4 of 5 EISA 2nd Round of Judge Selection – April 10, 2016 - EXTENSION
The Eastern Irish Setter Association
March 27 2016
Dear EISA Member,
Here are the instructions for how to vote for judges for 2017 -2019..
On the reverse side of this letter and on the attached pages, you will find
Page 2: List of Regular Conformation class & BOB judges - Round #2
Page 3: List of Sweepstakes judges – Round #2
Page 4: List of Obedience/Rally judges - Round #2
Page 5: Ballot(s) for final vote (single page to return mail)
The EISA Board of Directors (BOD) does not choose the judges. We select our judges from those people for whom the membership votes; those names who receive the greatest number of points. When the voting is complete, the BOD offers judging assignments based on a judge’s availability and cost.
EISA uses a “weighted vote.”
Your #1 choice will receive 10 points…….and your 10th choice will receive 1 point. You do not have to list 10 choices.
All votes must be signed. You can mail (or email) your ballot to:
Charlie Sloughfy
EISA Voting
20 Maple Shade Lane
Fleetwood, PA 19522
Or you may email your ballot to us:
Deadline: Ballots must be received by April 10.
If you have questions, please get back to me.
Charlie Sloughfy
EISA Judges Committee
4 of 5 EISA 2nd Round of Judge Selection – April 10, 2016 - EXTENSION
EISA Conformation Judges for 2nd Round 2016 – alphabetical
Ashe, KarinAverill, Paul
Baldwin, Diane
Berg, Larry
Berkowitz, Jerry
Beisel-McIlwaine, Peggy
Bisso, Lorraine
Biven, Edd
Blake, Eugene
Bradley, Tom
Brewster, Joy
Canalizo, Lee
Clark, Jerry
Cline, Dana
Coady, Clay
Cole, Jon.
Covey, Jim.
Campanella, Paul
Davern, Pluis
Davis, Arlene
Davis, Debra
Dawkins, Pete
Day, Maureen
Dee, Nena
Dee, Norbert
DiNardo, Anthony
Edwards-Johnson, Laura
Evans, Don
Faulkner, Michael
Fish, Madeline.
Flanagan, David
Frost, Nick.
Gerringer, Gloria
Gloster, Robert "Bo"
Goldberg, Sue
Greendale-Paveza, Sulie
Griffiths, Susan
Harrington, Judy
Holloway, Doug
Hubbbard, Jamie
Hundt, Theresa
Katona, Anne
Lapinski, Patty
Lawreck, John
Liepman,, Carl
Lyons, Sharon
Kahn, Keke
Martire, Frank
Martorella, Marjorie
McAteer, Karolynne
McDonald, Sam
McKay, Robert
More, Eliot, DVM
More, Linda
Mowbray-Morgan, Pat
Murphy, Desmond.
Nietsch, Helene
Nykiel, Paula.
Olich-Nie, Mary
Penta, Gerard
Pepper, Jeff
Powell, Richard
Robinson, Bob
Robinson, Pat
Santos, Alan
Schaar, Pam
Schultz, Gretchen
Seymour, Danny
Sloughfy, Charles
Smith, Polly
Stenmark, BettyAnne
Stevens, Frances
Sturz, Donald
Taylor-Kloss, Barbara.
Threlfall, Bonnie
Vogels, Cindy
Warren, Jill
Warren, Lisa
Washabaugh, Frank
Way, Sharol Candace
Webb, Judy
Weiss, Eliott
Weiss, Col.Jerry.
Wilhauck, Wendy.
Wilson, Karen
Zawikowski, Judy
End of Conformation Judge List
EISA Sweep Judges for 2nd Round 2016 – alphabeticalAcquavella, Linda
Allen, Cassie
Arch, Becky
Bell, Candace
Bernardin, Adam
Bettis, Mark
Carney, Georgeanne
DiPaulo, Frank
DeSilva, Susuan
Donaldson, Jamie
Fenn, Joanne
Frisby, John
Gale, Pam
Geiser, Fiona
Hackett, Eileen
Hamilton, Debra
Hills, Carolyn R.
Jones, Sandy
Kazee, Kim
Krasley, Debbie
Krasley, Richard
Kudeert, D
Kudla, Pat
Miller, Lydia B.
Laabs, Heidi
Larson, JoAnn
Lyons, Pat
Merlo, Mary
McDonald, Eileen
Musil, Krista
O'Malley, Mariette
Pelletier, Gary
Porterfield, Brad
Radonis-Scott, Pam
Rapposo, Chritine
Ryan, Jean
Savory, Alistair
Seymour, Paul
Seymour, Sandy
Sheehan, Meghan
Sheridan, Tim
Sloughfy, Fran
Sweeney, Denise
Walker, Suzanne
Weintraub, Doreen
End of Sweep Judge List
4 of 5 EISA 2nd Round of Judge Selection – April 10, 2016 - EXTENSION
EISA Obedience/Rally list
only judges eligible to do all Obedience classes & Rally were listed
For 2nd Round 2016 - alphabetical
Baird, BetsyChase, Tibby
McCloskey, MaryLou
Moore, Lynda
Steele, Sara
Walker, Terry
End of Judge list for
Obedience/Rally (12)
Regular Judge
1)______10 pts.
2)______9 pts.
3)______8 pts.
4)______7 pts.
5)______6 pts. ______
Member Signature/Name
6)______5 pts.
7)______4 pts. ______
Print Name
8)______3 pts.
9)______2 pts.
10)______1 pt.
Sweepstakes Judge – Puppy & Veteran
1)______10 pts.
2)______9 pts.
3)______8 pts.
4)______7 pts.
5)______6 pts.
6)______5 pts.
7)______4 pts.
8)______3 pts.
9)______2 pts.
10)______1 pt.
1)______3 pts
2)______2 pts.
3)______1 pt