TWS 2003: Ongoing Maintenance Roles and Skills Needed
Positive Maintenance Roles / Skills Needed To Do Them WellOrganizer / Sees what needs to be done and in what general order (big picture and motivator)
Scheduler / Sees the order of the actions in detail and has some idea of how long things should take (more detailed oriented)
Note Taker / Listens carefully and records agreements
Encourager / Gives positive strokes to people who need them
Harmonizer / Comes into action when conflicts occur and helps resolve conflicts by exploring differences and seeking out areas of agreement
Clarifier / Listens carefully and reaches out to people (even at difficult times) to find out what they think and feel and to help them participate in a positive way
Compromiser / Volunteers to compromise in order to keep the group moving
Includer / Prevents extra talkative or extra controlling people from taking over and shutting out less talkative members
Prevents less-participating members from opting out from the work that needs to be done
Tension Breaker / Provides perspective and humor and good feelings when needed
Time Keeper / Ability to shut off debate and discussion and keep the group on task and on the agreed upon schedule
Negative Group Impact Roles / Some Counter-Productive Behaviors
Excessive Debater
(set a time limit then vote) / Debates a plan or endlessly argues for his or her point of view rather than move the project along
Fault Finder
(set a time limit then vote) / Finds faults or potential (but non-existent) problems rather than move the project along
(try to fix, then abandon) / Doesn’t work with the team or doesn’t show up to team meetings
(try to fix and tap into strong points) / Works as part of the team but primarily along his or her own favorite lines without taking account of what fellow members are doing or what the team needs him or her to do
Socializer, Joker, or other Time Waster
(make rules and stick to them) / Introduces non-work-related conversation during team meetings and extends the time schedule
Feeling Expresser
(make rules and stick to them) / Vents feelings, especially negative feelings about the work or other members of the team creating a negative or divisive environment
Over Extender
(watch for this pattern and fix) / Means well but commits to more than he or she can do (or can do well) – and makes last-minute work for other people
Person Who Finds He or She Needs Help But Doesn’t Ask For It
(make rules and stick to them) / Means well but runs into trouble and doesn’t let anyone know that he or she needs help – and lets the team down at the last minute when the team can’t recover
What Kinds Of Behaviors Does A “Team Player” Demonstrate?
And What Kinds of Behaviors Does The Team Want Its Members To Demonstrate?
Dr. Naomi Kleid -- 2003