Minutes of meetings held on Monday 2nd June 2014 in the CommunityLounge
Trustees Meeting
- Approval of Annual Accounts 2013proposed by Sue Rodgers, 2nded by Judith Spence. All in favour.
- Sue spoke for all in her thanks to David.
Annual General Meeting
- Welcomes and apologies.
Chair (Judith Rodgers) welcomed both Trustees and non-Trustees and thanked them for their presence.
Apologies:Trustees: Chris Bates, Graham Hobbs, Anne Perry, Mike Collins, Maureen Green, Ginnie Willcocks
Non trustees: Sue Hobbs, Pip Russell, Peter Nutkins, Sheila King, Kathryn Timmons
Present:Trustees: Sue Rodgers, Ted Rodgers, Alan Willcocks, Val Gillings, Frances Thompson, Judith Spence, Brian Tetley, Ann Higgins, Judith Rodgers, David Rodgers, Ceri Fairbrother, Betty Turner, Diane Thorpe, Pauline Ranson
Non trustees: Helen Sadler, Gaynor Barton, Carol Westbury, Craig Johnstone
- Minutes of the AGM held on Mon 29th April 2013
Judith Spence proposed accepting them as a true record. Val Gillings 2nded. All in favour. Signed by Judith R as a true record.
- Matters arising
- Presentation of accounts for 2013
No further queries.
5.Election of Officers:
OFFICERS / NOMINATED / PROPOSED / SECONDED / OUTCOMEPRESIDENT / Frances Thompson / Brian Tetley / David Rodgers / All in favour
(Frances Thompson
CHAIR / Judith Rodgers / Pauline Ranson / Val Gillings / All in favour
(Judith Rodgers)
VICE CHAIR / Sue Rodgers / Judith Rodgers / Pauline Ranson / All in favour
(Sue Rodgers)
TREASURER / David Rodgers / Gaynor Barton / Brian Tetley / All in favour
(David Rodgers)
MINUTES SEC / Ceri Fairbrother / Val Gillings / Sue Rodgers / All in favour
(Ceri Fairbrother)
6. Election of Trustees to Council
Betty Turner / * / Chris Bates / * / Brian Tetley / * / Carol Westbury / Proposed by Judith Rodgers, 2nded by Diane Thorpe. All in favourVal Gillings / * / Anne Perry / * / Mike Collins / * / Craig Johnstone / Proposed by Val Gillings, 2nded by Sue Rodgers, all in favour
Maureen Green / * / Pauline Ranson / * / Graham Hobbs / *
Ann Higgins / * / Ted Rodgers / * / Diane Thorpe / *
Ginnie Willcocks / * / Judith Spence / * / Alan Willcocks / *
- = block vote proposed by Frances Thompson, 2nded by Craig Johnstone. Carried unanimously.
7. Appointment of auditor
David proposed Roger Chappell, 2nded by Brian Tetley. All in favour.
8.Adoption of Forward Plan 2014 including Reports 2013, Budget 2014 and Special Projects 2014
Very quick trawl page by page. Amended by deleting £500 support to Youth Action Group. Note that Special Projects 2104 needs further discussion. Craig proposed the adoption of the Forward Plan 2014 including Reports 13 etc. Ted Rodgers 2nded. All in favour.
9.Any Other Business
Trustees Meeting 8.20 – 9.30
1.Apologies: Trustees: Chris Bates, Graham Hobbs, Anne Perry, Mike Collins, Maureen Green, Ginnie Willcocks
2.Minutes of the Trustees’ meeting on February11th 2014Accepted as a true record: proposed by Judith Spence; 2nded by Ann Higgins. All in favour.
- Matters arising
i) BOSCAPS have decided not to pursue becoming part of BUSCA, at least for the moment.
ii) The Murder Mystery donation to Playgroup has now been cashed.
iii)Area Forum grant for Thursday youth group has been transferred to help pay for the Tuesday group. There is £466 still to spend by June 30th.
iv)There has been some progress in resurrecting the Youth Theatre. They will host a Barrow’s Got Variety on Nov 22nd. This event will commemorate Gordon Kenneth
v)Queried whether charities have to register with Data Protection. David will investigate (with help)
vi)Judith R met with Liz Stevens (Deputy Head of HPS). It was an extremely useful meeting and enabled Judith to share all sorts of history including Fairbairn’s promise. Clearly, there is no-one left at HPS who has knowledge of BUSCA’s role with the Community Centre. It will be very interesting to see whether BUSCA retains any of its historic “perks”.
- Treasurer's report (Accounts from Jan 1st 2014) David
The accounts are up to date as from June 2nd.
Mother Goose made a profit of £277.
Spring Dance made a profit of £200
Bar for the Scouts event took £500. The bar profit is £1000 to date: less than usual. There is a Homefield College bar in July.
£466 of Area Forum Grant left. (to be spent by June 30th)
There is £11815 in the General Account.
David passed round a Reserves Projection ready for Item 8.
No questions.
Thanks to David.
- Community Centre Report: None
It was noted that despite promises, Wifi was not available to organisations at the Community Evening. This was very disappointing.
- Business relating to the CIO
A proposal was put to the Trustees by David that the Organisation should transfer its bank account from Lloyds Bank to Unity Trust Bank. After debate, it was resolved that:
- The Organisation wishes to open an account with Unity Trust Bank plc (“The Bank”) and produced to the meeting a copy of the Bank’s terms and conditions for operating an account;
- The Bank’s terms and conditions are approved and the Organisation appoints the Bank as its Bankers;
- The Bank’s terms and conditions may vary from time to time and the Organisation agrees to be bound by them;
- The Mandate for the operation of the bank account, payment instructions and banking services be provided to the Bank and that amendments to the Mandate may be made by any Trustee, or by any officer of the Organisation who is intimated to the Bank as being authorised by the Board to do so in accordance with the Bank’s procedures;
- The bank is entitled to rely upon this Mandate until it receives a later Mandate amending it;
- The Bank will be provided with a copy of the Organisation’s registration documents. Any changes to these documents must be advised in writing to the Bank;
- The Bank will be notified in writing of any change in the Trustees of the Organisation or of any officer of the Organisation who is known to the Bank as being authorised by the Board to do so;
- The Organisation will be liable for any liabilities of the Organisation to the Bank.
The resolution was proposed by Brian Tetley and 2nded by Craig Johnstone. All in favour.
David then produced to the meeting the form of application for an account with Unity Trust. The signatories (and authorisers for online transactions) will be Ted, Mike, Val, Ceri and himself. Dual authorisation will be needed, as for the existing Lloyds account. In addition, Judith and Roger Chappell will be entitled to access the account on line but only to view the information.
There was a discussion as to whether or not we should have an Alto card. This is a prepaid debit card which could be used for withdrawing cash from holes in the wall and for making internet payments. It was decided to apply for a card, with Val as the card holder, but that the card would not be used until the trustees had had the opportunity of considering how the card should be used ie what for and what safeguards were needed.
Diane suggested that it would be useful to be able to pay in cash at the village Post Office and David promised to investigate this. He would be setting up a facility to pay in cash at Lloyds Bank in Loughborough.
Financial year
Sue proposed that the financial year is maintained as before (ie calendar year). 2nded by David. All in favour.
Judith proposed that we transfer our insurance business to the new charity. 2nded by Betty Turner. All in favour.
Transfer of policies,
David proposed that the new charity adopts all the policies of the old charity. 2nded by Sue Rodgers. All in favour.
- Application by Twinning Group to become part of BUSCA
Alan Commented that the objects of Twinning and those of BUSCA match closely. David has checked with Sue that all the legal requirements are met by Twinning. (bank account with 2 signatories, committee structure, insurance etc. Sue commented that if adding the group to the existing BUSCA policy incurs extra cost, members would be OK to make a contribution.
Brian Tetley proposed that the application by the Twinning Group to become part of BUSCA is accepted. 2nded by Diane Thorpe. All in favour.
- Progress and further discussion on Special Projects
i) Judith is now actively working on Walks 2 to update it prior to doing a reprint. The cost is likely to be about £1300 for 4,000. A donation request has been sent to Barwood Homes.
Also, we have run out of Historic Places in Barrow. That doesn’t need any editing. Cost: £950ish for 4,000. The Reserves Projection indicates that we can afford it.
Sue proposed that both projects go ahead. Seconded by Brian T. All in favour.
Diane asked that there is the facebook link and image on the back of both publications.
ii) Judith suggested BUSCA needs its own website and Paypal as a means to pay for tickets etc: To be discussed at next meeting with Craig having an input.
- Review of Community Evening including any membership issues
Lack of wifi was regrettable. School has been communicated with.
27 groups attended and it felt too busy (should have spread out properly into the foyer.) There were at least 13 visitors and 69 people attending. There were quite a lot of offers of help which we must follow up on.
Diane has details for 40 BUSCA members including from tonight’s meeting.
Enquiries were made about a possible group membership. This needs to be discussed.
It was agreed that there should be an item in Barrow Voice that outlines why someone might want to become a member and have a membership form within the text. And repeated in future editions in relation to BUSCA events.
We need to spend more time discussing membership issues including discounts/perks etc. (eg early notification of events.)
- New Community Building business
Sue: stalemate has been reached with the Sileby site. The team are now looking at alternatives. They will need to do a new questionnaire of residents shortly. Sue asked for support and actual help with this. This was forthcoming.
11.Safeguarding and Child ProtectionNone
12.Consideration of proposals from AGM None
i) Judith has booked a Membership stall for BUSCA (and Lucky Dip) at the Street Market event on Sun 6th July. Ceri, Val and Diane are available to do a stint. Judith will contact them.
14.Date of next Trustees’ meeting: Mon 15th Sept