Closed Session Proposal for the Performance Work Group
Closed Session Proposal for the
Performance Work Group
August 01, 2017
155 North 400 West, Suite 200
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103-1114
The Performance Work Group (PWG)isrequesting permission from the WECC Board of Directors (Board) to hold closed sessions to discuss confidential information pertaining toperformance of the Western Interconnection.
The PWG has a need for closed sessions as defined in the WECC Board Policy on Closed Sessions for Member Groups (Closed Session Policy). The Closed Session Policy permits closed sessions “to prevent the public disclosure of information identified in Section 7.6.1 of the Bylaws”; including:
to receive and discuss any information that is privileged, trade secret, cyber security, critical energy infrastructure information (as defined by the FERC), protected from public disclosure by law or that the Board determines should be confidential in order to protect a legitimate public interest.
Performance Work Group Charter
The PWG is a work group established by theOperating Committee (OC), which reports through the Event and Performance Analysis Subcommittee (EPAS).
The purpose of the PWG is to:
- Support all WECC members in their individual and combined efforts related to operation of the Western Interconnection. Identify areas where improved interconnection control performance is desired, and recommend performance improvement activities.
- Undertake activities and assignments regarding investigation and analysis of Interconnection control performance.
- Provide a liaison link to the NERC Resources Subcommittee (RS) and report to EPAS on their activities
ReviewingWestern Interconnection Control Performance
The PWGis tasked with reviewing the performance of the Western Interconnection and to provide appropriate guidelines and forums as necessary to help improve performance. As such, individual data of each company within the interconnection is analyzed to determine if they pose a reliability concern for the interconnection. Redaction of this information would likely remove specific information needed for a meaningful and detailed review and analysis.
The data the PWG seeks to review and analyze may include:
- Performance Control Data
- Interchange Information
- Frequency Response Information
- Path limit data
- Actual and Scheduled Flow Data
- Control Performance Data
- Time Error Data
- ACE Data
- Frequency Bias Data
- System Operating Limits
- Unscheduled Flow values and display shots of RC historical or real-time software/tools.
To meet the responsibilities described in its charter and prevent disclosing confidential information, the PWG proposes that portions of its meetings be closed to the public to protect necessary information.
The PWG is committed to follow all the requirements in the Board Policy on Closed Sessions and other best practices regarding closed sessions including:
- The chair of thePWG will provide agendas prior to its meetings that specify which portions of the meetings are public and which are private.
- Discussions and work conducted during the closed portions of the meetings will be limited to protected topics and information.
The PWG respectfully requests Board permission to conduct closed sessions to discuss individual performance of the entities within the Western Interconnection as described above and fulfill its responsibility under the PWG charter.
Western Electricity Coordinating Council