Do Larger Pumpkins Always Have More Seeds?

Annotation: Students will enjoy this hand-on activity in which they will hypothesize whether larger pumpkins have more seeds than smaller pumpkins. Each first grade class will measure and record the circumference of their pumpkin. They will then work cooperatively to group the seeds into sets of tens and ones to facilitate counting. Each class’ results will be recorded and compared. This lesson may be modified to be completed by one first grade class over several days or with multiple first grade classes.

Learning Outcomes/Essential Questions:

How can I work with my team to count a lot of objects?

How can grouping help me count a larger amount of items?

What are the best amounts to group by to make counting easier?

Can I count by tens and ones?

How can I measure how big around for our pumpkin?

Can I record numbers on a chart to show what happened?

Can I put five or six numbers in order from smallest to largest?


5 or 6 pumpkins of varying sizes (one for each class – or do one pumpkin per day for 5 days if only one class is involved)


Tape measure or links if non-standard measurement is preferred

Pumpkin cutter

Serving spoon or scoop


Recording sheets (Print for groups and one of each as a transparency for the overhead)

Calculator- optional


  1. Ask students the initial question; pose problem. Show the 5-6 pumpkins and ask students how we can find the answer to our question. Elicit responses and guide students to the idea of measuring the size and then counting the seeds.
  2. Assign a pumpkin for each class. (Or start with the smallest pumpkin if one class will be testing each pumpkin.
  3. Select students to use string and meter stick or measuring tape (or links) to measure circumference of the pumpkin. Wrap the string around the pumpkin and cut or mark the length needed to encircle the pumpkin at the widest point. Lay the string on the meter stick and record how many centimeters. Note: if a soft, flexible tape measure is available, the step with the string is not necessary. Alternately, you may wish to use non-standard units such as links or paper clips. Take several measurements until a consensus is reached on the most accurate measurement. Assist students in recording the size in centimeters (or non-standard units if desired).
  4. Ask students to predict how many seeds they think the pumpkin will have and write down several responses. Tell students that you think that the pumpkin might have lots of seeds and ask if they can think of a way that everyone can work together to count them. If necessary, lead students to the idea that they can work in teams to count a portion of the seeds and that you will help add their results together.
  5. Divide students into teams of three or four students. Lay newspaper on their tables or desks to protect the work surface.
  6. Cut the top off of the pumpkin and scoop out seeds. Put clumps of seeds on each table and let teams of students begin to count.
  7. Observe students, as most groups will begin to have difficulty keeping track of the numbers, especially with 3 or 4 students counting. Ask students if there is an easier way to count larger numbers of items. If students do not suggest grouping by 5s or 10s, ask probing questions to lead them to this idea.
  8. Suggest that all teams make sets of tens to help them count. Then practice counting by tens to 100with the whole class.Ask what students should do if they have some seeds left that do not make a set of ten. (Add the ones after counting the tens.)
  9. Let students work in their teams, grouping and counting. Travel around to each table and have students count the tens and ones and state the total. Record each group’s results. Also record each group’s ability to count by 10s and ones on the performance checklist.
  10. Add numbers together to calculate the total number of seeds for the whole pumpkin.
  11. When all classes have completed their results, assist students in compiling the information and comparing their results. If the numbers of seeds are in the hundreds, students may need assistance ordering the numbers.

Note: Pumpkins mayhave anywhere from 100 to 500 seeds and the largest pumpkins do not always have the greatest number of seeds.

Assessment: Performance Assessment- Students will demonstrate that they can group the seeds into sets of tens and ones, name and write the number represented by the sets, and order numbers from least to greatest. Collect each team’s recording sheets and check for accuracy.Use the checklist/rubric to record each student’s performance on counting by tens and ones, reading and writing numerals, recording information on their charts, and ordering numbers.

Assessment Checklist

3= Mastery- completes independently and accurately

2= Emerging- able to complete with some assistance, or completes with some errors

1= Beginning- needs considerable assistance to perform task and/or makes frequent errors

0= Does not attempt or cannot perform task even with significant assistance

Name / Counts to 100 by tens / Groups seeds into sets of tens and ones / Counts the sets of ten and adds on the ones. States the total orally (up to 100). / Is able to write the number represented by the tens and ones. (up to 100) / Records numbers in the correct place on the chart (after modeled by the teacher) / Puts 3 to 5 numbers in order from smallest to largest (numbers up to 100, using 100 chart as reference)

Names: ______

______Room _____Table/Group ____

Pumpkin Seeds

Problem: Do bigger pumpkins always have more seeds?

Hypothesis: We think that ______

This is a picture of our pumpkin.


Our pumpkin is______centimeters around.

Number of Seeds

Each group will get seeds and pulp from the class pumpkin. There are a lot of seeds so you will need to make sets to help count them. How many should you put in each set?

Group the seeds in sets of 10. Count by tens; then countthe ones.

Our group counted ______seeds.

Pumpkin ______

Report your group’s number of seeds to your teacher. The teacher will help add all the groups’ seeds together. Write down how many seeds are in the whole pumpkin.

Group / Number of Seeds Our Group Counted
Total Seeds

The whole pumpkin has ______seeds.

Name: Room______

Pumpkin Seeds

Problem: Do bigger pumpkins have more seeds than smaller pumpkins?

Hypothesis: I think


Data Table

Pumpkin / Size / Seeds

1. Pumpkin ______had the most seeds.

2. Was that the biggest pumpkin? ______

3. Put the pumpkins in order according to the number of seeds from the least to the most:


Conclusion: Do bigger pumpkins always have more seeds?