Reading: Apply standards to script code
Apply standards to script code
Inside this reading:
The software development process
Standards for design documents
Development system standards
Coding standards and style
Code documentation standards
Why conform to standards?
Security policy for scripting
The software development process
When working in a software development workplace, you first need to know the details of how they go about developing projects. Most software companies or departments will have a particular development model that they follow, that prescribes which activities will be performed, and when.
A Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model, or methodology for the development process. These models are theories of how to best go about the process of software development. Having selected a model, a programming project team will follow the prescribed process during the course of development.
There are a number of different models, including for example the 'Waterfall model' the 'Spiral model' and 'Agile Development'.
For our purposes, a very simple sequential model (the 'Waterfall' model) will suffice to describing the development process.
The Waterfall model is so called because the stages theoretically occur in strict sequence, without going back to revise previous stages. The stages may include:
- Problem definition.
- Scoping – Decide what the system boundaries will be.
- Analysis – Look at the structure of the problem.
- Design – Define the solution and create the algorithm.
- Code – Write the instructions in a computer language.
- Test – apply tests to ensure the code works as specified.
- Debug – Ensure the program produces expected results.
- Document – Write user and technical documentation.
- Install – Deploy the application to do its job.
- Maintain – Fix bugs, implement minor enhancements.
This model is a very simple view of the whole process but it serves as a starting point for understanding how good software programs are developed. Today, the Waterfall model is generally recognised as too simplistic for software projects of any significant complexity.
You will understand more about the software development process as you develop more complex programs, and much more if you work on a large software project.
Each of these stages can be a discipline in its own right, and in a large software engineering shop, each stage will have specialists. For example, some people may specialise in requirements analysis, some on analysis and design including such tools as the Unified Modelling Language (UML), others may specialise in the testing of software, still others may specialise in documentation and so on.
Abbreviated development cycle
Each stage in the Software Development Life Cycle is important to the success of a software project. The programs that you will develop while learning are necessarily small and simple, but we will ask you to adopt an abbreviated development cycle, as a token of this more extensive process. Here are the steps you should take:
- Analysis: Read the problem definition carefully and think about the problem. How general is the problem you are trying to solve? Has it already been solved in a different way? Is it related to other problems you have solved? What resources are required to solve the problem?
- Design: Develop an algorithm in abstract terms using pseudocode or flowcharts.
- Code: Translate the pseudocode to an actual program. For this step, you need to get the syntax exactly right, and learn about the details of the data structures used and the objects and methods you will use from the standard library.
- Test: Fix any syntax errors and execute the program. Test the program with a range of inputs, checking that the behaviour of the program is correct for each input. Debug the program to remove any logic errors.
- Document: We will restrict ourselves to documentation embedded in the program itself. Include an introductory comment at the start of you program, and liberal comments throughout explaining the workings of your program.
Scripts must be developed properly too
You may think that scripting represents a special case for development that does not require a development process. Especially if you are working alone, it is all too easy to develop 'quick and dirty' scripts that have not been properly designed, documented or tested. Some of the arguments you might use are:
- "I'll only use it once then throw it away"
- "No-one will ever use it but me, and I know how it works!"
- "It's just a few lines."
- "It has to be finished today!"
The problem is that these statements do not remain true in the longer term. Consider that:
- Very often, a small script will be adapted or extended to solve similar problems.
- If you have to do a task once, chances are you will have to do it again.
- After several months break, you may have trouble understanding you own code.
- If you change jobs, what legacy will you leave for your replacement?
- If you don't have time to do it right, do you really have time to write a script at all?
Agile development
The full waterfall model of software development may not be appropriate to scripting. You may want to look at the agile development methodology instead, which combines the design and coding phases, and places a greater emphasis on testing, and refactoring of software during development.
In the sections that follow, we will outline the types of guidelines that you might have to follow, as they relate to the work of a programmer.
Standards for design documents
You will need to become familiar with whatever standards are used for the specification and design of software. You may need to:
- Learn how to read specification documents used by the designers. Often, the functional specification is the ultimate source for what will be provided to the client.
- Learn design systems and notations such as the Unified Modelling Language (UML), or learn to use design software tools.
- Formally document you own designs.
- Translate design documents into tests and code.
Development system standards
Each software house will have a particular development systems, an environment and a way of working that you will need to learn. Aspects of the environment may include the following:
Computer systems
You will need to learn the operating system that your company uses. This will likely be either a UNIX-like or a Microsoft operating system.
File management
Programmers deal with a lot of files, and the bigger the project, the more important to keep all files in order. File management for software development will include:
- Ensuring your environment variables are set correctly.
- Adhering to the local conventions for file and directory naming.
- Using the conventions for directory structures set by the development language, or locally.
- Correctly using the revision control system. Revision control systems allow the tracking of all changes to a document, keeping parallel versions, undoing changes and so on.
Development Tools
You will be expected to use the same suite of tools that your team is using. This may include for example:
- Computer aided design software.
- The language itself (Java, Python etc).
- The integrated development environment.
- Unit testing software.
- Bug tracking software.
- Debugger.
- Project management software.
Standard libraries
You will be expected to know not only the programming language, but also the set of libraries or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that are to be used. Wherever possible, you must use the standard features which are available, rather than reinventing the wheel.
These libraries may include:
- The Standard libraries for the language.
- Special purpose libraries for things such a graphics, networking, XML processing and so on.
- Specific APIs for the target operating system or for third-party software.
Apart from the security considerations of your developed code, the environment in which you work may require you to follow security procedures. This may include:
- Maintaining correct permissions on files and directories that you are managing.
- Prohibition of copying files to portable media.
- Shredding of printouts after use.
Coding standards and style
The job of the programmer is to start with an abstract design and finish with source code that meets the requirements. Typically however, there are many solutions to the same programming problem, and no two programmers will finish with the same solution. We say that programming problems in general are 'underconstrained'.
These many solutions may behave similarly when viewed from the outside, but some of them will be superior to others on closer inspection. For example they may:
- be clearer and easier to understand
- contain fewer errors
- be more reliable under high load
- degrade gracefully instead of crashing when facing unusual conditions
- make better use of the standard libraries
- be easier to maintain
- be easier to re-use in other situations
- be faster, or more efficient in resources
- solve the problem with less code
Not every aspect of code quality will necessarily be maximised within one 'best solution'. But good programmers will consistently make full use of the available language features, the standard library, and the theory of algorithms to find solutions that work well.
Coding standards are an attempt to improve the quality of code in an organisation with straightforward 'rules of thumb' about many aspects of code, such as:
- Dos and donts.
- Simple rules for consistent style that improve the clarity of code.
- Rules for good documentation.
- When and when not to use more advanced language features such as exceptions, object-oriented programming, threads.
- Advice about efficiency of code.
- Advice about common difficulties encountered.
Obviously, you can only go so far with this, because you cannot always condense programming expertise and experience into simple rules. Most examples of coding standards place more emphasis on the simple aspects such as coding style which can be briefly described. Some more extensive coding standards are essentially small handbooks or summaries of programming theory.
But even simple coding standards can make a difference to quality, especially when there are teams of people working on the same project. The mere fact of having consistency is itself worthwhile, because the various programmers don’t have to continually adapt to other people's personal choice of coding style.
Reading activity:
At this point you should read the Python Style Guide in full, and browse through a few other coding standards, such as the GNU coding standard or the Java coding guidelines mentioned in the resources. Search for 'coding standards' on Google for further information.
Code documentation standards
In this section we will discuss the documentation of the code itself. The purpose of documenting code is to:
- Explain how your code can be used. For example, you may have developed a module to, say, display postscript images on the screen. The users of your module need to know exactly how they can use your creation.
- Explain the code itself. When your code needs to be modified, whether it be an enhancement or a bug-fix, other programmers need to be able to understand the workings of your code.
Note that we talking about the documentation of code by the programmer, within the source code file itself. We are not talking about technical writers explaining the work of programmers, as often happens in textbooks, FAQs, or other guides.
The mechanisms for documenting code include:
- Write self-documenting code.
- Use comments effectively.
- Use documentation strings.
Self-documenting code
Even without the use of comments, some programs are relatively easier to read. We say that these programs are 'self-documenting'. This is not an accident, but is due to the discipline of the programmer. With practice and attention to detail, you can learn to write clear code, just as you can learn to write clear sentences.
You should always strive to make the meaning and intent of your code as clear as possible, even without comments. A few of the things you can do to make you programs self-documenting are:
- Give variables the most meaningful and accurate name for their purpose.
- Similarly with functions, choose a name that describes clearly what the function does.
- Avoid complex or confusing code constructs. Some languages like C and PERL are notorious for difficult syntax, but most Python code is relatively straightforward. You should always strive to find the clearest way to express yourself in code, as you do in English.
- Do not try to be too smart when programming. In other words, try to choose the clearest, simplest way to do something rather than the smartest or 'coolest'. For example, do not use obscure language features or complex data structures if this can be avoided.
- Indent your code properly. Most languages use delimiters such as braces { } to indicate the nested structure of the code. In these languages, the compiler does not care about indentation. Correct indentation must be maintained by the programmer in order to make the code structure apparent to the reader. Unfortunately, different programmers have different ideas about which indentation rules are best. With Python, you do not have this problem. The indentation indicates the control structure to the compiler. If you don't indent correctly, you will either have a syntax error, or your program will not work as expected. Thus the structure of a Python program is always clear and consistent.
There are many articles that mention self-documenting code on the internet. Search for the term on Google, and skim several of the articles. One excellent article is 'Principled Programming', by Daniel Read at
A comment is a piece of text in the source code that is meant for human readers. The compiler or interpreter will ignore the comments.
In Python, a comment is introduced using the hash # character. For example:
# count to three
for i in (1, 2, 3):
print i
Comments can be also placed at the end of a line:
DOZEN = 12# constant
Comments are used by code writers to explain the purpose and intentions of the code or communicate that to others.
When code is changed or modified by a team of writers, code versions and records of changes may become necessary. Code versions and records of changes are often required by organisations when commissioning scripts; you may need to investigate the commenting requirements for the code you develop.
Good commenting practice
Finding the right thing to say in a programming comment is not always easy. Here are a few pointers:
- Not every line has to be commented. If you have done a good job with self-documenting code, many lines will not require comments.
- Most variable definitions could benefit from a comment explaining how they will be used.
- Do not just restate the code with equivalent comments. The following are not useful comments, as they simply restate what the actual code is doing.
avgMark = totalMarks / numMarks # calculate avgMark
print 'Average mark:', avg_mark # Print avgMark
- Similarly, you don't usually need to explain the normal operation of simple programming constructs (such as loops).
- A single-line summary comment before each if statement or loop is often helpful.
- It is most important to comment special conditions, assumptions, or complex logic.
- While you are learning to program, it’s better to err on the side of too many comments.
- It is very useful to take some of your old code (from say six months ago) and quickly try to understand it again. You will soon notice where you have not provided enough comments.
Block comments
Block comments are comments that extend over multiple lines, forming a block. Block comments are used to give a more extensive description of a section of code.
Some languages have beginning and ending delimiters for multi-line comments, for example:
/* This is a
multi-line comment
in Java
Python does not have a true multi-line comment like this, so you must begin each line of a block comment with a new #character like this:
# This is a
# multi-line comment
# in Python
This is not a problem however, because the most popular editors for Python include facilities to comment or uncomment multiple lines of text automatically.
There is another reason that Python programmers do not need a special multi-line comment syntax. Many uses of block comments are more useful as documentation strings, as we will see in the next section.
Documentation strings
Comments are very useful for other programmers to understand your code. But to read the comments, you must open the source code file itself and read each comment.