Applicant name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Gambling Act 2005
[delete as applicable]
Renewal/New application for a Club Gaming Permit under Section 271, Gambling Act 2005/
Renewal/New application for a Club Machine Permit under Section 273, Gambling Act 2005
Premises name and address
Dear Applicant
Thank you for your recent enquiry in respect of the above/ our records show that you are the current holder of a [delete as applicable]Club Gaming Permit/ Club Machine Permit which is due to expire on dd/mm/yy
Please find included with the letter the relevant application form. [Renewals only, delete if not applicable]. We have also included some guidance which you may find helpful when completing your application.
[Renewals only, delete if not applicable]. The holder of a Club Gaming/Club Machine permit may apply to the licensing authority for renewal of the permit no earlier than 3 months prior and no later than 6 weeks prior to the expiry of the permit. Your form must be completed and returned to (Insert address) no later than (Insert date).
Fast Track applications [New applications, England and Wales only]
If your club is the holder of a club premises certificate issued under section 72 of the Licensing Act 2003 and you attach the current certificate to your application, you will be eligible to make an application under a fast-track procedure. This means that you will not be required to consult the chief officer of police or the Gambling Commission as part of your application. In these circumstances, we must grant your application, unless:
- Your club is wholly or mainly for the purposes of the provision of facilities for gaming (other than bridge or whist)
- Your club is wholly or mainly for the purposes of the provision of bridge or whist and also provides facilities for other types of gaming
- Your permit has been cancelled within the last 10 years
A club gaming or club machine permit that was granted under a fast-track procedure does not expire and only ceases to have effect if it is surrendered, cancelled or forfeited or it lapses because the club premises certificate is not in place.
Also note that as commercial clubs cannot apply for or hold a club premises certificate under the Licensing Act 2003, they so will not be able to apply through the fast-track procedure.
Refusal of an application
Please note that:
- For club gaming permits – only members’ clubs or miners’ welfare institutes may apply;
- For club machine permits – only members’ clubs, miners’ welfare institutes or commercial clubs may apply.
If we are not satisfied that the applicant is one of the qualifying clubs, and is therefore not entitled to apply, we shall refuse your application. We shall also refuse your application if the premises is to be used wholly or mainly by children, young persons or both.
We may also refuse an application on the following grounds:
- an offence or breach of condition of the permit has occurred;
- the permit has been cancelled within the last ten years;
- a relevant objection has been made by the Gambling Commission or the chief officer of police for any police area in which the premises are wholly or partly situated;
- the application is for a vehicle (including trains, cars, lorries or coaches) or vessel (such as cruise ships, ferries, boats or hovercraft), or part of a vehicle or vessel.
For renewals, please note that, if there have been any significant changes to the operation of the club which may affect your eligibility to apply for one of the permits mentioned above, you are advised to contact us to discuss this at the earliest opportunity.
Before refusing any application, we will hold a hearing to consider the application and any objections made.
Genuine members’ clubs
Other than the reasons for refusal set out in the paragraphs above, we may take into account the following matters when determining whether your club is eligible to apply for either permit (this list is not exhaustive):
- Are the profits retained in the club for the benefit of the members? (Not applicable to commercial clubs)
- Are there 25 or more members?
- Do members participate in the activities of the club via the internet?
- Is there a signing-in register for guests?
- Is there a 48 hour rule between applying for membership and participating in any gaming?
- Does the club have a constitution, with evidence that it was approved by the members of the club?
- Is there a list of committee members and evidence of their election by the members of the club?
Please ensure that your club can comply prior to making your application. You may be asked to provide evidence of eligibility as part of the application process or during a visit by one of our officers.
Exempt gaming
Exempt gaming is generally permissible in any club. You will however be required to provide evidence of how you will comply/comply with the exempt gaming conditions set out in the Gambling Act 2005, namely:
- Gaming must be equal chance gaming and be ancillary to the purposes of the club
- Participation fees and prizes must be within the limits prescribed within the regulations
- There must be no rake from the pot
- The gaming offered must not be linked to gaming in other premises
- The gaming must comply with the Gambling Commission’s code of practice on equal chance gaming in clubs and premises with an alcohol licence
- No person under 18 may participate in the gaming.
If you apply for a club gaming permit you are not restricted to the stake and prize limits which would apply to exempt gaming in the absence of the permit.
Gaming machines – club gaming and club machine permits
Club gaming permits allow up to three gaming machines to be sited in total. The machines must be from categories B3A, B4, C or D, but by agreement, only one machine can be of category B3A.
Club machine permits also allow up to three gaming machines to be sited:
- Members' clubs and miners' welfare institutes may site up to three machines from categories B3A, B4, C or D, but by agreement, only one machine can be of category B3A;
- Commercial clubs can offer up to three machines in total of categories B4, C or D (no B3A machines are permitted).
Within the application form you will be asked to provide details of the gaming machines which you intend to make available for use at your club. Providing machines at your premises comes with a set of responsibilities under the Gambling Act 2005 which are fully set out within the Code of Practice for gaming machines in clubs and premises with an alcohol licence.
For example, you are required to make arrangements for all machines to be located in a place within the premises so that their use can be supervised, either by staff whose duties include such supervision (including bar or floor staff) or by other means.
It is also good practice (rather than a legal requirement) to have in place procedures for dealing with cases where a child or young person repeatedly attempts to gamble on category B or C machines and to have a written procedure for handling complaints and disputes.
Application checklist
When you are ready to make your application, please make sure that it includes the following:
- The completed application form (please see attached document for more detailed guidance on completing renewal applications);
- The relevant fee (please see below);
- A copy of the existing permit (renewals only);
- The club premises certificate issued under the Licensing Act 2003 (if applying for new permits under the Fast-Track procedure)
- N.B. Please make sure that your premises is situated within our local authority area.
Non Fast-Track applications only:
As well as sending your original application to us, please send copies of your application to the police and Gambling Commission at the following addresses:
Police / Gambling CommissionAddress 1
Address 2
Address 3
Postcode / 4th Floor
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
B2 4BP
Your application must be accompanied by the relevant fee:
- New Club Gaming/ Club Machine Permit (Non Fast-Track) £200
- New Club Gaming/ Club Machine Permit (Fast-Track): £100
- Renewal of Club Gaming/ Club Machine Permit without club premises certificate (Non Fast-Track): £200
- Renewal of Club Gaming/ Club Machine Permit (which originally applied for a permit via non fast track but has since secured a club premises certificate): £100
Once granted, a club gaming permit/ club machine permit will last for 10 years unless it is surrendered, lapses or is renewed.
You are required to keep and display a copy of the permit on the premises to which they relate.
Should you require any further information, please contact the Licensing Team by e-mail (Insert e-mail address) or telephone (insert telephone number).
Yours sincerely,
Job title