Deal Town Council
Town Hall, High Street,
Deal, Kent. CT14 6TR.
Tel: 01304 361999
The minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting
held on 22nd July 2013.
Cllr I Killbery – Chairman Cllr Dr D Murray
Cllr B Frost Cllr K Blackburn
Cllr C Stickler Cllr E Rowbotham
Cllr B Hawkins Cllr M Burnham (ex-officio)
Cllr W Elliott
Linda Dykes – Town Clerk There was 1 member of the public
Paul Bone – Finance Officer present.
1. / Chairman’s opening remarks: Cllr Killbery opened the meeting at 7.15 pm by welcoming those present and reminding everyone of the fire evacuation instructions. / Actions2. / Apologies for absence: Cllr J Cronk, Cllr D Cronk, Cllr M Cosin and Cllr C Tough.
3. / Declarations of interest: None declared.
4. / Minutes of previous meeting: Members considered the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th June 2013. RESOLVED: To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th June 2013 as a true and accurate record. (P) DM (S) MB. Agreed. The Chairman then signed the minutes.
5. / Town Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer’s Report: It was moved to note the report.
(P) DM (S) BH. Agreed.
6. / Public Participation: There were no questions or comments from the member of the public present.
7. / Finance:
(i) Income & Expenditure figures to 30th June 2013: RESOLVED: Members agreed to note the report (P) MB (S) DM. Agreed.
(ii) Full Bank reconciliation to 30th June 2013: RESOLVED: Members agreed to note the information. (P) MB (S) DM. Agreed.
(iii) Grant budget to 30th June 2013: RESOLVED: Members agreed to note the information. (P)MB (S) DM. Agreed.
8. / Deferred grant application: RESOLVED: That the decision on the grant application from the Deal and Betteshanger Rugby Club is to be deferred until the second round of grant funding in November 2013 allowing additional time for the supply of further information. (P)WE (S) BH. Agreed. / Finance Officer
9. / Deal in Bloom: RESOLVED: To ask the contractor to replace the summer bedding plants in the High Street planters at the end of the season with winter planting to a value not exceeding £420 including VAT - as per his quotation dated 11th July 2013. (P) MB (S) DM. Agreed. / Finance Officer
10. / Allotments Working Group:
(i) RESOLVED: To note the report from the Allotment Working Group Chairman, Cllr D Cronk. (P) MB (S) DM. Agreed.
Members expressed their concern that
Council was considering paying for rubbish to be taken away from the Park Avenue site and asked that the contracts be varied to make this the responsibility of plot holders. The Town Clerk advised of the notice period required before any amendments could be made and agreed to pass on the concerns of Councillors to the Working Group Chairman who was not present at the meeting.
(ii) RESOLVED: To agree the suggested water
charges for 2013/2014 across the 3 allotment sites as follows: Park Avenue, £0.053p per sqm., Golf Road, £0.03p per sqm., and Mill Road, £0.054p per sqm. (P) WE (S) MB. Agreed. / Town Clerk
Allotments Officer
11. / Fair Trade update: RESOLVED: To note the report (P) DM (S) ER. Agreed. Cllr Dr Murray asked that thanks to all involved were recorded.
12. / Braderie 2013:
(i) Members considered the report on the Braderie progress to date. RESOLVED: To note the content of the report presented. (P) WE (S) DM. Agreed. The staff were thanked for their organisation for this event. Cllr Hawkins and Cllr Elliott volunteered to assist at the event on 15th September 2013. Members then considered the quotes available for catering services. RESOLVED: That ‘Dine Alfresco’ should be asked to provide catering services at the Deal Braderie on 15th September 2013. (P) BH (S) WE. Agreed. / Deputy Town Clerk
13. / Free use of Town Hall: Members considered a request for the White Cliffs Country Tourism Association (WCCTA) to hold a tourism forum in the Town Hall in October 2013. RESOLVED: That free use of the Town Hall would be granted for this event – date to be confirmed. (P) MB (S) BF. Agreed. / Premises Officer
14. / Premises: Members noted the report from the Premises Officer.
(i) Members considered 3 quotes to purchase
hiball drinking glasses. RESOLVED: That 2 cases x 48 glasses should be purchased from Barmans at a cost of £83.32 plus vat. (P) MB (S) DM. Agreed.
(ii) Members considered 3 quotes to purchase
hiball tumbler glasses. RESOLVED: That 8 boxes x 12 wine glasses should be purchased from Barmans at a cost of £86.64 plus vat. (P) MB (S) DM. Agreed.
(iii) Members considered the report on the state of the flooring in the Town Hall toilet facilities which require replacement. A brief debate followed on whether to consider immediate refurbishment or to include the necessary works as part of the larger contract once the Town Hall transfer is completed. It was agreed to defer this to the next Council meeting when a Town Hall transfer update would be provided. Members also discussed the need for a fully working roving microphone for events. The Premises Officer advised of the difficulties with the control panel in the Town Hall. When the microphones are looked at for servicing purposes this problem is to be raised with the technician. / Premises Officer/
Finance Officer
Premises Officer/
Finance Officer
Town Clerk/
Council agenda item
Premises Officer
15. / Deal Town Guide: Members considered the quotes available for re-printing the Deal Town Guide. RESOLVED: That R K Graphics Ltd should be asked to re-print 5,000 copies of the Deal Town Guide at a cost of £1,050.00 as per their quotation dated 19th June 2013. (P) BF (S) WE. Agreed. Cllr Killbery suggested that the balance of the budget allocation for the Town Guide should be used for preparation of updates and possible re-design. A brief debate followed as members considered the future of the Guide. / Deputy Town Clerk
16. / Funding Fair 2013/2014: Cllr Rowbotham gave a brief summary of the previous Funding Fair held in March 2013 detailing the Astor Theatre as an appropriate venue. RESOLVED: That a Funding Fair should be held in March 2014 with a budget not exceeding £500 to be made available by virement from underspends. (P) ER (S) MB. Agreed. There were 5 votes for the motion and 3 against.
17. / EU Networking Conference attendance: Cllr Killbery advised there was nothing to discuss at this time.
Date of next meeting: As there was no further business for discussion the meeting closed at 8.10pm. Date of next meeting: 9th September 2013.
Linda Dykes
Town Clerk
24th July 2013