Nanpean Rovers have almost completed the refurbishment of their Sports Pavilion at Victoria Bottoms after spending over £70,000 of grant funding gained from SITA Cornwall Trust (£25,000), Clay Country Local Action (£25,194), The Football Foundation (£19,250) and St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council (£2,000).
These improvements will now provide excellent facilities to the football club and the local community. It is hoped that many new and existing local organisations will take advantage and use the facilities subject to a booking being arranged.
The club would welcome and encourage enquiries from any local organisations who may wish to use the brand new kitchen and room facilities. The upgraded heating system installed will now provide much more comfortable surroundings.
The Pavilion will be officially opened by Mr Stephen Gilbert MP on the 11th of February. Various guests including the above grant providers, Local and Parish Councillors , local organisations and sponsors/supporters of the Club have been invited to celebrate the occasion.
Anyone interested in booking our newly refurbished facilities should contact Alan Craddock on 01726 823543.
The refurbishment contract was carried out by Messrs W.F. Collings Tel. 01726 76444
Notes to the editor
For information on how to apply for funding from SITA Cornwall Trust Ltd call (01579) 346816 or click on
SITA Cornwall Trust Ltd
1. SITA Cornwall Trust Ltd (formerly County Environmental Trust) was set up on October 1st 2007
2. Each year, SITA Cornwall Trust distributes funds to projects in Cornwall, through the Landfill Communities Fund.
The Landfill Communities Fund (formerly the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme)
1. Landfill tax was introduced in 1996 to encourage more sustainable ways of managing waste.
2. The landfill tax legislation also brought about the Landfill Communities Fund. This scheme allows landfill operators to voluntarily donate 6% of their landfill tax liability to environmental improvement projects.
3. The Landfill Communities Fund is independently regulated on behalf of HM Government’s Revenue & Customs by ENTRUST.
SITA Cornwall Trust, Unit 1 Ashleigh Meadow, Tregondale, Menheniot, Liskeard, PL14 3RG
Clay Country Local Action
Following the national review of Local Action Groups and their future budgets we have just heard (subject to formal contract) that the £1.8m allocation for Clay Country is safe.
The Clay Country Local Development Strategy and the Delivery Plan sets out objectives and investment ideas where the area can develop using the £1.8 million of investment. CCLA covers the parishes of St Enoder, St Dennis, Roche, Luxulyan, Lanlivery, Lostwithiel, St Stephen-in-Brannel, St Mewan, Treverbyn, St Blaise and Tywardreath.
For more information on the Clay Country Local Action Group please contact Clare Leverton, Clay Country and West Cornwall Local Action Group Manager, Cornwall Development Company, 01209 611116 / 07528 983335 web:
Cornwall Development Company
Cornwall Development Company processes applications, monitors grants and holds itself ultimately responsible for the funds on behalf of the Local Action Group.
For more information please contact Nicky Pooley, Cornwall Development Company, Pydar House, Pydar Street, Truro, Cornwall TR1 1EA 01872 322800
Rural Development Programme for England
This project ispart financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2007-2013: Europe investing in rural areas. In England, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2007-2013 is delivered through the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE). ( It is an important part of the Common Agricultural Policy and helps create genuinely sustainable farming, forestry and food sectors, whilst bringing wider benefits for the economy, the environment and rural communities. It is the European Union's major investment route for protecting and enhancing the environment while securing a range of public benefits for society. Defra is the Managing Authority and is delivered in the region by the South West RDA, Natural England and the Forestry Commission. For more information, see
Football Foundation Whittington House, 19-30 Alfred Place, London WC1E 7EA
Tel 0845 345 4555.
Funded by the Premier League, The FA, and the Government (via Sport England), the Football Foundation is the nation’s largest sports charity. Since it was launched in 2000, the Foundation has awarded around 8,000 grants worth more than £420m towards improving grassroots sport, which it has used to attract additional partnership funding of over £520m.