ATTAINMENT TARGET / Term 1 (1 BRONZE) / Term 2 (1 SILVER) / Term 3 (1 GOLD) (Grade 1)
Student can: / a) echo simple rhythms
b) follow a steady pulse
c) play whole notes (semibreve), half notes
(minim), quarter notes (crotchet) & their
equivalent rests in 4/4 time / a) maintain a steady pulse
b) play eighth notes (quavers) &
the equivalent rests
c) play in 3/4 & 4/4 time / a) establish a steady pulse
b) play & understand dotted notes &
c) play in 2/4, 3/4, & 4/4 time
  1. PITCH
Student can: / a) play G, A , B, C & middle D / a) play D, E, F, F# & G in higher register
b) play Dorian on G scale
c) play common chords of G major & D minor & F major / a)play middle C#, lower F#, F, E, D
b) play a steady C major scale & arpeggio
c) mixolydian on D minor pentatonic on A
Student can: / a) understand bars & bar lines in 4/4 time
b) understand whole notes (semibreve), half notes (minim), quarter notes (crotchet) & their
equivalent rests in 4/4 time
c) read notes G, A, B, C & middle D / a) understand repeat signs
b) understand 3/4 time
c) understand slurs
d) read notes learned so far
e) swing & straight scales / a) recognise graded dynamics
b) understand 2/4 & 2/2 time
c) read simple compound rhythms
d) recognise sharps & flats
e) latin & funk & rock styles
Student can: / a) play with correct posture & grip
b) use an appropriate embouchure
c) start & sustain notes co-ordinating hand & tongue
d) assemble & show care of the instrument / a) produce controlled, clear notes starting with the tongue / a) play phrases using legato (not
tonguing each note)
b) play using dynamics & phrasing
  1. AURAL
Student can: / a) echo simple melodies using known notes
b) recognise high & low notes
c) tap in time to music in 4/4 rhythm
e) recognize the mood of a piece of music / a) echo & improvise stepped melodic
phrases by singing & playing
b) identify first 5 notes of a major +
dorian scale / a) match a pitch played by teacher
b) identify changes in dynamics
c) echo simples phases using first 5
rhythmic + melodic phases
Student can: / a) play using an even, moderate volume / a) can play loudly, moderately or softly / a) play graduated dynamics in a piece
Student can: / a) play individually & in unison with other students
b) practice & perform at home
c) practice with other members of the group
d) play with simple accompaniments / a) perform as part of a group to an audience / a) sustain a simple, independent part in an ensemble
b) play an appropriate piece solo to
an audience
ATTAINMENT TARGET / Term 1 (2 BRONZE) / Term 2 (2 SILVER) / Term 3 (2 GOLD) (Grade 2)
Student can: / a) establish a steady pulse when playing a piece in 4/4, 3/4 , & 2/4 / a) play dotted crotchet / quaver
patterns / a) change the speed within a piece
using accelerando & rallentando
  1. PITCH
Student can: / a) play D major scales from low D to
high D
b) play a steady legato F, G major scale of one octave / a) play a steady legato D major scale
of two octaves
b) play mixolydian on F one octave
legato & staccato / a) all scales & arpeggios for ABRSM
Jazz syllabus Grade 2 as described
In syllabus
Student can: / a) read understand & play tied notes
b) read all notes so far learnt
c) read & understand the key signatures of C, G & D
major / a) read & understand 1st and 2nd time
b) read & understand dotted quaver &
semi- quaver rhythms / a) read & understand different tempo markings as described in ABRSM Grade 2 jazz syllabus
b) read & understand multi-rests
c) read lower leger lines
Student can: / a) play with a consistent tone from low D to high D
b) maintain a good posture, standing or sitting
c) play a steady long note for 5 seconds / a) play tongued staccato quavers at a
moderate speed / a) play slurs cleanly over large intervals
b) pitch over a wider range of intervals up to an octave
  1. AURAL
Student can: / a) improvise very simple question & answer phrases
b) accompany a short piece by clapping the pulse
c) echo simple melodic phrases by singing or playing (steps & leaps) / a) identify changes in repeated melodic
b) echo melodic phrases using
harmonic intervals up to a 5th
c) clap 2nd or last beat of piece / a) conduct in 2/3 beats per bar
b) identify staccato & legato playing
c) fulfill aural requirements for
ABRSM Grade 2 as described in
their Jazz syllabus
Student can: / a) play using mp and mf dynamics / a) play using crescendos &
Student can: / a) play duets incorporating simple rhythmic & melodic osinati / a) play simple pieces in 2 parts / a) perform a Grade 2 equivalent
piece individually to an audience
ATTAINMENT TARGET / Term 1 (3 BRONZE) / Term 2 (3 SILVER) / Term 3 (3 GOLD) (Grade 3)
Student can: / a) play in compound time using common patterns / a) play dotted quaver/semiquaver
b) to be able to play anappropriate
piece using “swing or jazz” feel / a) play more in irregular metres
i.e. 5/4 time
  1. PITCH
Student can: / a) play Bb major scale 1 octave using either side or
front Bb keys.
b) Dorian on D, Lydian on D (2 octaves)
c) Mixolydian on C (2 octaves) / a) can play a basic blues scale on A
b) chromatic scale G
c) Arpeggios of Db major A + G minor
(1 octave) / a) all scales & arpeggios for ABRSM
Grade 3 as described in jazz
b) C major arpeggio (2 octaves)
Student can: / a) play a basic C blues scale:
C, Eb, F, Gb, G, Bb, C / a) read and understand trills
b) play a basic G blues scale – G, Bb, C,
Db, D, F, G. / a) be aware of how a major scale can
be changed into a blues scale using
flat 3rd, flat 5th and flat 7th.
Student can: / a) use both side & front Bb keys and select which
is appropriate for use in a piece. / a) use F – F# & B – C trill keys
when needed / a) be aware of articulated G# / Ab
key & able to use it as appropriate
  1. AURAL
Student can: / See ASRSM Grade 3 jazz syllabus / See ASRSM Grade 3 jazz syllabus / a) fulfill aural requirements for
ABRSM Grade 3 as described in
their jazz syllabus
Student can: / a) play with a controlled use of dynamic range / a) extend dynamic range to ff, pp / a) play with a variety of dynamic
change in a improvisation.
Student can: / a) improvise using a pentatonic scale or basic blues scale / .