Eagleville Elementary Home & School Meeting

Minutes for April 8th, 2015

Attendance: Vance Diezel, Kelly Alexander, Tracy Courtney, Alison Navarrete, Julia Nakhleh, Nikki Krelovich, Jenifer Brucker, Christine Kenny, Jen Rhodes, Kristen Evans, Jill Nicholson, Lisa Yanak, & Dave Kohler.

I. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:01 P.M.

II. Introductions: Boards Members introduced

III.Approval of February Minutes: There was a motion by Tracy Courtney and a second by Vance Diezel to approve the February minutes. The meeting for March was cancelled due in inclement weather.

IV.Principal’s Report – Jenifer Brucker

A.Book Fair: April 8th-One Day Book Fair – to support the artist in residence mosaic mural program in May. All students will have an opportunity to work hands-on with the artist.

B. Enrollment: 358 students currently enrolled. Kindergarten Registration: Centralized here at Eagleville. 38 kindergarteners are registered for the 2015-2016 school year thus far. Kindergarten screenings will take place in June.

C. Family Game Night/Basket Raffle: Many teachers and staff are planning to volunteer at the event.

D. Homework Club: Takes place after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursdays. Eagleville was awarded grant money to honor our reading achievements last year. Title 1 students targeted, program started March 24th. 40 invited and 38 in attendance. Grant money also allows for transportation home.

E. WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students): How it works – Fathers are invited to volunteer for one day, all day, in their child’s school and help out with monitoring the lunchroom and hallways, working in small groups with students, assisting the custodian, act as recess aides, etc. Fathers will be welcome to participate more than one day and volunteer for half or full days. How will they be designated? Hats, T-shirts? Fathers may have the opportunity to purchase a t-shirt. Planning a kick off night and looking for H&S support to cover cost of food and beverages. Mrs. Navarrete is willing to assist with the program.

F. End of Year Activities: 4th Grade Picnic and Carnival – need confirmation on dates and times. Agenda for activities are to be submitted to Mrs. Brucker for approval.

G. 2015-2016 School Year scheduled to start prior to Labor Day.

H.Please pay attention to our School Board Meetings. There is much happening in our district that affects all of us. Policy Meeting – Insurance – Recommending volunteers be covered under insurance (i.e. classroom volunteers). Question raised -H&S is a separate entity – Confirmed H&S covered under policy.

V. President’s Report – Kelly Alexander

A. We have some exciting events coming up. Family Game Night/Basket Raffle is Friday. Special thanks to our chairs – Tracy Courtney and Alison Navarrete. - More to be said under committee reports.

B.The Father/Daughter Dance is scheduled for May 15th. Karen Hunsicker and I are co-chairing the event. Tickets will be sold at the door. We will be asking for lemonade and dessert donations.

C. May 29th is our scheduled Talent Show date. Preview night May 18th and May 28th dress rehearsal. We currently do not have a volunteer to organize the event. Tracy Courtney will assist but needs 1 or 2 volunteers to chair the event. If no one is able to help organize, the event will be cancelled.

D. May 21st is Field Day – We will need volunteers to help at the hydration table.

E. Nominations: Mrs. Navarrete had agreed to field questions and collect nomination requests as our nominating spokesperson. It was reported that no one had inquired about a board position. Nominations were posted on multiple e alerts. To hold a board position according to the existing bylaws one must have served as a committee chair and attended H&S meetings on a regular basis. Nominations were open from the floor: Kelly Alexander for President, Tracy Courtney for Vice President, Tracy Courtney for Treasurer, Jen Rhodes for Recording Secretary, and Vance Diezel for Committee Coordinator. A motion to close nominations was requested and seconded.

VI. Treasurer’s Report – Tracy Courtney

A. Keystone Diner – Raised $43.00

B. Tosco/Basket Raffle - Raised $413.00

VII. Teacher’s Report – Alison Navarrete

A. Science Fair – There will be a meeting to discuss “judging” of the science fair projects. Teachers will look into the process. - More info to follow

B. PSSAs – Early morning activities – chorus and orchestra will still continue during the three weeks of PSSAs. The Spring Concert is April 30th.

C. Basket Raffle – Donations for baskets have been fascinating - 21 Baskets and 18 Teacher/Staff prizes. New this year – Two baskets will be raffled following Family Game Night during school. Flyers with raffles for a Frozen and Superhero basket will be send home with students.

D.Children’s author Matt Novak is visiting with all classes on Thursday, April 23rd.

VIII. Committee Coordinator’s Report – Vance Diezel

A. Market Day: Only 8 orders this month, reported by Lisa Yanak

B. Cafeteria Volunteers: Lisa Yanak posed a question about self-scheduling. Those in attendance suggested keeping the scheduling procedure the same.

C. Social Media: Nikki Krelovich reported 138 FB group members

D. Chick-fil-A Spirit Week: May 4-9th

E. Yearbooks: Order forms sent out today along with 4th Grade contest forms.

IX. Old/New Business -

A. Amazon Smile: Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Can we designate Eagleville? - To follow up

B. Giant A+: Parent in attendance remarked there was no indication on receipt that Eagleville was getting rewards. - To follow up

C. Dates for events and meetings have been submitted for 2015-2016 School Year.

D. Fundraising: Parents Night Out - Discussed

X. Questions/Concerns -

XI. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Our Next Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13th at 9:30A.M.

Respectfully submitted by Kelly Alexander