Call for new members of the Organisation of Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD)
The Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) is calling for applications for membership from South African residents. OWSD has a National Chapter in South Africa which is hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa. Membership allows for engagement in activities of both OWSD International and the OWSD SA NC.
Background on OWSD International
OWSD is an international organisation, headquartered in Trieste, Italy whose central role is to promote women’s access to science, technology and innovation (STI) thus enhancing their greater involvement in the decision-making processes for the development of their countries and in the international scientific community. Created in 1989 OWSD’s overall goal is to work towards bridging the gender gap in STI, and uses its forum for intellectual discussions to assist in the development of national capabilities to evolve, explore, and improve strategies for increasing female participation in science.
Background on the OWSD South African National Chapter
The OWSD South Africa National Chapter is hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). It was inaugurated in 2009 and is constituted by OWSD members residing in South Africa who fully support the objectives and activities of OWSD, and aim to enhance and promote female participation in STI professions, in scientific leadership, and in the decision-making processes at the national level. It is led by an Executive Committee, which provides strategic direction on the implementation of its activities. The OWSD SA NC is the instrument through which gender in STI activities are implemented by ASSAf.
The OWSD SA NC aims to influence policy through providing evidence-based science advice to policy makers and other stakeholders to address national issues in relation to gender in science and technology. It has been appointed as the southern African focal point of GenderInSITE (Gender in Science, Innovation, Technology and Engineering), a global initiative to raise the awareness of decision makers on the gender and SITE dimension of development, aimed at both women and men. It works in partnership with the SADC secretariat and African academies of science to support policy development, human capital development as well as promotion and awareness-raising of women in SITE.
Vision: To shape the future of by contributing to gender equality in science, technology and innovation.
Why you should be affiliated to the OWSD South African National Chapter
Members of OWSD residing in South Africa can expect to receive the following benefits from their affiliation with the OWSD SA NC:
- Access to information regarding fellowships, awards, training opportunities and conferences;
- Increase awareness of gender issues in STI;
- Participation in mentorship initiatives;
- Opportunity to contribute expertise for South Africa, Africa’s and the world’s developmental agenda;
- Access to information regarding other National System of Innovation (NSI) organisations and/or stakeholders within and beyond South Africa;
- Networking with other women in STI through the General Assembly and Conference biennially, and other opportunities facilitated by the National Chapter; and
- Opportunity to access training and information on gender mainstreaming, the importance of applying the gender lens in policymaking and implementation, and women in STI leadership
The three categories of membership of OWSD are as follows:
Full Member / Affiliate Member / Associate Member- Woman
- MSc or PhD in sciences, engineering or related sciences
- Committed to the objectives of OWSD
- Only individual full members can vote in the OWSD General Assemblies to elect new members of the OWSD executive board
- Woman
- BSc in sciences, engineering or related sciences
- Committed to the objectives of OWSD
- Man or woman
- M or PhD in social sciences or humanities, engineering or related sciences
- Committed to the objectives of OWSD
If you are interested in becoming a member of OWSD, we kindly request you to complete the application form below and return the form and an updated curriculum vitae (with list of publications) to .
If you have any queries, you may contact Ms Constance Manyeli: or (012)349-6605.
The closing date for applications is 30 November 2015
Membership Form
ARE YOU APPLYING FOR:Full Member / Affiliate Member / Associate Member
(e.g. Ms, Dr, Prof) / Name and Surname
Please indicate your full name, with names in order the order that you would usually write them. Show your surname using capital letters.
(e.g. student, researcher, Head of Department, industry, director) / Institutional Affiliation (if appropriate) and address
(e.g. Department/ Faculty, University...)
Mailing Address) if different from institutional affiliation) / Phone
Mobile phone number
Email Address
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): / Female Male
Area of Specialisation (s)
A- Agricultural Sciences B- Biological Sciences C- Earth, environment& natural resources science
D- Physical Sciences E- Chemical Sciences F- Mathematical sciences
G- Engineering Sciences H- Women, science and development J- Social studies and humanities
Professional Activity
Please tick your main field of professional activity / Research Administration
Industry Teaching
Higher Education Other
Area of Current Research (max 50 words)
Are you a member or office bearer of any other professional body Yes No
If yes, please provide name and affiliation of organisation/ association, type of membership (e.g. Member, president, chairperson etc.)
Membership (for both men and women)
I am interested in the objectives of the Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) and wish to become a member. Yes No