Waste Wise Schools Program

Grant application form


Grants are provided to Accredited Waste Wise Schools for the development and implementation of waste minimisation initiatives. These grants assist participating Waste Wise Schools in educating students about environmental protection, with an emphasis on waste reduction and minimisation. The funding will be offered for projects that clearly demonstrate a reduction inthe school’s waste to landfill.

There are three consecutive grants available to accredited Waste Wise Schools:

  • $2,200 Infrastructure grant
  • $4,400 Whole School and Community grant
  • $8,800 Waste and Sustainability grant (including GST).


Successful grant applications should encourage:

  • the reduction, the reuse and the recycling of waste
  • waste management initiatives such as worm farming and composting to manage the school’s organic waste
  • awareness, interest and enthusiasm for the environment in Western Australian school students and the broader school community
  • a sense of ownership of the school’s waste minimisation projects
  • a positive image of waste minimisation.

Target Group:

Accredited Waste Wise Schools.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be AccreditedWaste Wise Schools and have met the required criteria. See theGrants Criteria table for more information.

When submitting the grant application, all evidence of having met the criteria must be attached.

For more information on how to make your school eligible for these grants, please call 6467 5167.

Processing of Applications:

  • The $2200 grant applications will be assessed on an ongoing basis
  • The $4400 and $8800 grant applications will be assessed in rounds. Open dates for these rounds will be publicised to schools via email and on the website. You can subscribe to our email alerts on our homepage.
  • Feedback will be given to all applicants.


  • Applicants must show explicitly how the project will reduce waste through school practices and/or through changing behaviour
  • Projects must be ongoing and sustainable. They should have the potential for follow up or flow on benefits that have more than a ‘one-off’ effect
  • Projects must be environmentally and economically sustainable and demonstrate the use of recycled materials where possible
  • Funding requests should be realistic and accountable
  • Applicants are encouraged to contribute resources towards their project, either financial or ‘in kind’.

Projects considered inappropriate for funding:

  • Projects that do not result in the reduction of waste
  • Retrospective payments for projects that have already begun
  • Projects that require recurrent funding
  • Activities not based in WA
  • Travel
  • Payment of wages
  • Provision of grants for travel to events or student excursions
  • Organic gardening projects except where they show how the garden will close the loop of organic recycling and facilitate learning about packaging, composting, worm farming and the 3Rs
  • Herbicides, pesticides or other products not adhering to the principles of organic gardening.


Schools that receive grants will be required to provide an evaluation on their program including a summary of their achievements and expenditure.


Grant Conditions

The grant is provided under the following terms and conditions:

  1. The grant is to be used solely for the purpose approved by Waste Wise during the funding period.
  2. Any part of the grant funds that are not used in accordance with Condition 1 must be repaid unless you obtain written approval from Waste Wise.
  3. If you cease to carry out the activities for which the grant was made or if we have terminated the arrangement on account of your breach or breaches of these conditions then:
  4. The balance of the grant monies unspent must be repaid to us
  5. Any property acquired with the grant monies must be transferred to another not for profit organisation with similar objectives and purposes to your organisation, provided our prior approval has been given.
  6. Providing you with a grant does not mean that you are entitled to any further funding.
  7. We will not be held responsible for the success of the approved purpose for which the grant is applied or for any losses or additional costs incurred that are associated with the approved purpose.
  8. You must comply with all Local, State and Commonwealth laws applicable to the approved purpose.
  9. If you wish to change the approved purpose or seek an extension of the funding period you must obtain our written approval.
  10. If you breach any of these terms and conditions we can terminate the arrangement at any time and without giving you any prior notice.
  11. You must provide us with any documents or information relating to the grant or the approved purpose that we ask for within ten (10) business days of receiving our request.
  12. You must meet any payment conditions and/or reporting requirements as specified by us.
  13. You must allow the Auditor General for the State of Western Australia, or an authorised representative, to have access to and examine your records and information concerning this grant.
  14. The total grant payments provided by us includes an amount to cover any liability for GST, if applicable.
  15. For materials costing $1000 or more, a written quoteis required, with a copy included in the grant application.
  16. You can apply for the full grant amount or less within each category however each grant can only be applied for once.


[NB 1#: The addition of this clause is a requirement of the Australian Taxation Office]

13.(a)For the purposes of clause 12:

(i)“GST” means the goods and services tax applicable to any taxable supplies as determined by the GST Act

(ii)“GST Act” means A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) and includes all associated legislation and regulations

(iii)the terms “supply”, “tax invoice”, “taxable supply” and “value” have the same meanings as in the GST Act.

(b)If the supply of anything under this Agreement is a taxable supply under the GST Act, the Grant Funds shall be inclusive of GST.

(c)The obligation of the Grantor to pay the GST on any supply by the Organisation under this Agreement is conditional upon the prior issue by the Organisation to the Grantor of a tax invoice, which complies with the GST Act. This provision applies notwithstanding any law to the contrary.

(d)If the parties agree that the Grantor will issue the Organisation with a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI), then the parties hereby agree that:

(i)the Grantor will issue a RCTI in respect of GST payable on the supply of the Project and the Organisation will not issue tax invoice in respect of that supply

(ii) the Organisation warrants that it is registered for the purposes of GST and the Organisation will notify the Grantor in writing if it ceases to be registered for the purposes of GST during the term of this Agreement (“the Term”)

(iii)the Grantor warrants that it is registered for the purposes of GST and the Grantor will notify the Organisation in writing if it ceases to be registered for the purposes of GST, or if it ceases to satisfy the requirements of the GST Act during the Term

(iv)the Grantor will indemnify and keep indemnified the Organisation for GST and any related penalty that may arise from an understatement of the GST payable on the supply of the Project for which the Grantor issues a RCTI under this Agreement.


Goods and Services Tax

Before funding is approved, the applicant must advise the Department of Environment and Conservation whether it is registered or required to be registered for GST purposes. The organisation must have an ABN registration. The $2,000, $4,000 and $8,000 grants exclude GST. Invoices for funds should be in the amount of $2,200, $4,400 or $8,800 including GST.

How to Apply

To apply for funding please fill in the attached application form and return it along with the required evidence to:

The Waste Wise Schools Program

Department of Environment Regulation

Locked Bag 33

Cloisters Square, WA 6850

Fax: (08) 6467 5532


First tier funding ($2200) applications can be submitted at any time to be assessed. Second ($4400) and third tier ($8800) funding applications must be submitted when grant rounds are open.

All grant availability is dependent on available funding.

For more information or support, contact the Waste Wise Schools Program on 6467 5167.

Conditions of funding

  • Allocation of funding may be used only for the purpose outlined in the ‘agreement’ based on information supplied in the application. Failure to do so may result in a requirement to repay the funds
  • The funds must be spent within six months of receipt of fundingnot including the Christmas holiday period. If the funding required for this project extends beyond this period, the applicant must request an extension from the Waste Wise Schools Program
  • The provision of funding does not imply that funding will be provided in successive years
  • Recipients must formally acquit their grant funds within eight weeks of the completion of the project. This involves completion of the evaluation forms and supplying copies of receipts or the system generated school financial report with details of the expenditure
  • Applicants must acquit any previous Waste Wise grants prior to applying for another
  • An acknowledgment of funding assistance by Waste Wise Schools – a program of the Waste Authority and funded through the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Accountmust be included in any advertising/media and on any material relating to the project for which the funds were allocated. This includes the Waste Wise Schools Program’s logos and any other information as requested.(Contact Waste Wise for more details)



Date of application

School Name

Number of students
Contact Person

Please attach additional pages if necessary.

  1. Project title.
  1. Project description (approximately 200 words).
  1. Explain how your project will reduce waste to landfill.

3.1 If relevant,describe the project area using a mud map or written description of where on your school campus the project will be located. This is to help with your physical planning and project success.

  1. Project Outcomes– What results do you aim to see upon completion of the project?


4.2 Which area(s) does this project target?

Promoting a positive image of waste minimisation.
Reducing waste.
Implementing locally based waste minimisation initiatives developed by the school.
Developing awareness, interest and enthusiasm for the environment in our school community.
Encouraging student ownership of the environment and empowering students to motivate their peers, family and friends to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Instilling positive environmental values and modelling positive environmental behaviours
Other (please specify).
  1. Ongoing Benefits - What do you see as the long-term benefits of theproject?
  1. Sustainability - What strategies will be put in place to ensure the project is long-lasting and sustainable?
  1. Target Group Involvement

7.1 Which part of the school community will the program target and how many people will it reach?

7.2 How will students be involved in the development andimplementation of the project?

7.3 What are the other groups or organisations, if any, who will help support the project?


  1. . Timeline – When will you begin and when will the project end?

Commencement date:

Completion date:

Key Steps / Timeframe
  1. Project Evaluation

9.1 How will you collect information to measure the impact of the project on waste reduction? (E.g. it’s a good idea to weigh your fruit and vegetable scraps before composting or worm farming as evidence for further grants)

9.2 How will you collect information to measure the impact of the project on student and staff behaviour?


  1. Budget Allocation – Please provide a detailed breakdown of the project items and purpose. You will be required to report against the budget at the acquittal stage.

Item to be purchased with the Waste Wise grant and purpose / Cost of item excl. GST / GST / Total cost
of item
incl. GST
Other items purchased by the school or donated to the project (if any)
TOTAL (inc. GST)
Total grant amount
($2,200, $4400, or $8800)
Other monetary contributions to project
(if any)
(incl. GST)


  1. Evidence

11.1 Paper and/or cardboard recycling

a)Are you currently recycling paper and/or cardboard? Yes No 

b)If yes, what percentage of your school’s paper and cardboard waste are you recycling ______%

c)If yes, please describe your school’s paper and/or cardboard recycling systembriefly (e.g. does it involve all the school, some classes, just staff)

11.2Fruit and vegetable scraps

a)Are you currently diverting fruit and vegetable scraps from landfill (worm farming, compost, bokashi, other? Yes  No 

b)If yes, what percentage of your school’s fruit and vegetable scraps are diverted ______%

c)If yes, please describe your school’s fruit and vegetable scraps system (e.g. Worms? Compost? A combination? Does it involve all of the school, some classes, just staff?)

11.3 Grant criteria evidence

Please demonstrate that you have met the required eligibility criteria for the grant for which you are applying.

Explain how you meet each criterion and be sure to attach proof for each example.

E.g.: Collect batteries and mobile phones – attach pictures of collection bins,

newsletter articles advertising the collection, number collected etc.

Refer to the Grants Criteria Tableon the Waste Wise website for more information on the criteria and what examples to attach.

Grant / Criteria / Explanation of how criteria has been met
(examples of each must be attached and listed below)
($2,200) / Committee
Whole School and Community
($4,400) / Whole School Involvement
Community involvement/ Partnerships
Demonstrated 3Rs across the school
Waste and Sustainability
($8,800) / Reduced waste to landfill by 60%
Involvement in AuSSI
Demonstrated continuation of whole school approach and community involvement


I declare that the information presented on this form is correct and understand that if approved by the Waste Wise Schools Program, we will abide by the undertakings and conditions outlined in the grant application form.

Name of grant applicant ______

Signature ______Date ______

Name of School Principal ______

Signature ______Date ______

Name of secondary contact ______

Email and contact number______

Waste Wise may contact this person if the applicant is unavailable and to ensure the project is supported through to completion.

Please return the completed application form to:

Waste Wise Schools Program

Department of Environment Regulation

Locked Bag 33

Cloisters Square, WA 6850

Tel: 6467 5167

Fax: 6467 5532


Grant Checklist

Tick box
I have read and accept the terms and conditions of this grant.
The School Principal also agrees to the grant conditions and has signed the grant declaration.
I have attached the copies of evidence required (and excluded plastic sleeves/folders where possible).
I have included GST in the grant allocation page 10.
I have attached copies of quotes for items costing $1000 or more.
No retrospective payments are requested in this grant (all items need to be purchased after funding is received).
I have emailed my application to the Waste Wise Schools Program (or double-sided my application) to reduce paper use.
I have kept a copy of this grant application on file so I can refer to it when I spend the funds if the grant is approved.