Staff Governance Committee (SGC) Report to Grampian NHS Board
Committee Meeting on 20 May 2014
Purpose of Report
This report updates the Grampian NHS Board on key issues arising from the Committee meeting on 20 May 2014.
The Board is asked to note the following key points:
- Recruitment 2020
In order for NHS Grampian to attract, retain and develop a skilled and flexible workforce work continues on a number of innovative recruitment solutions. Further examples are corporate materials for use at Career fairs and for Doctors to take to meetings abroad to promote NHS Grampian as an employer. There will be further work with The Robert Gordon University to highlight NHS Grampian as an employer of individuals who have not completed their nurse training, as potential Healthcare Support workers, to analyse why NHS Grampian does not recruit more local students and to promote NHS Grampian as an employer for students as an alternative to working in a public house.
- National Staff Survey
The next national survey will take place at the fixed date of June2014, with results expected in October 2014.
- Staff Governance Action Plan
The Staff Governance Standard national annual monitoring return 2013/14 had been submitted to the Scottish Government along with the Action Plans for 2013/14 and 2014/15. The summary of progress will be more fully populated in the future from the sector action plans.
- Learning and Development
Performance on Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) appraisals and objective setting continues to be reported. Across NHS Grampian review levels have improved reflecting the work done by General Managers, e-KSF champions, managers and other supporting staff who have worked with their teams to ensure that reviews and objectives were signed off by 31 March 2014. The Personal Development Plan (PDP) rate is increasing and there has been some improvement. However, it is still of concern given that all staff should have an agreed PDP in relation to ongoing statutory and mandatory training.
Using the AT-Learning system there has been on average 7,000 bookings per month during the period January to March 2014 for development activities.
There continues to be a comprehensive programme of leadership development and training for clinical and managerial staff at national and regional level across the North East Public sector, as well as within the Board.
Doctors at Work, which has been run in this format for four years, continues its success with 120 applicants in 2014, attracting applicants from Orkney, Shetland and out with Scotland.
- Staff Experience
The newly appointed NHS Grampian Staff Experience Manager gave an overview on iMatter, the NHS Scotland Staff Experience Tool, which will be rolled out after the online tool is available at the end of August 2014. A detailed implementation plan will be presented to the August 2014 GAPF and Staff Governance Committee.
The Staff Experience Continuous Improvement Framework for iMatter is a continuous improvement cycle representing key elements of a positive workplace experience, which had been mapped against the Healthcare Quality Strategy, MacLeod Enablers and KSF Core dimensions. It had been externally validated to be a robust and reliable measure of staff engagement, so Teams can see improvements and what they have done well for themselves giving a valuable opportunity to involve all in improvement activities. The preparatory work and awareness sessions were key so the focus is not on the survey but what the team actions are from the survey results.
- Attendance Management
Sickness absence continues to be 4.6% at the end of March 2014. This is an increase of 0.5% at the same period last year. In the last quarter the highest rates of absence were Dr Gray’s, Facilities and Moray CHP.
Terry Mackie
Staff Governance Committee
20 May 2014