Faculty Senate Agenda
January 18, 2018 at 3:10 pm
Chattanooga Room, University Center
Senate meetings are open meetings to which all parties are welcome. Relevant documents can be found at You can also virtually attend the meeting using Zoom. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
To presenters: Please email any documents to the president and secretary prior to the meeting. If copies of handouts are needed, please contact the secretary.
- Call to Order
- Approval of minutes from 11/16/2017 meeting
- Administrative Reports
- Committee Reports
- Curriculum (Charlene Simmons)
Approved by the University Curriculum Committee by a vote of 7-0-0 on 1/9/2018)
- 18s-001 - NUTR 1350 Prerequisite Change
- 18F-003 - ENGL Diversity Requirement (needs clarification about 4650 was a core class)
- 18F-004 - IARC 4200 Senior Seminar Prereq Change
- 18F-005 - IARC 2090 Course Number Change
- 18F-006 - IARC 2950 Designer Resources
- 18F-017 - WSTU ENGL 4500-Fiction, Fashion and Feminism
- 18F-018 - WSTU-ENGL 4710 Feminist Literary Criticism
- 18F-019 - MCLL Course Deactivation
- 18F-032 - PSY 3350 Positive Psychology - Add to Applying Psychology Curriculum
- 18F-039 - MCLL-Deactivate German Minor and Associated Courses
- 18F-036 - HIST BA New Concentration
- 18F-063 - NURS 2300-Introduction to Forensic Nursing
Approved by the University Curriculum Committee by a vote of 11-0-0 on 12/6/2017
- 18F-007 - Minor in Military Science and Leadership
- 18F-009 - ART Changes to co-requisites for Art 1000, Art 1010, and Art 1050
- 18F-020 - ENGLISH 3810 Deactivation
- 18F-021 - English 3640 Deactivation
- 18F-022 - ENGLISH 4830 Deactivation
- 18F-024 - English RPW Minor Revision
- 18F-025 - English 3830 Description Update
- 18F-026 - English 4900r New Course Proposal
- 18F-027 - PSY 3560 Practicum
- 18F-030 - ENCH 4290-Introduction to Chemical Engineering Design-Corequisite Addition
- 18F-031 - ENCH 4300-Chemical System Design-Prerequisite Change
- Handbook Committee (Beth Crawford)
- Old Business
- New Business
- Elections
- Faculty Concerns
- Announcements
- Full Faculty Meeting: Monday, February 26 at 3:30 PM in UC Auditorium, refreshments available at 3:00 PM
- Faculty Awards Dinner:Tuesday, April 10 at 6:00 PM at Stratton Hall
- Adjournment
Future Full Faculty Meeting: 02/26/2018 at 3:30 PM in UC Auditorium
Future Senate Meetings: 02/15/2018, 03/08/2018, 04/19/2018 all at 3:10 PM in Chattanooga Rooms in the UC