St Raphael’s Catholic Primary School
2016 17 School Development Plan
The staff and governors have been involved during the preparation of this document which outlines how the opportunities for the children will be enhanced and the commitment to improve the quality of teaching and learning will be maintained.
Following a review of the previous SDP, self evaluation of the school (SEF), and in the light of this, the following areas have been prioritised. We h.ave a structured timetable to implement the changes and this will be monitored by assigned leaders and governors with the assistance of all staff, as set out in the monitoring timetable and programme of governor meetings and visits.
Area / Priority1 / RE and Catholic Life / • Increase pupil involvement in, and response to, the many opportunities provided for Collective Worship
• Develop the profile given to professional development training, especially for less experienced staff
2 / Achievement & Assessment /
- Further develop the new assessment system to ensure consistency of practice and progress, incorporating thorough moderation and reporting of findings.
- Develop opportunities for greater achievement in Maths Problem Solving, Reading and SPAG.
- Improve the use of assessment data by middle leaders to further enhance provision and outcomes.
3 / Teaching and Learning /
- Advance and embed internal coaching model in school.
- Enhance the teaching of use and application in maths, reading, SPAG and handwriting to ensure that all children are able to reach age related expectations by the time they finish in Year 6.
- Improve teacher knowledge of non-foundation subjects (PE, Music and Art).
4 / EYFS / Further improve the quality of provision in the early years in order to ensure that children always make good progress in developing their skills by ensuring that:
- assessments of what children already know and can do are rigorous and clearly informs children’s precise next steps in learning
- activities provided always have a clear purpose, particularly those as part of learning outdoors.
5 / Leadership /
- Establish the reduced SLT to ensure that they have effective roles and responsibilities.
- Develop further and embed the roles of middle leaders in:
- checking pupils’ progress
- the quality of teaching,
- Improve teacher’s subject knowledge of non-foundation subjects (PE, Music and Art).
- Ability to quantify the impact of their actions.
- Continued further refinement and embedding of a distinct St Raphael’s Curriculum.
6 / Behaviour and Safety /
- Further develop and embed the role of parents as stakeholders by extending how we consult with them (Parent Forum).
- Further develop and deliver parent workshops to support them in supporting their children in the new curriculum.
- Review policy and culture of school to ensure the wellbeing of staff.
1 / RE and Catholic Life / • Increase pupil involvement in, and response to, the many opportunities provided for Collective Worship
• Develop the profile given to professional development training, especially for less experienced staff
Rationale / •RE Inspection Key Points
•Ongoing progress from previous years developments
•Not moved on further due to staff absence
•Ongoing staff development - new staff and non-Catholic staff to be developed to further support Catholic traditions.
Success Criteria /
- House Captains leading weekly Chapel sessions
- All Houses Run assigned charity days
- All classes writing/ planning own mass
- Increased sense of Spirituality of children (measure through Pupil Voice)
- All staff to take part in Catholic training over the next 2 years.
2 / Achievement & Assessment /
- Further develop the new assessment system to ensure consistency of practice and progress, incorporating thorough moderation and reporting of findings.
- Develop opportunities for greater achievement in Maths Problem Solving, Reading and SPAG.
- Improve the use of assessment data by middle leaders to further enhance provision and outcomes.
Rationale /
- Embed new tracking system in light of the new harder curriculum.
- Focus on key areas that have greater depth in assessment (maths application, inference in reading, application of SPAG).
- Assessment to inform middle leaders of next steps so children access a wider, quality curriculum.
Success Criteria /
- Accurate, tracked, moderated assessments that inform T&L and interventions.
- Consistent use of data footprint.
- Evidence of children applying key skills to a greater depth within assessments – greater percentage of children depth.
- Middle leaders reporting and moderating assessments.
- Clear SPAG MAP in place with increased number at ARE with an aspirational target of 95%.
3 / Teaching and Learning /
- Advance and embed internal coaching model in school.
- Enhance the teaching of use and application in maths, reading, SPAG and handwriting to ensure that all children are able to reach age related expectations by the time they finish in Year 6.
- Improve teacher knowledge of non-foundation subjects (PE, Music and Art).
Rationale /
- Ensure consistent, cost effective in house CPD (an economic reality).
- Share good practice of existing staff
- Support staff new to year group (KS1).
- Support for Assessment and Achievement objective (see above).
- CPD so children access a wider, quality curriculum.
Success Criteria /
- All learning to be at least good with 35% outstanding (aspirational target).
- All staff to have a CPD cycle in place that is part of their appraisal process.
- T&L across the curriculum improved.
- 95% children at ARE
- Clear SPAG MAP in place with increased number at ARE with an aspirational target of 95%.
4 / EYFS / Further improve the quality of provision in the early years in order to ensure that children always make good progress in developing their skills by ensuring that:
- assessments of what children already know and can do are rigorous and clearly informs children’s precise next steps in learningactivities provided always have a clear purpose, particularly those as part of learning outdoors.
Rationale /
- OFSTED focus
- Continue with strong start to EYFS development with new EYFS team.
- Consolidate and improve GLD results from the previous three years.
Success Criteria /
- Improve attainment at end of year so 70+ children are ARE in FS1 and GLD improved to 80+%
- Observations to show ongoing assessment informing planning
- All observations to demonstrate clear purpose with a focus on outdoors.
5 / Leadership /
- Establish the reduced SLT to ensure that they have effective roles and responsibilities.
- Develop further and embed the roles of middle leaders in:
- checking pupils’ progress
- the quality of teaching,
- Improve teacher’s subject knowledge of non-foundation subjects (PE, Music and Art).
- Ability to quantify the impact of their actions.
- Continued further refinement and embedding of a distinct St Raphael’s Curriculum.
Rationale /
- Staffing changes
- Ofsted Oct 2015 – Further develop Middle Leaders, build on 2015 16 work.
- Children access a wider, quality curriculum.
Success Criteria /
- All coordinators to have an ongoing clear Causal Position Statement, action plan, evidence portfolio (including work and planning) and a communicated picture of attainment/ progress in their subject
- Further middle leaders to report to GB and SIP of progress in subject
- Reviewed annual curriculum statement on website
6 / Behaviour and Safety /
- Further develop and embed the role of parents as stakeholders by extending how we consult with them (Parent Forum).
- Further develop and deliver parent workshops to support them in supporting their children in the new curriculum.
- Review policy and culture of school to ensure the wellbeing of staff.
Rationale /
- New Framework increased focus on Parent Partnerships
- Continue success of workshops.
- Aim to disseminate the many changes in education to parents
- Support from home leading to pupil progress
- Review staff wellbeing in relation to previous changes in school.
Success Criteria /
- Workshops completed on topics starting with Maths
- Parent Forum continues feeding into future developments.
- A clear picture of staff wellbeing and next steps.
Where we have come from and where we want to go…
EYFS / Y1 / Y2 / Y4 / Y6
GLD / C&L / PSRN / PSED / Phonics / (L2) 12+ / (L2b) 15 + / (L3) 21+ / ARE / ARE+ / L4+ / L4b+ / L5+ / L6+
2014 / EYFS / 62% / 69% / 76% / 69%
Reading / 79% / 100% / 86% / 36% / 96% / 46% / 100% / 96% / 71% / 0
Writing / 96.5% / 75% / 25% / 77% / 16% / 96% / 46% / 4%
SPAG / 96% / 79% / 50% / 4%
Maths / 100% / 89% / 32% / 81% / 27% / 100% / 92% / 42% / 8%
Combined / 96% / 88% / 29% / 0
GLD / C&L / PSRN / PSED / Phonics / (L2) 12+ / (L2b) 15 + / (L3) 21+ / ARE / ARE+ / L4+ / L4b+ / L5+ / L6+
2015 / EYFS / 69% / 72% / 75.9% / 79.3%
Reading / 85% / 96% / 87.5% / 37.5% / 92% / 58% / 96% / 91% / 52% / 0%
Writing / 96% / 75% / 29% / 75% / 45% / 96% / 48% / 0%
SPAG / 96% / 91% / 61% / 0%
Maths / 96% / 92% / 29% / 84% / 57% / 100% / 96% / 61% / 22%
Combined / 91% / 87% / 39% / 0%
GLD / C&L / PSRN / PSED / Phonics / ARE / Above ARE / ARE / ARE+ / ARE / ARE +
2016 / EYFS / 64% / 68% / 68% / 72%
Reading / 84% / 86% / 21% / 85% / 8% / 86% / 14%
Writing / 79% / 21% / 88% / 15% / 90% / 14%
SPAG / 97% / 31%
Maths / 79% / 21% / 92% / 19% / 90% / 31%
Combined / 79% / 11% / 77% / 4% / 79% / 7%
GLD / C&L / PSRN / PSED / Phonics / ARE / Above ARE / ARE / ARE+ / ARE / ARE +
2017 / EYFS Target / 80% / 80% / 80% / 80% / FFTD in Brackets
Reading Target / 88% / 85% / 20% / 90% / 20% / 90% (**%) / 15%
Writing Target / 85% / 20% / 85% / 20% / 85% (**%) / 20%
SPAG Target / 90% (**%) / 30%
Maths Target / 85% / 20% / 85% / 20% / 90% (**%) / 30%
Combined Target / 80% / 10% / 80% / 10% / 85% / 12%
Year / Raise 2013 / Sept 13 to Aug 14 / Sept 14 to Aug 15 / 2016 (Summer HT Report) / 2016Attendance / 94.8 / 96.7% / 96.94% / 96.7% / 97%