Suite 315
June 29, 2006
MEMORANDUM NO.: (991-460-04-1)- 4
TO: User Agency
FROM: Director, State Purchasing
SUBJECT: Contract No. 991-460-04-1
Title: Temporary Employment Staffing
A1A E mployment Staffing has increased its contract prices, with effective from July 17, 2006, in accordance with Section 2.03 of the Temporary Employment Staffing contract #991-460-04-1.
Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to the Contract Administrator.
Suite 315
November 14, 2005
MEMORANDUM NO.: (991-460-041)- 3
TO: User Agency
FROM: Director, State Purchasing
SUBJECT: Contract No. 991-460-041
Title: Temporary Employment Staffing
Aerotek has cancel their portion of the contract.
Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to the Contract Administrator.
Suite 315
May 25, 2005
MEMORANDUM NO.: (991-460-041)- 2
TO: User Agency
FROM: Director, State Purchasing
SUBJECT: Contract No. 991-460-041
Title: Temporary Employment Staffing
Contract Administrator for the subject contract has been change from Susan Barr to David Comer.
Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to the Contract Administrator.
The Administrative and Operations Armof Florida’s Government / department of management
Jeb Bush, governor / William S. Simon, secretary
Temporary Employment Staffing
Amendment No. 1
THIS AMENDMENT, effective as of the last date signed below, is by and between the State of Florida Department of Management Services (the “Department”) and the entity identified below as Contractor (the “Contractor”) (collectively, the “Parties”), and amends State Term Contract No. 991-460-04-1 (the “Contract”).
WHEREAS the Department awarded the above referenced Contract to multiple vendors for the provisioning of Temporary Employment Staffing; and
WHEREAS the Contract specifies a billing rate for each position commodity number which was based on a Contractor’s markup added to the minimum rate within the broadband classification system developed and maintained by the Department’s Division of Human Resource Management; and
WHEREAS some temporary staffing employees, as defined in Section 2.01 of the Contract (“Employees”) provided under the terms and conditions of this Contract are receiving a salary rate above that minimum rate, and
WHEREAS some Employees provided under the terms and conditions of this Contract have or will receive pay increases as provided for in the Contract; and
WHEREAS some Employees provided under the terms and conditions of this Contract have or will work overtime hours as authorized by the Customer; and
WHEREAS the Contract is silent on how to calculate the billing rate for those instances where the pay received by an Employee provided under this Contract exceeds the minimum rate specified in a specific broadband classification, or the Customer authorizes overtime hours.
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained below, and other good and valuable consideration receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
The following Billing Rate Schedule provisions are hereby added to the Temporary Employment Staffing contract:
State Purchasing ● 4050 Esplanade Way ● Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 ● Telephone: 850-488-8440 ● Fax: 850-414-6122
1. Incumbent or Newly Hired Employees: For incumbent or newly hired Employees whose earnings are above minimum pay rate for a specific position and region and where such pay rate has been authorized by the Customer, the billing rate for that Employee shall be calculated as follows:
a. The Contractor’s bill rate for the respective broadband minimum salary rate shall be divided by the broadband minimum hourly pay rate for the temporary Employee (see Technical Specifications Appendix A).
b. The result of the calculation in 1.a. above will yield a multiplier for the new billing rate.
c. The Employee’s existing pay rate shall be multiplied by the multiplier derived in Section 1.a. which will yield the billing rate for that Employee.
d. The formula for said calculation shall be as follows:
Step 1:
B ÷ A = C Contractor’s Bill Rate divided by Broadband min. hourly pay rate
Step 2:
C x D = X Multiplier times Incumbent Employees Pay Rate = New Bill Rate
· A = Broadband minimum hourly pay rate for the temporary Employee (see Technical Specifications Appendix A)
· B = Contractors Bill Rate for a specific position and region (Contract Price List)
· C = Multiplier to determine the new Bill Rate
· D = Incumbent Employees Pay Rate
· X = New Bill Rate
Charlie has been working for DCF for 5 years in an Operations & Management Consultant II position in Region 1. The minimum pay rate for this position is $16.81 (broadband minimum Appendix A). Charlie is making $17.50; the contractor’s bill rate for this position is $23.20 as specified in the Contract for the specific position and region.
$23.20 - Contractor’s Existing Bill Rate
______= 1.38 = Multiplier
$16.81 - Minimum Pay Rate For Position
1.38 Multiplier x $17.50 Current Pay Rate = $24.15 = New Bill Rate for this Employee
2. Pay Increases: The billing rate for temporary Employees who are eligible for pay increases in accordance with Technical Specifications 2.03 Contract Deliverables shall be calculated as described in Section 1 above.
3. Overtime Hours: The billing rate for overtime hours worked which have been authorized by the Customer shall be calculated based on the same multiple used for said Employee rate on a straight time basis. The overtime hourly rate shall be as dictated by applicable federal and state law for the respective position.
To the extent any of the terms herein conflict with the terms of the Contract as previously amended, the terms of this Amendment shall control. All other terms of the Contract remain in full force and effect.
Warranty of Authority: Each person signing this Amendment warrants that he or she is duly authorized to do so and to bind the respective party.
Contractor Name
City, State, Zip
By Date
By Date
Approved as to form and legality by the Department General Counsel’s Office:
The Administrative and Operations Armof Florida’s Government / department of management
Jeb Bush, governor / William S. Simon, secretary
Suite 350
June 23, 2004
MEMORANDUM NO.: (991-460-04-1)-1
TO: User Agency
FROM: Director, State Purchasing
SUBJECT: Contract No. 991-460-04-1
Title: Temporary Employment Staffing
The following changes have been made to the subject contract:
Revised Price Sheets:
· OnStaff has been removed from all positions in Region 10 and Region 17
· AMS has been removed from all positions in Region 17.
· Tri-State has been removed from Positions 37- 41
· Volt has been removed from all positions in Region 9
· Manpower has been removed from all positions in Region 3
Replace Ordering Instructions to include office locations.
Any questions or problems in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to the Contract Administrator.
Suite 315
TITLE: Temporary Employment Staffing
CONTRACT NO.: 991-460-04-1
ITN NO.: 18-991-460-L
EFFECTIVE: May 17, 2004 through May 16, 2007
SUPERSEDES: 991-460-02-1
CONTRACTOR(S): A1A Employment of Miami (H)
Adecco Employment Services (A)
AMS – A Personnel Management Service (H)
Daytona Employment Agency (A)
Four Directions Inc. (M)
Manpower International (A)
Oasis Staffing (A)
Onstaff (A)
Remedy Intelligent Staffing (M)
Simpson Staffing Services (N)
TopTalent Staffing (A)
Tri-State Employment Services (A)
Volt Information Sciences (A)
A. AUTHORITY - Upon affirmative action taken by the State of Florida Department of Management Services, a contract has been executed between the State of Florida and the designated contractors.
B. EFFECT - This contract was entered into to provide economies in the purchase of Temporary Employment Staffing by all State of Florida agencies and institutions. Therefore, in compliance with Section 287.042, Florida Statutes, all purchases of these commodities shall be made under the terms, prices, and conditions of this contract and with the suppliers specified.
C. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS - All purchase orders shall be issued in accordance with the attached ordering instructions. Purchaser shall order at the prices indicated, exclusive of all Federal, State and local taxes.
State Purchasing ● 4050 Esplanade Way ● Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 ● Telephone: 850-488-8440 ● Fax: 850-414-6122
All contract purchase orders shall show the State Purchasing contract number, product number, quantity, description of item, with unit prices extended and purchase order totaled. (This requirement may be waived when purchase is made by a blanket purchase order).
D. CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE – Agencies shall report any vendor failure to perform according to the requirements of this contract on Complaint to Vendor, form PUR 7017. Should the vendor fail to correct the problem within a prescribed period of time, then form PUR 7029, Request for Assistance, is to be filed with this office.
E. SPECIAL AND GENERAL CONDITIONS – Special and general conditions are enclosed for your information. Any restrictions accepted from the supplier are noted on the ordering instructions.
F. CONTRACT APPRAISAL FORM – State Contract Appraisal, form PUR 7073 should be used to provide your input and recommendations for improvements in the contract to State Purchasing for receipt no later than 90 days prior to the expiration date of this contract.
Authorized Signature (Date)
David Comer
PHONE: (850) 488-7804
SUNCOM: 278-7804
Invitation to Bid
No.: 18-991-460-L
1.0 Introduction: The State of Florida, Department of Management Services, invites interested bidders to submit bids in accordance with these solicitation documents. The purpose of this solicitation is to establish a thirty-six (36) month state term contract for the purchase of Temporary Employment Staffing. The technical specifications and Price Sheets describe the services more particularly. This contract is estimated to produce approximately $ 9,000,000 in annual sales. This estimated figure is supplied as a guide for preparing bid responses and should not be construed as representing actual sales. The contract term is anticipated to begin on April 21, 2004 and to end April 20, 2007.
Refer ALL Inquiries to:
Susan Barr, Purchasing Analyst
State Purchasing
Department of Management Services
4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 315
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950
(850) 488-5498 (facsimile)
The following Calendar of Events provides the anticipated timeline that applies to this solicitation:
February 16, 2004: Launch ITB, Begin Preview Period
February 20, 2004: Intent to Participate In Training Vendor Response Due
February 25, 2004: MFMP Solicitation Tool Training for Bidders @ 2:00 p.m. E.S.T Phone # (850)410-0961
February 27, 2004: Written Questions due from Bidders no later than 5:00 p.m. E.S.T.
Questions No Longer Accepted
March 04, 2004: Written Answers Posted, End Preview Period
March 24, 2004: Bids due by 2:00 P.M. and opened immediately thereafter.
April 13, 2004: Electronic Posting of Intent to Award
April 21, 2004: Anticipated Contract award (if any)
Instructions to Bidders
1.01 Definitions
1.02 General Instruction
1.03 Terms and Conditions
1.04 Who May Bid
1.05 Ordering Instructions
1.06 Basis for Award
1.07 Questions/Contract Analyst
1.08 Conflict of Interest
1.09 Convicted Vendors
1.10 Discriminatory Vendors
1.11 Bidder’s Representation and Authorization
1.12 Performance Qualifications
1.13 Execution of Bid
1.14 Submittal of Bid
1.15 Bid Tabulation
1.16 Special Accommodation
1.17 Firm Bids
1.18 Clarifications/Revisions
1.19 Contract Formation
1.20 Notice of Award
1.21 Contract Overlap
1.22 Purchasing Card Program
1.23 Public Records
1.24 Bid Protests
1.25 State Objectives
1.26 Optional Contract Usage
1.27 MFMP Solicitation Tool Training for Bidders
1.01 Definitions: See the General Conditions 3.01 for definitions of terms material to these instructions.
1.02 General Instruction: The bidder shall read all of the solicitation documents and comply with all specified requirements.
1.03 Terms and Conditions: All bids are subject to the terms of the following sections of these solicitation documents, which, in case of conflict, shall have the order of precedence listed: technical specifications; instructions to bidders; and general conditions. These terms and conditions supersede the “general conditions” contained in the Bidder Acknowledgement form (PUR 7027 Rev. 6/1/98), which is included in section 4.0 of these solicitation documents. The Department objects to and shall not consider any additional terms or conditions submitted by a bidder, including any appearing in documents attached as part of a bidder’s response. In signing and submitting its bid, a bidder agrees that any additional terms or conditions, whether submitted intentionally or inadvertently, shall have no force or effect. Failure to comply with terms and conditions, including those specifying information that must be submitted with a bid, shall be grounds for rejecting a bid.
1.04 Who May Bid: By submitting a bid, each bidder certifies that it satisfies the following criteria, in addition to any other specified in the solicitation documents. Failure to supply this information, if requested, may result in disqualification of your Bid.
· Full-service office in the region bid, with business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays (minimum) and with staff capable of handling inquiries and orders on-location during those business hours (including lunch hour).
· Can serve the entire region
· Has provided temporary employee services for a minimum of one (1) year
· Has placed a minimum of one hundred (100) temporary employees in the last six (6) months
· Maintains a pool of temporary employees to provide customers’ temporary employment staffing needs
· Offers training and testing services to improve existing skill of current staff and to measure skills of potential new hires which include:
ü Training services teach proficient use of basic functions and current skills brush-up
ü Testing services measure, at a minimum, speed, accuracy and proficiency
Each bidder shall identify a minimum of two (2) private or public clients to which the bidder has provided these services within the past two (2) years.
1.05 Ordering Instructions: On the Ordering Instructions form included in section 4.0 of these solicitation documents, bidders shall identify persons responsible for answering questions about the bid and administering the Contract and shall provide information necessary for placing orders under the Contract.