Patient Information Group Meeting Minutes – 01/02/2012
Present: Susan Crossley (Patient), Mark Fennelly (Patient), Michele Bryden (PM), Dr Gandhi (GP), Catherine Gill (NP), Kirsty Freeman (Staff), Lisa Helliwell (Staff).
- Greeting and Michele welcomed members
- The Caritas website was discussed – members were updated on additions since we last metand it was suggested to add copies of the practice newsletter, including back issues in PDF to the website. It was also suggested that we display that we’re on Twitter and try to enlist new followers! Sue proposed that we add some photos to the website to make it more personable and perhaps some before and after shots of any alterations made to the surgeries. Also suggested that practice let patients accessing the website submit their change in details via email as long as a disclaimer is added.
- Twitter was discussed, not a great deal of followers however Mark commented that he finds his updates useful and it isn’t actually bad if you look at our followers in terms of time-scales and also it was agreed that it would be beneficial to create a facebook page.
- Michele advised members of some non-recurrent funding that has been awarded. We have already had improvements made to the heating system @ Shelf, boiler improvements @ Mixenden are due to start next week and also new flooring in the waiting rooms at all sites have been approved. Further funding is available and we’ll advise of the outcome next meeting.
- The practice survey results were discussed. Uptake has been quite disappointing although what replies we have received have been positive and predominantly complimentary. All agreed we need to push harder in this area. Idea’s included; laying surveys on seats in the waiting rooms, sending out text reminders to complete, tweeting more frequently and adding the link to email footers. Mark and Sue also offered to give up some of their free time to come into surgery and encourage patients within the waiting room to complete – mutually suitable dates to be arranged.
- Michele gave an update on our student placements at present and the general perception with regards to frequent changes in clinical staff was debated. Due to the teaching aspect of the practice this is a normal and regular occurrence. The possibility of adding the different clinical roles to the life channel screen was also raised.
- Michele explained that we hope to be able to transfer the running of the group to the members with Caritas input and assistance as and when required. Both Sue and Mark are happy and enthusiastic for this.
- Michele updated the group on Dr Gandhi’s official leaving date; the group wished him good luck in the future as it was the last meeting that he would be attending before leaving the practice.
- Next meeting – Weds 29th February 2012, 4pm. All agreed that the last Weds of each month was acceptable as a general guide to dates of future meetings.