Introductionto CWS/CMS
Rev: 05/2016 (7.4)
Table of Contents
CWS/CMS Training Module Conventions
Skill Building Exercise: Introduction to CWS/CMS
Introduction to CWS/CMS
CWS/CMS Features
Network Structure and System Security
Control Panel
Starting the Control Panel
Drop-Down Menus
Run Drop-Down Menu
Preferences Drop-Down Menu
Help Drop-Down Menu
Information Structure
Application Descriptions
Client Services
Resource Management
SOC 158
System Information
The Application Screen
Field Types
Check Boxes
Option Buttons
Drop-Down Lists
Text Boxes
Information Grids
Date Fields and Drop-Down Calendars
Time Fields
Mandatory - Yellow Fields
Read-Only - Blue Borders and Text
Federal Reporting – Green Fields
Outcome Measure – Periwinkle Fields
Common Commands / Tools
Open Notebook Dialog Boxes
Print Report
Save to Database
Save Locally
Exit Options
CWS/CMS Window Drop-Down Menu
CWS/CMS Helpful Resources
Utilizing the CWS/CMS Help Desk
CWS/CMS Training Module Conventions
Module Purpose and Organization
This student guide is business process oriented. Certain sections, notebooks, and pages may be skipped in a specific module and presented later when they are relevant to a process.
This module introduces you to the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS).
This module contains the following:
- A skill building exercise to be used in conjunction with the Scenario Manager application
M01_S01 – Introduction to CWS/CMS (Part 1).arc
M01_S02 – Introduction to CWS/CMS (Part 2).arc
- A list of objectives for the module
- An overview of the CWS/CMS applications
- A summary of the module
SkillBuilding Exercise: Introduction to CWS/CMS
Scenario Manager File: M01_S02 – Introduction to CWSCMS (Part 2).arc User ID = WALLACG Password = $Good2go
The following questions will help you review the topics covered in the Introduction to CWS/CMS lesson. Read each question and use CWS/CMS to find the answers. If you run into any trouble, try using the online Help files.
In which CWS/CMS application would you add a new staff person? ______.
In which CWS/CMS application would you record client information? ______.
In which CWS/CMS application would you view all requests for approval in your Assignment Unit? ______.
Which part of CWS/CMS is the starting point of all applications? ______.
How many notebooks are in the Service Management Section of the Client Services application? ______.
In which drop-down menu would you find the command to remove a row from an information grid? ______.
How many sections are available in the Client Services application? ______.
CWS/CMS allows you to have only one open window at a time. (true or false?) ______.
Which section does the blue button in the Client Services application represent? ______.
What is the difference between a blue field, a periwinkle field and a yellow field? ______.
SkillBuilding Exercise: Introduction to CWS/CMS (continued)
In which CWS/CMS application would you assign authorities and privileges? ______.
In which application would you record the transfer of a staff person? ______.
In which CWS/CMS application would you read statewide bulletins? ______.
What button do you click to find system information such as memory and network information? ______
How many sections are in the Resource Management application? ______.
Which application would you use to request approval for a case or referral? ______.
What command would you use to send your current work to the Host Database so other CWS/CMS users can access it? ______.
What CWS/CMS drop-down menu contains commands for navigating between open notebook windows? ______.
Name one screen element you would use to view the name of the current notebook? ______.
What is the significance of a periwinkle field? ______.
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Introduction to CWS/CMS
Scenario Manager File: M01_S01 – Introduction to CWSCMS (Part 1).arc User ID = WALLACG
Password = $Good2go
The Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) is an easy-to-use database management system that enables California’s Child Welfare Services workers to electronically record, retrieve, and present information in documents.
By automating many routine functions and by providing ready access to comprehensive, accurate, and timely information as required by state and federal child welfare laws and policies, CWS/CMS improves the productivity of child welfare services workers at all organization levels and in a variety of organizational structures.
After completing this module, you will be acquainted with the following CWS/CMS topics:
- CWS/CMS features
- CWS/CMS terms
- CWS/CMS network structure and system security
- Starting the CWS/CMS Control Panel
- Basic screen and information structure, navigation techniques, and common commands used in CWS/CMS
- The role of each CWS/CMS application
- Helpful resources when you run into trouble using CWS/CMS
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CWS/CMS Features
The following list highlights some CWS/CMS features:
System-Wide Access to Information
- Statewide, automated client searches
- System-wide tracking of clients receiving child welfare services
- System-wide accessibility to all client information
- System-wide tracking and access to all referrals and cases
Automation of Everyday Tasks
- Automated tracking and selection of available child placements
- Automated system-wide generation of CWS reminders
- Data typed once into the system will be available throughout the system for multiple purposes and multiple users
- Automated generation of mandated forms, reports, and documents
Ease of Use
- Uses standard Windows conventions
- Flexibility in the order of viewing and recording information
- Flexibility in office configurations and authority level structures
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The following short definitions of terms used to describe features of CWS/CMS will help you during CWS/CMS training. (See the Glossary for more detailed definitions.)
- “Active Window” - current operational screen
- “Control Bar” - shortcuts to using menu commands
- “Database” - where data is stored long term
- “Disabled” or “Unavailable” command, field, or button – unavailable to enter data into or to perform a task (Sometimes referred to as “grayed out”)
- “Documents” - official papers that can be generated from CWS/CMS data to meet court, review, and State/Federal documentation requirements. Documents are saved permanently with the case/referral.
- “Enabled” or “Available” command, field, or button - available to enter data into or to perform a task
- “Field” - contains information
- “Folders”, “Sections”, “Notebooks”, “Pages” - how the CWS/CMS applications organize data
- “In Focus” - notebook whose pages are currently displayed
- “Local Reports” - the word processing files that supplement case and referral information. Local reports are not saved with the case/referral and can be generated more than once as situations dictate.
- “Mandatory Field” - must be filled in with data (yellow field)
- “Outcome Measure Field” – field is being used for the collection of data for Outcome Measures and should be completed whenever possible (periwinkle field)
- “Read-only Field” - data you can view or read but not change (blue field)
- “Reminders” - electronic “post-it notes”
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Network Structure and System Security
All workstations using CWS/CMS are connected to a central database via an expansive network system. A network is a group of computers connected together for the purpose of sharing information (data). Computers linked together in an office make up a LAN (local area network). Together, these LANs link together to comprise a WAN (wide area network).
Host Security
The CWS/CMS System provides for data security as required by federal and state laws. The following security measures are taken for the database:
- Data backup
- Physical security and limited access to the location
- Extensive access permission checking
Office Security
Local area network (LAN) servers are secured in the following ways:
- Data encryption over the network following specific procedures necessary for retrieving data
- Physical security via locked rooms and wiring closets
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Network Structure and System Security (continued)
Access Security
The Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) software program performs the following security functions:
- Verify users and check user authorization to prevent unauthorized access to CWS/CMS data
- Provide routine password access control
- Maintain details of both valid and invalid logon IDs
- Support different password/access combinations
CWS/CMS users have access only to those CWS/CMS functions that have been assigned to their User IDs. Access to CWS/CMS functions is limited in the following ways:
- Staff Authority - A user's access to assignment, transfer, and approval functions depends on the user’s Staff Authority (s)he has been given (in the Assignment Unit notebook).
- Staff Rights - A user's access to referrals, cases, and functions in the Resource Management application depends on the level of authority and privileges (s)he has been given (in the Staff Person notebook).
- Limited Access to referral and case - Cases can be sealed or made sensitive, and access to clients in referrals and cases can be limited to selected users.
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Control Panel
The Control Panel is the starting point for all CWS/CMS applications and external interfaces. Use the CWS/CMS Control Panel to launch applications and interfaces, view system information, and configure system components.
Starting the Control Panel
To start the CWS/CMS Control Panel, follow these steps:
From the Windows desktop, double click on the CWS/CMS icon.
In the CWS/CMS Control Panel logon window, (A) verify your User ID, (B) type your password, and (C) click the OK button.
After successful logon, the CWS/CMS Control Panel will open.
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Control Panel (continued)
CWS/CMS Applications / CWS/CMS Interfaces / System InformationFigure – ICC_005 /
Figure – ICC_006 /
Figure – ICC_007
Caseload / LIS / System Information
Client Services / CDS- Disabled
Resource Management / MEDS - Disabled
SOC 158
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Control Panel (continued)
Drop-Down Menus
The Control Panel has three drop-down menus: Run, Preferences, and Help.
Run Drop-Down Menu
Use the Run drop-down menu to (A) open the CWS/CMS applications: Caseload, Client Services, Resource Management, or SOC 158, (B) to exit the Control Panel and log off.
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Control Panel (continued)
Preferences Drop-Down Menu
Use the Preferences drop-down menu to (A) change the logon password, turn on audible error reporting and change the amount of time between messages warning to save to the database. Use the Preferences drop-down menu to (B) minimizethe CWS/CMS Control Panel or all CWS/CMS applications after starting another application and (C) customize the CWS/CMS Control Panel’s appearanceand behavior or view system information.
Help Drop-Down Menu
Use the Help drop-down menu to (A) access the table of contents for online help, get instructions for using online help, or search the online help files. Use the Training Portal option to access the CWS/CMS related training material on the State Training Website, andthe About option to view the CWS/CMS application version being used, and to view the CWS/CMS system information.
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Information Structure
CWS/CMS offers fast, efficient organization of child welfare services information. CWS/CMS organizes information in the following structure:
- Control Panel
- Applications
- Folders
- Sections
- Notebooks
- Pages
- Fields
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Application Descriptions
The following is a brief explanation of the role of each CWS/CMS application.
The Caseload application assists child welfare and probation staff, and their supervisors in managing caseloads. In the Caseload application, users can do the following:
- View statewide bulletins
- View reminders
- Review the status and type of approval requests they have made
- Open referrals and cases in their caseload
In the Caseload application, supervisors (or a user with the proper staff authority) can do the following:
- View statewide bulletins
- View reminders for all case workers in their assignment unit
- Open any staff person’s referrals/cases in their assignment unit
- Review the status and type of approval requests made by case workers in their assignment unit
- Give secondary or read-only assignment of a case worker’s referral/case to another case worker
- Transfer assignment of a referral/case from one case worker to another
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Application Descriptions (continued)
Client Services
The Client Services application supports users in their routine entering, updating, and reviewing of referrals and cases. All child welfare services provided to clients are recorded and tracked via this application. Staff persons can perform the following major tasks in the Client Services application:
- Manage referral information
- Manage case information
- Manage client information
- Manage service information
- Manage placement information
- Manage court information
- Create CWS documents and reports
- Perform case management activities
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Application Descriptions (continued)
Resource Management
The Resource Management application allows CWS/CMS system administrators, county administrators, and office administrators to do the following:
- Manage internal organization information (e.g., CWS offices, assignment units, staff transfers)
- Manage external organization information (e.g., law enforcement and government agencies)
- Manage placement facility information (e.g., placement facility license status and substitute care provider information)
- Manage system information (e.g., code tables and templates)
SOC 158
The SOC158 application was originally intended to allow foster care placement information to be collected for Probation Department clients, private adoption clients, Indian Welfare agency clients, and out-of-state placements. Starting with Release 6.4, the SOC158 application is in the "sunset" process, with the intent that placement episodes will gradually be migrated into the Client Services application.
Application Descriptions (continued)
The Licensing Information System (LIS) is a database used by the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division to track state licensed facilities and individuals associated with them.
The Welfare Case Data System (CDS) is a database previously used by a consortium of 18 California Counties to track public assistance recipients. This database is obsolete.
The MEDS application tracks Medi-Cal information. No data is shared among the CWS/CMS applications and the MEDS interface application. This database is obsolete.
Application Descriptions (continued)
System Information
The System Information icon shows the user a brief review of the basic components of the network and host systems, plus utilization status of various system resources. Additionally, a user can determine when their password will expire.
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The Application Screen
The CWS/CMS application screen is organized so you can find the tools you need quickly. The screen contains tools for organizing information, navigating through the system, and automating tasks.
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Field Types
Actual CWS/CMS data is recorded in fields. Because CWS/CMS stores many types of data, it offers many different types of fields customized to each type of data. The following is a description of each field type.
Check Boxes
Check boxes allow you to mark a field or clear a field. A field marked with a “” equals a “yes”, while a field without a “” equals a “no”.
- Click once inside the box to indicate “yes”.
- Click again to clear the “” and indicate “no”.
Option Buttons
Option buttons allow you to make one choice among several options.
- Click an option button to indicate the desired option.
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Field Types (continued)
Drop-Down Lists
Drop-down lists allow you to make an entry into a field from a predefined list.
- (A) Click the down arrow.
- (B) Scroll through the list (only necessary if the list is longer than the list box).
- (C) Click the appropriate entry.