG p.107

Edit- supporting citation should reference “p.101” not “p.107”

Criteria 4: Assessment

Assessments do not provide sufficient evidence and guidance for teachers to use in evaluating student progress toward English proficiency in the content outlined in the ELD standards.


·  Grade 3: TRG p.36

·  Grade 4: TRG p 69

·  Grade 5: TRG p.57

·  Grade 6: TRG p.93

·  Grade 7: TRG p.88

·  Grade 8: TRG p.60

Criteria 5: Universal Access

Materials do not provide comprehensive guidance for teachers in providing instruction by differentiated levels of proficiency descriptors. Materials do not provide standards-based curriculum for all students.

·  Grade 3: I.A.2.Em, TRG p.15 – Standard not addressed dealing with collaborating with peers on joint writing projects of short informational and literary texts.

·  Grade 4: I.B.7.Ex, TRG p.12 – Insufficient evidence provided for this proficiency level in which student is to support an opinion or presenting an idea with prompting and moderate support.

·  Grade 5: II.A.2.Br, TRG p.49 – Standard not addressed of application of increasing understanding of language resources for referring the reader back or forward in text to comprehend texts and writing cohesive texts.

·  Grade 6: I.B.7.Em, TRG p.77 – Standard not covered in explaining how well writers and speakers use language to support ideas and arguments with detailed evidence with substantial support.

·  Grade 7: II.A.1.Br, TRG p.85 – Program materials do not provide evidence of organizational features of different text types.

·  Grade 8: II.C.6.Em, TRG pp.97-98 – Standard not addressed to combine clauses in a few basic ways to make connections between and join ideas.

Criterion 6: Instructional Support

The program does not provide clear instructions for teachers on how to use and integrate the supplemental materials with the existing grade level materials. The materials do not present guidance on how to strategically implement all of the elements.

·  Grade 3: TRG p.15 – Program lacks guidance for interacting via written English

·  Grade 4: TRG p.38 – Lesson plans are missing instruction on affixes

·  Grade 6: TRG p.74 – Program lacks guidance for supporting opinions and persuading others

·  Grade 8: TRG p.98 – Program lacks guidance as to how to use a variety of verbs in different tenses

This advisory recommendation has not been approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction

or the State Board of Education.

© California Department of Education

February 26, 2014