EC 1Commission
EC 1.1:General report on the activities of the European Union (Communities)
EC 1.1/2:Programme of the Commission
EC 1.1/3:Expose general sur les finances de la communaute
EC 1.1/4:Annual report, protection of the communities financial …
EC 1.2:General publications
EC 1.5:Laws, agreements, conventions, protocols
EC 1.8:Handbooks, manuals, guides
EC 1.11:Com documents (fiche)
EC 1.11/2:Documents (COM) Monthly Catalog
EC 1.12:SEC documents
EC 1.19:European perspectives series
EC 1.20:Directory of the Commission
EC 1.21:Bulletin of the European Union
EC 1.21/2: Bulletin of the European Union, supplement
EC 1.31:Information memo-Spokesman’s Group
EC 1.31/1:Press release-Spokesman’s Group
EC 1.32:Financial report
EC 1.50:Structural funds in….annual report
EC 1.55:Annual report on monitoring the application of community law
EC 1.70:ECHO annual review
EC 1.100DG I—External Relations
EC 1.102:General publications
EC 1.106:Agreements, etc.
EC 1.108:Handbooks, manuals, guides
EC 1.109:Corps diplomatique accredit…
EC 1.110:Accords et autres engagements bilateraux qui lient les communautes a des
Pays tiers
EC 1.110/2:Annotated summary of agreements linking the communities with
Non-member states
EC 1.111:Report on United States trade barriers and unfair practices
EC 1.112:Analyse synthetique des accords qui lientles communitautes a des pay tiers
EC 1.120:Asian ITC News
EC 1.200:DG II—Economic and Financial Affairs
EC 1.202:General publications
EC 1.205:Euro papers
EC 1.205/2:Euro papers (compact disc)
EC 1.207:Bibliographies
EC 1.209:Serie economique
EC 1.210:Medium term economic policy
EC 1.211:Balance sheets of the …industry of the Community
EC 1.212:European Economy
EC 1.212/2:European Economy, reports and studies
EC 1.212/a:European Economy, supplement, Series A, recent economic trends
EC 1.212/b:European Economy, supplement, Series B, business and…
EC 1.212/c:European Economy, supplement, Series C, economic prospects
EC 1.213:Report of the results of the business surveys carried out among…
EC 1.214:Economic situation in the community
EC 1.215:Economic Papers
EC 1.215/2:Economic papers (country studies)
EC 1.215/3:Enlargement Papers
EC 1.220:Monetary Committee (Superseded by European Central Bank)
EC 1.221:Report on the activities of the Monetary Committee
EC 1.300:DG III—Internal Market and Industrial Affairs
EC 1.315:Single market news
EC 1.316:IRDAC news
EC 1.400:DG IV—Competition
EC 1.410:European Union competition policy
EC 1.415:Competition policy newsletter
EC 1.500:DG V—Employment…
EC 1.502:General publications (no serials or monographic series)
EC 1.508:Handbooks and manuals
EC 1.510:Social protection in Europe (biennial?)
EC 1.511:Employment in Europe (annual)
EC 1.511/2:Free movement and social security
EC 1.513:Missoc info
EC 1.513/4:Social Protection …..Missoc
EC 1.515:Equal Opportunities Magazine
EC 1.517:Demographic situation in the European Union
EC 1.517/4:Newsletter for the European year against racism.
EC 1.519:Family observer
EC 1.519/2:Social Agenda
EC 1.521:CTEmployment & social affairs, fundamental rights and anti-discrimination
EC 1.522:CTEmployment & Social Affairs, industrial relations and industrial change
EC 1.523:CTEmployment & Social Affairs, social security and social integration
EC 1.524:CTEmployment & Social Affairs, employment and European social fund
EC l.525:CTEmployment & Social Affairs
EC 1.530:Industrial relations in Europe
EC 1.600:DG VI—Agriculture
EC 1.616:Newsletter
EC 1.612Agriculture in the European Union: statistical and economic information
EC 1.700:DG VII—Transport (merged with Energy, see EC 1.1700:)
EC 1.800:DG VIII—Development
EC 1.813:AEP Courier
EC 1.814:DE series
EC 1.900:DG IX—Personnel and Administration
EC 1.922:Terminology and tradution
EC 1.1000:DG X—Information, Communication and Culture
EC 1.1022:Eurobarometer
EC 1.1022/2:Candidate Countries Eurobarometer
EC 1.1100:DG XI—Environment, Nuclear Safety & Civil Protection
EC 1.1111:Environment for Europeans
EC 1.1200:DG XII—Science, Research
EC 1.1206:European research in action
EC 1.1225:RTD info
EC 1.1270:Joint Research Centre
EC 1.1270/2:JRC in action
EC 1.1271:Annual report, Joint Research Center (JRC)
EC 1.1300:DG XIII—Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation
EC 1.1303:Echo News
EC 1.1310:Innovation and technology transfer
EC 1.1310/2:Innovation relay center newsletter
EC 1.1400:DG XIV—Fisheries
EC 1.1402:General publications
EC 1.1405:Fishing in Europe
EC 1.1500:DG XV—Financial Institutions
EC 1.1600:DGXVI—Regional Policy
EC 1.1601/2:Annual report of the cohesion fund
EC 1.1617:Regions and cities of Europe
EC 1.1619:Info Regio News
EC 1.1619/2:Info Regio Panorama
EC 1.1619/3:Cor opinions and documents
EC 1.1700:DGXVII—Energy and Transport
EC 1.1800:DGXVIII-Credit and Investments
EC 1.1900:DG XIX—Budgets
EC 1.1901/2:General budget of the European Union for the financial year…
EC 1.2000:DG XX—Financial Control
EC 1.2100:Euratom Supply Agency
EC 1.2200:DG XXII--Coordination of Structural Policies
EC 1.2210:Customs Union
EC 1.2300:DG XXIII—Enterprise
EC 1.2301:European competition report
EC 1.2310:EnterpriseEurope
EC 1.2400:DG –Education and Culture
EC 1.2402:T69/yr.Traveling in Europe
EC 1.2410:The Magazine, education and culture in Europe
EC 1.2500:DG—Enlargement
EC 1.2510:Phare highlights
EC 1.2511:Regular report on ….’s progress towards accession
EC 1.2600:DG—Justice and Home Affairs
EC 1.2700:DG—General Information and Public Relations
EC 1.2800:EuropeAid Co-Operation Office
EC 1.2811:Asia Urbs magazine
EC 1.2900:DG-Health and Consumer Protection
EC 1.3000:Customs Union Service
EC 1.5000:Legal Service
EC 1.6000:European University Institute
EC 1.6019/2:Annual report of the President
EC 2.1x:Theme 1 publications
EC 2.2xTheme 2
EC 2.3x:Theme 3
EC 2.4x:Theme 4
EC 2.5x:Theme 5
EC 2.6x:Theme 6
EC 2.7x:Theme 7
EC 2.8x:Theme 8
EC 2.9x:Theme 9
EC 2.1xx:Statistical references
EC 3European Parliament
EC 3.7:Working papers-Development series
EC 3.7/2:Working Papers-Economic Affairs series
EC 3.7/3:Working papers-Regional policy series
EC 3.7/4:Working papers-Political series
EC 3.7/5:Working papers-Agriculture, forestry and rural development series
EC 3.7/6:Working papers-Scientific and technology …series
EC 3.7/7:Working papers- Civil liberties series
EC 3.7/8:Working papers-Energy and research series
EC 3.7/9:Working papers-Legal affairs series
EC 3.7/10:Working papers-Women’s rights series
EC 3.7/11:Working papers-Central and East Europe series
EC 3.13:Official Journal…Annex, Debates of the Parliament
EC 3.13/3:Debates of the European Parliament (compact disc)
EC 3.15:European parliament at a glance
EC 4Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
EC 4.12/2:Key publications of the European Union
EC 5Council
EC 5.8:Handbooks, manuals and guides
EC 5.8:P94/Council’s rules of procedure
EC 8Economic and Social Committee
EC 8.3/2:EESC pamphlet series
EC 10European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
EC 10.5:CEDEfop panorama series
EC 10.6:CEDEFOP reference series
EC 10.8:P96/CEDEFOP publications catalogue
EC 10.10:CEDEFOP info
EC 10.11:Work programme
EC 10.19:Vocational training, European Journal
EC 11European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working
EC 11.4:Communique
EC 11.8/2:Publications (cd-rom)
EC 15Court of Auditors
EC 20European Coal and Steel Community
EC 30European Economic Community
EC 40Euratom: European Atomic Energy Community
EC 50European Investment Bank
EC 50.1/3:EIB Group activity report & cd
EC 50.1/3:EIB Group financial report
EC 60European Central Bank, 1999-
EC 70European University Institute
EC 80.European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
EC 80.4:News
EC 80.5:Forum
EC 90:European Environmental Agency
EC 100.European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
EC 110:European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia
EC 120:OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market)
EC 120.1:Annual report (OHIM annual report)
EC 130.
EC 140.DG- Press and Communication