Dear OTA 3rd Grade ClassClass,
I wish to welcome both new and returning families to OTA. As a small school with 9 grades of one class each, building a sense of community at OTA is very important. We could easily be a commuter school where no one knows each other so actively fostering community is what makes OTA strong. I would encourage all classes to consider putting together a few events such as a playdate in the park, mom’s night out etc. to have parents meet each other. Generally, most families connect most strongly with the other parents of the class your child is in. The OTA Parent Foundation is what at other schools would be your PTA and as such we oversee the events that help foster community. Last year we started a program where each class was assigned events to put on. Working with other class parents is an excellent way to build community with each other and from there meet parents in other classes.
The following volunteers are needed from each class:
1. Class Room Parent
2. A Class Parent Foundation Representative (if Room Parent cannot attend)
3. A Jog A Thon Committee Member
4. 2 Parents to attend the Fundraising Brainstorming meetings
5. Committee of Parents to run your Class Event
Below is a description of each volunteer position. Please take time to read through the descriptions prior to Back to School Night on Wednesday September 14th. Sign-up sheets will be present in each class and each class is responsible to fill all their positions. Know that there is a 40 hour/family volunteer commitment when attending OTA. If you are unable to take on one of these positions, there will be other ways that you can volunteer.
Room Parent:
Do you love to keep things organized? Then becoming a Room Parent is a great way to support your child’s classroom. The final choice of who is designated as the Lead Room Parent will be up to the teacher of the class. It is also requested that the same parent not be the Room Parent two years in a row to give other parents an opportunity unless other parents do not wish this position.
- A Room Parent is the distributor of information, generally via email to the class parents. A list of parents and their emails will be given to each room parent
- A Room Parent organizes sign up lists for class parties and enrichment opportunities. This may include putting together a sign up genius for food for parties, drivers for a field trip etc.
- A Room Parent sends up a sign up sheet and ensures that their class puts on their assigned Teacher Appreciation Lunch.
- A Room Parent ensures that their class event is being planned by their committee and that committee members attend the 2 Foundation meetings prior to their event
- A Room Parent ensures one of their class parents is on the Jog-A-Thon Committee if this position is not filled at Back to School Night
- A Room Parent ensures that 2 of their class parents attending the Fundraising Brainstorming meetingsif this position is not filled at Back to School Night
- A Room Parent may facilitate collecting donations (not required) for and purchase gifts for the teacher for special occasions. These might include holidays (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and/or Teacher Appreciation Day), his or her birthday, the end of the school year and other special events such as a baby or wedding shower, get well, etc.
- A Room Parent sends out reminders—via email, phone or notes that go home with the kids—about upcoming events, meetings, field trips and needs for donations or volunteers.
- A Room Parent acts as a resource by answering questions for parents new to the school or class.
- New this Year: The Room Parent is asked to attend the OTA Parent Foundation Meetings monthly to be the voice between your class and the parent foundation. These meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month. If you are unable to attend one month, you are responsible for designating an alternate class parent to attend. Relay the information from the Parent Foundation meeting to your class parents.
Dates of OTA Parent Foundation Meetings 2016-2017: Wednesdays 6-8pm 7th Grade Room
- October 5
- November 2
- December 7
- January 4
- February 1
- March 1
- April 5
- May 3
- June 7
Class Parent Foundation Representative
It is important that every Class have a representative at the Parent Foundation Meetings (see schedule above). If your class room parent has an ongoing conflict on Wednesday night, then a dedicated Class Parent Foundation Representative should be chosen to attend.
Jog A Thon Committee Member
The Jog-A-Thon will be held on Friday October 21st and is our 2nd largest fundraiser. For this event, our kids are asked to raise pledges for the number of laps they run in the Jog-A-Thon. This event typically raises around $30,000 and is an important contributor toward educational expenses. Bridget Celentino, one of OTA’s founders, has done an amazing job running the Jog-A-Thon since OTA started and has made it the successful event that it is. This year will be a transition year as the OTA Parent Foundation will begin to oversee this event. To do this, we are looking for 1-2 parents to act as this year’s Jog-A-Thon Co-Chairs, with the goal of chairing the event next year. In addition, there will be one parent per class on the Jog-A-Thon committee. Ultimately 1-2 of these parents should help Co-Chair the event next year.
- One parent per class to be on JAT committee
- Each Committee member can expect to spend 5 hours or less prior to the event, and if each person does their part, we could have not more than 3 meetings to get it done.
The types of things for Committee members to do:
1. Find a sponsor for the shirt – OTA already has a list of contacts who are "tried and true" and getting logos and checks from a few new ones would be Committee jobs.
2. Assist with the packet distribution.
3. Presentations to classes about getting pledges.
4. “Rile kids up” presentations of the prizes.
5. Secure volunteers to donate: water, bananas, orange slices, ice cream.
6. Set-up
7. During the run "marking" and "tallying" volunteers.
8. Clean-up.
OTA Fundraising Brainstorming Meeting Class Representatives (2)
The Wine & Dine Gala, held traditionally at the end of April as been the mainstay of fundraising for the last 5 years. Last year we raised $105,000 and in years prior we raised over $170,000. The Parent Foundation is pleased to bring a Biology program and expand our Robotics program at OTA this year using Gala raised funds, among other things. This year as parents, we have some decisions to make. While the Gala has been very successful, it has been at the expense of a shrinking volunteer base. We as parents need to decide if we wish to put on a Gala again with the knowledge that we need to find a way to organize a committee to run this event or we need to figure out another event or way to fundraise. To meet our school budget, a minimum of $40,000 must be raised via the spring event. In order to address this, I would encourage all parents who would like to help discuss the future of fundraising at OTA attend these meetings. This is one of the most important issues we face this year!
- 2 parents from each class be a take part in 2 fundraising brainstorming meetings to be held on Thursday October 13th and Thursday November 10th, both from 6-8pm in the 7th grade room to help discuss the financial future of OTA and what should be done. The goal is to come up with a concrete plan to address fundraising for the next few years
Class Event Committee (4-6)
Each class has been assigned to run at least one Class Event (1st grade has 2 smaller ones). The overall goal of these events is to build community at OTA. Ultimately, the goal is to not change the Class Events every year so that parents and kids can anticipate what they are in charge of in the upcoming year. Since we have only done this for one year, there are a few adjustments in what class is running what event this year. For the 10 events that are put on by classes, the overall goal is that they are cost neutral: some events make a little money and some cost money. The Parent Foundation sets a budget for supplies for each event that the Parent Foundation pays for. If a class has a money making event (such as Movie Night) this money goes back to support other class events, it does not go to that specific class.
3rd Grade is in charge of Grandparents Day again this year. It will be held on Friday April 28thGrandparents are invited to visit their grandchildren’s classrooms. Third grade will organize refreshments for all the guests and work with Mr C and the teachers to plan the morning. Students may be involved in welcoming grandparents and helping to host the event.
Teacher Appreciation Lunch
Last year, a monthly teacher appreciation lunch was launched and was greatly enjoyed by OTA’s teachers and staff so this will be continued. Every grade is assigned a date to host this lunch. The Grade’s Teacher Appreciation Lunch is Wednesday March 8th. Generally, these lunches have a theme and food should be provided for about 25 people. It is the room parent’s responsibility to put out a sign-up sheet for food/supplies to bring but a few parents should attend to set up/clean up and act as servers. This is a great way to show our OTA teachers we appreciate the excellent care they give our children.
The OTA Parent Foundation is run by the Foundation Council:
- President: Monika Hanft (6th Grade)
- Vice President/Grants Coordinator: Amy McCole (3rd Grade)
- Treasurer: Cindy Stullich (6th & 3rd Grade)
- Secretary: Clarissa Shanner (3rd Grade)
- Communications Coordinator: Sonia Mahmud (6th Grade)
- Fundraising Chair: Marisa Calderon (6th & 1st Grade)
- Webmaster: Dan Studebaker (7th & 5th Grade)
- Volunteer Coordinator: Lucy Covington (2nd Grade)
- Parliamentarian: Heidi Weaver (5th & 3rd Grade)
- Auditor: Gail Warrick (5th Grade)
- Principal: Jon Centofranchi (advisory)
Note that we are all parents and volunteers and represent almost every grade at OTA. Council members serve a 2-year term. Class Representatives are overseen by Communications Coordinator Sonia Mahmud. Please contact her with any questions or concerns. One of our goals this year is to have a useful and informative website: The website will have all of our meeting agenda’s dates of all activities, meetings etc. posted. We encourage all parents to attend the OTA Parent Foundation meetings, which are help in a discussion format, different from school board meetings. We encourage parent input. Our next meeting is Wednesday October 5th.
The OTA Parent Foundation is hosting a Parent Social from 5pm to 6:30pm before Back to School Night. We will have 2 food trucks and one gelato truck in the parking lot so you can purchase dinner. Please come and socialize with other OTA parents. Talk with both parents you know and make it a point to talk to a parent you don’t know, especially new families to OTA. The OTA Parent Foundation will have a table to answer any questions you may have. We would love to talk with you about what the Parent Foundation does For all of us as parents, we serve to make Old Town Academy a better place for our children. We ask that you volunteer your time as well. In each classroom at Back to School Night there will be a sign-up sheet for all the positions listed above. As we are a small school, it takes all families putting in their time to meet the needs of our school. We cannot simply sit back and think that someone else will do it. I always welcome conversations and feedback with parents. Again, welcome back to school. This year promises to be a good one and I look forward to working with you.
Monika Hanft
OTA Parent Foundation President
Mom of Brielle, 6th Grade
c: 619-251-6542