Cooperation and Development Section ■ Delegation of the European Union to China and Mongolia
Cooperation Section
China is one of the frontrunners in reducing poverty, since the adoption of the Open Door Policy in 1978. The economic growth and development has increased income for a large part of the Chinese population, however, there is still considerable income and regional disparities as well as severe environmental degradation. This is still hampering the achievement of the global MDGs.
Because about 11% of the Chinese population still live in absolute poverty (i.e. those with a daily income below the World Bank benchmark of US$1.00), China is in many ways still considered a developing country. This makes clear that despite China's economic and technical advance; there is still a need to gain further knowledge and expertise to address the challenges that arise with eradicating poverty. The UNDP Global Human Development Report (HDR) for 2009 ranks China in terms of the Human Development Index (HDI) at 92 out of 177 countries of the world, i.e. as having a medium human development level. This classification points at considerable room for further human development.
Regional and income disparities, environmental degradation, lack of capacity on several levels to deal with the rapid growth are a few of the important socio-economic issues facing China today. The country's 11th Five Year Programme (2006 – 2011) identifies the need to establish more balanced, sustainable economic growth with strong economic performance achieved through reduced resource inputs, lower environmental impact, more efficient consumption patterns and greater spread of benefits throughout China's different economic sectors and geographic areas.
Project Overall Objectives
The overall objective of the project, of which this contract will be a part, is as follows:
In general, to support China's sustainable development and successful transition towards a stable, prosperous country in line with the Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013; and
Specific Objectives
The specific objective is to facilitate and support the current and future implementation of the Policy Dialogues between the EU and China, especially in key areas identified such as environment, climate change, energy, social development, and public health.
Estimated Project Results
The objectives above will be achieved by supporting transfer of best practices, knowhow and expertise between the EU and China in priority areas of cooperation where the parties have developed experience and solutions to major issues of mutual interest, as continuation of the successful experience of the existing PDSF project.
Therefore, the following results are expected:
(a)Chinese policy-formulation, legislation and implementing provisions and structures from lessons learnt from European best practice, know-how and expertise is improved (Activity 1-7);
(b)Relations between the EU and China in the policy areas covered are strengthened (Activity 1-7).
The specific results of each PDSF-funded activity and its indicators of success will be defined in the quarterly Work Plans (which will include the overall Logical Framework and specific Terms of Reference for each activity).
Main Programme Activities
Policy Dialogues are organized at various levels, from working level up to ministerial level. Dialogues cantake the form of working groups, conferences, annual meetings or informal exchanges. Thedialogues are governed by agreements, Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) or declarations which set the priorities for action ineach respective sector.
PDSFII is designed to support and facilitate the implementation of specific activities within thesedialogues consisting of exchanges of expertise and best practices between the EU and China. Thefollowing forms of cooperation and interventions can be supported by PDSF II as part of activitiesproposed by the dialogues partners:
·Short-to-medium term studies;
·Logistical support for meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops;
·Internships for dialogue partners e.g. in standardization bodies, Member States institutions, EuropeanCommission services and Chinese administrations;
·Study visits and exchange of experts;
·External expertise relevant to policy dialogues including speakers, panelists, rapporteurs, facilitators andmoderators at conferences or meetings, and support to research;
·Translation and interpretation services to facilitate the above activities.
How to apply?
Applications for PDSFII support can be made by a Chinese line Ministry (or State Agency) and aEuropean Commission DG or EEAS. It is important that applications are supported in writing by boththe Chinese and European dialogue partners. PDSFII should not be regarded as just a facility tosupport ad hoc events. In general, activities should take place in China, but activities can also takeplace in EU Member States if part of a specific work plan.
·Applications prepared by Chinese line Ministries or State Agencies and European Commission DGs or EEAScan be submitted to the following email address: .
The PDSFII office in Beijing is also on hand to assist with detailed preparation of proposals.
How are proposals assessed?
Proposals may be submitted at any time, but cut-off dates are published on the PDSF website. Theywill be screened on the basis of pre-defined criteria. A decision on the selection of proposals is madequarterly by a Project Steering Committee, co-chaired by the EU Delegation in China and theMinistry of Commerce (MofCOM).
Full details of how to apply - including Application Guidelines - are available on the PDSF website The website is updated regularly with cut-off dates for submission ofproposals every 3 months.
To obtain more information, youmay contact the project Team Leader:.
Updated:27th May2015.