Town of Merton
Town Board Meeting
Minutes of November 9th, 2015
· Call to Order
· Minutes October 26th, 2015 Town Board Meeting. A motion was made to approve all minutes by Morris/Fleming. Motion carried.
Present: Chairman Lichte, Supervisors Morris, Fleming, and Weber. Attorney Chapman, Highway Superintendent Klink, Treasurer Weishar and Clerk Bright.
Also Present: Paul Griffin, Dave Frazer, Tom & Ann McCormick, Bob Dohr
Citizen Comments and Concerns:
· None
Consent Agenda – None
Old Business – None
New Business:
Consideration of $40,000 designation from Park Fund for Stone Bank Community Park restrooms – A motion to approve was made by Fleming/Weber. Supervisor Fleming asked if anyone knew how much the project was going to cost. Chairman Lichte replied, no, but the $40,000 would be earmarked for restrooms. Supervisor Weber stated that he offered to do the drawing for free, he would have one of his students do it, but the park had someone else do it. Supervisor Morris wondered if we can designate the money if the budget hasn’t been approved yet. Treasurer Weishar stated yes, because this would come out of the park fund, which is at $96,000. Lichte stated this was just designating toward the bathrooms. Lichte called the issue to vote. Motion Carried.
Consideration Highway Superintendent Replacement Plan – Chairman Lichte stated that Paul Griffin has done a good job since he has been here. He has been training with Superintendent Klink over the past months. When Superintendent Klink retires, Paul is to be named Superintendent. A motion was made by Lichte/Weber. Motion Carried unanimously.
Consideration of Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Agreement with Village of Hartland – A motion to approve was made by Morris/Weber. Treasurer Weishar stated that the cost for fire protection services went down because of redistricting. EMS services are a flat fee of $25,000, same as the previous year. Lichte called the issue to vote. Motion Carried.
Consideration of Participation in Countywide Fire Study and Cost Associated with Study – Supervisor Morris stated that the county was planning on contributing $50,000 toward the study to examine a countywide fire department. A motion to participate in the study and put forward up to $2,000 was made by Lichte/Fleming. It was discussed that Morris or Clerk Bright should attend the meetings. The motion was put to vote. Motion Carried.
Consideration of new Lease for Office Copier – Clerk Bright stated that he had contacted three vendors, two of which had given proposals. The proposals were from Rhyme and Office Copying Equipment. The machines were the same machines, however due to differences in maintenance contracts, Rhyme was about $4.50 per month cheaper, which is the contract recommended by the clerk. Lichte asked about color copying and scanning. Bright stated the machine has black & white and color copying and black & white and color scanning. It does not have wireless printing. Morris asked about paper and staples. Bright stated paper and staples were not included in the pricing, but toner was. A motion to approve the contract from Rhyme was made by Morris/Weber. Motion Carried.
Clerk, Board, Highway and Attorney Reports –
Attorney Chapman stated that the town collected on the judgment from Mr. Newman from the Town Hall Library signage. The family had gone through some medical hardships and Mr. Newman’s father should be thanked for taking care of the debt.
Clerk Bright stated that he and Highway Superintendent Klink and Assistant Superintendent Griffin attended the Wisconsin Towns Association conference October 25th through 27th. There were some good seminars that he attended. Two chief inspectors, Deputy Clerk Claas, and Clerk Bright will be attending new election equipment training at the County on the 10th.
Supervisor Morris stated that he attended the Wisconsin Towns Association meeting in Ottawa and that the rates are going up for town insurance. There is a group out of Waukesha that is getting together to get better rates. Treasurer Weishar stated that she was told to wait until January to look at rates, due to the fact that our policy doesn’t renew until April. She will keep it in mind.
Superintendent Klink stated he attended some good seminars at the WTA convention and that the snow fences were in the process of being put up.
Journal Entries as Presented – Treasurer Weishar presented the journal entries. Most were reclassifications due to mislabeling. The earlier ones were to record revenue that is a flip with unearned revenue. A motion to approve was made by Fleming/Weber. Motion Carried.
Vouchers as Presented – A motion was made to approve by Weber/Fleming. Motion carried.
Future Agenda Items – Attorney Chapman stated he would have an ordinance on ATVs and UTVs ready for consideration at the next meeting.
Discussion of Appointment for Future Town Chairperson and timeline – Clerk Bright gave the town board the information about appointment of a Town Chairperson. Applicants will have until 3:00 pm on December 4th to submit their resume to the Clerk’s office. At that time, resumes will be scanned and emailed and mailed to the board for review. The clerk will make interview appointments, in alphabetical order, for a special meeting on December 14th. This meeting will be open to the public. At the meeting, the 4 board members and clerk can each nominate a candidate for the position. Voting will be done by ballot, until one candidate receives 3 votes. That candidate will be appointed chairperson and will take office at the December 28th board meeting.
Treasurer Weishar asked if the town can get by with a treasurer and clerk as the only signatures on checks. Attorney Chapman stated that was up to the bank.
A motion was made to adjourn by Fleming/Weber.
Adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nathan Bright
Town Clerk